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The Pen Pal Project: Mathilda to Giuliana 2


Dear Terseus, my brave and lovely apprentice!

It is not often that a Goddess must ask for forgiveness but in this case, it is warranted. It has been quite some time between your letter and my reply, so I beg your most humble pardon for letting such a large amount of time slip by. I can see you have been busy. I, too, have been occupied, which I will explain about here. What I have to tell is a great and true story with a real live hero – my own daughter, Alina.

But more about that in just a bit. Let us talk about you first, shall we?

My, such expressive writing you have! Your loops do, indeed, look happy. A letter is such a small thing, but small things most certain can and often do come packed with large amounts of joy. I’m so pleased my letter was such an occurrence for both you and your brother.



Your answer to your brother in regard to me doing his and your homework was a wise one. I am proud of you, o wise Terseus. We all have our crosses to bear, and passing the load entirely to someone else will only hurt you in the end, School and homework may seem like a chore (and believe me, some classes are harder to endure than others), but if done with diligence and your best effort, you will be a better person for it. There is much to learn in life and often times, the only way to accomplish it is by hands-on experience. Shortcuts, in many cases, will lead you down the wrong path or even get you lost.

Ah, but you know this as seen by your approach to the test I’ve given you. Exploring is one thing, and you get to see many magical wonders during exploration. However, exploring blindly won’t accomplish much. A map is most helpful, but sometimes there isn’t a clear one. However, you went seeking one in books. Oh, it might not be a physical map of sorts, but knowledge is its own kind of roadmap, is it not?



How wonderful that you’ve found a magical assistant! I’m happy for you. Jasper seems like a lovely assistant. I also have a magical assistant. Believe it or not, he is my magic mirror who is called Gunther. I have known Gunther a long, long tine, and I could not ask for a better assistant. If Jasper is but half the assistant Gunther is, then you are in excellent hands.

Again, you are a wise and brave soul, my dear apprentice! Often times, yes, thees tests are a secret but not always. You see, Jason could not have undertaken his mission without the help of the Argonauts, for sometimes it takes more than one person to accomplish something. I will leave it up to you as far as keeping it secret or not. If Jasper is someone you come to trust implicitly, perhaps telling him will help you in your quest. Think long and hard about it though and perhaps sleep on it, for this will be a difficult decision. There are those in the world who turn a blind eye to magic and refuse to believe that there is such a thing, let alone believing in the existence of Goddesses or otherworldly beings. Do not put your trust in the wrong person or it could lead to much heartache or even thwart your mission.

From what it sounds like, you have found a great friend and assistant in Jasper. Perhaps it’s another Dynamic Duo in the making.

I had to smile when you mentioned that perhaps Jasper wants to marry a tree. That might be a little hard to do since a tree can’t exchange marriage vows since it can’t talk in the way we do. A tree, I’m sure, makes a great listener, and you don’t have to worry about a tree mouthing off. It is said that it was fairies who planted the first trees and helped the very first flowers to blossom. They are all around us, fairies are, but most people are unaware of them.



There are many legends about how singing stones came to be. It’s one of those things best left to speculation. What is your take on it? I’m curious to know what your theory is. I will say this. They are wondrous and can perform many feats of magic, sometimes by themselves but they’re more powerful when put with other singing stones. Did you know there are even stones that act as time portals? That’s right. If the right conditions are met, certain stones can act as a gateway through time.

Now then, I promised you a story about a real life hero, didn’t I?


Alina (Medium)

Her name is Alina, and she is my very own daughter.

She is very, very brave but doesn’t realize just how brave she is. You see, she traveled through time from a long, long time ago to now. She did this so her life would be saved. Where she was from, the people didn’t take kindly to witches. Many were killed and innocent people were burned at the stake.


Robin & Alina Wedding 1 (Medium)

She had to get used to a completely different way of life and did it admirably. She is now married to a nice young man named Robin.



They are very happy and love each other very, very much. However, there was one thing tht was seriously wrong. Alina was under a curse that was put on her by an evil fairy.


Robin Holding Alina Unconscious 3 (Medium)

To be rid of it, Alina had to travel to the world of the spirits, and Robin went there to bring her back. It worked out and everyone is safe, but both Robin and Alina had to be extremely brave to go on such a journey. Because of what she did and her willingness to take on such a dangerous thing, she will always be a hero in my eyes.



There are other heroes I know and will tell you about them if you want to hear their stories. For now, I will end by once again congratulating you for getting off to a great start with your quest. Stay the course, brave Terseus, and let your heart be your guide.

Your friend and Goddess,


The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Emily 5


Dear Emily,

How lovely it was to receive your letter. It is always a delight to hear from ye, Miss Emily.

Och, lassie! I’m relieved to hear ye are feeling better about things and that I could help. There is no need to be thanking me for listening. We are friends, so ye can tell me anything you want or need to. I promise I will listen and even offer a virtual shoulder to cry on when ye need it. As to thinking ye are crazy, not a chance. I’ve seen and done things that most people would never dream of, so hearing that ye are great friends with Death is a drop in the bucket for me.



Ye reminded me so much of my Lenora when ye referred to me as kind and wise. When she’d cone to me with what looked to be the biggest problem anyone ever had, I’d give her a couple of solutions I guessed she’d be open to. When it worked itself out or blew over, she’d throw her wee arms about me and say, “You’re the smartest, nicest, wisest Grandda ever!” Well, my heart was fit to burst, it was, because I loved her so much. Still do, and seeing her and the others I love happy makes being a Grandda extra special.

Ah, life and death, a never ending cycle. A spiral that loops back onto itself is like a circle in that it has no beginning and no end. It has all kinds of twists and turns but ye always end up in the same place eventually.



Ye are absolutely right abut how sometimes people get out of that spiral. My Mathilda comes to mind, for if anyone is out of that spiral, she is. Mathilda can be very intimidating but once she gets to caring about someone, ye won’t have a better ally. Aside from me, Lenora will be the best person to tell ye that. I think ye’d like her and I believe Mathilda would like ye very much, too.



It’s funny ye should mention ghosts. Just the other day, my wee Great-great granddaughter, Tara emailed me and asked me about them. Seems she has a wee ghostie for a pen pal, so she had some questions for Mathilda and me. She asked how people became ghosts and why they’re stuck in or near the place they died. Here is the gist of what Mathilda and I told her.

Ghosts, or spirits, are imprints of a dead person that is left behind. Sometimes they go on to the Elysian Fields if they’re very good whilst others end up in the Bad Place if they’re wicked and evil. Others who are neither very good nor exceedingly bad go to a sort of in-between place until the gods and goddesses decide what is best for them.

However, there are others who just get stuck, like Tara’s pen pal. She remains rooted to this world, but in a way, she is not there since most people cannot see or hear her. Ones like that have usually gotten stuck for a reason. Perhaps they were afraid to die and so chose to live an afterlife like that. Others are confused and have lost their way, so they are waiting to be guided to their rightful place. Others may have died before their allotted time and therefore cannot leave until certain things come to pass. it goes on and on, so it’s impossible for most people to surmise why Tara’s pen pal got stuck. There are witches and wizards who specialize in that sort of thing, so they probably have more answers than I do. If given the choice (and I was when I passed on), I would not want that kind of existence.



What I did get, thankfully, were opportunities to visit when I was needed. I visited a lot when Lenora lost her first husband and son in the plane crash. I spoke to Mathilda as often as I could and was granted permission to visit Lenora from time to time. I was happy to spemd that time after my death with my Anne and other loved ones who left before me, but I reckon even then, I knew I was meant to return to life some day.

So yes, I think ye are right about ghost sometimes popping through the spiral sometimes to say hi. My Anne certainly did that with the flowers and sometimes I see my Maggie when I especially miss her. Not all of the dead get to come back even for short visits but I believe they find ways of whispering to us. Perhaps messages from them are carried on the wind or heard within the crackle of a cozy fire. Ye never know sometimes.



It was lovely to see a glimpse into your relationship with Tad. Thank ye for sharing such a wonderful gift with me, Miss Emily! As I was doing a wee bit of woodworking, I thought about some of the things ye mentioned, especially about how multiple universes is a concept too big to really comprehend, My Great-grandson, Chris, is interested in anything having to do with space travel and parallel universes. He’s a major sci-fi fan who loves to bend your ear about all these different theories he has. One day, he handed me a book by none other than Stephen King called “Skeleton Crew” that had a marked page. “Read this, Grandda! This one will really creep you out.” I chuckled as I opened the book to the marked page and saw a story there called The Jaunt.

That evening, I sat in my easy chair and did just that. It was a pretty short story, so it didn’t take me long to read. The concept was about how man conquered distance traveling via teleportation, making him capable of traveling to long distances, even to other planets in a matter of mere milliseconds. The only catch was, ye had to be asleep whilst in transit or ye will come to great peril. I won’t spoil the rest of the story or the outcome, but I’ll tell ye the reason ye had to be asleep to undertake a journey through “the jaunt.” Ye see, as the body teleports, it de-atomizes itself, then reforms at the destination. It happens immediately, so there is no puff of smoke or loud bang – it just happens. One instant, ye are in one place and before the eye can blink, ye are somewhere else. However, conscious thinking continues and to the mind, the journey takes an eternity. Basically, the alert mind cannot handle such a thing, so a person or living thing remaining awake goes hopelessly insane and then dies. It is a strange, chilling wee story but well worth the read.

So ye see, there are certainly things the mind just isn’t capable of enduring,



Luckily for people like Mathilda and me, teleportation doesn’t leave us in that state and we can do it under our own steam. Even so, it is a skill that requires practice for a witch or wizard to accomplish proficiently and without ill effects. Many witches and wizards still prefer traditional means of travel, and of course, there is still the tried and true broomstick.



I am pleased both ye and Tad enjoyed that Twilight Zone episode. I showed it to Mathilda, who grew rather thoughtful.



“You know what, Liam?” she asked, her lovely eyes seeming to look into another life. “it is said that as people age, they become wiser and more accepting. In my case, I wonder if that’s really true in some areas.”

“Now, Mathilda, love, how can ye even say that?” I asked her, perplexed.

She sighed almost wearily and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Miss Emily, it is not often I see Mathilda in such a contemplative, brooding state. She said, “To this day and even after everything I’ve seen, I’m still a coward. I wanted immortality so I could have all the time in the world to make a name for myself. But the biggest reason was that I was afraid to die. Once a coward, always a coward, at least in this instance. Call me narcissistic and vain, but I cannot imagine a world without me in it.”

“If it makes ye feel any better, love, I cannot imagine a world without ye in it either,” I said.

She just smiled and patted my cheek. “You’re married to an old fool, Liam dear.”

“Better an old fool such as ye than a fresh young thing who doesn’t know which end is up or down,” I grinned at her.

She kissed my cheek and smiled again. “How about if we have Lenora, Alina, and the others over for dinner tonight? It’s been a while since we’ve had everyone together.”

I agreed, and Mathilda went to the kitchen to start the preparations. My Mathilda can be hard to understand for some folks but never for me. This was her way of saying that although she had a never-ending life, she still wanted to cherish beautiful moments with those she loves. I didn’t try to placate her fear or even tell her she shouldn’t feel that way. Ye see, when Mathilda shares something of this magnitude about herself, it’s a plain and simple fact and not something to be debated. Plus, it’s not something she shares with just anyone.

I mentioned to her that I wanted to share this with ye, and she just shrugged. I’d already told her a little about ye and gave her a barebones rundown of subjects we’ve written to each other about. Not to worry though. I didn’t divulge anything ye asked me to keep silent and would never do that. Mathilda understands that and is happy that ye and I have found such a great friendship.

Anyway, as I said, she just shrugged and blew a strand of hair from her face. “I think I like her. She’s got spunk and a thirst for knowledge, and I like that.” She then waved her hand and produced a beautiful blue gem. It’s one I’d never seen before, and I suspected it must have come from some other world she’s visited. Her explanation confirmed it. “This was mined from a world called Utopiana. Send this to your friend and tell her to put it under her pillow when she goes to sleep after a bad or long day. It’ll keep nightmares away and she’ll wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Warn her not to use it every night, for she’ll develop a tolerance to it if overused. Then, it’s effects won’t work on her anymore.”

So, Miss Emily, here is a gift from a true goddess who sends it to ye with many blessings and well wishes. This is a very rare, special honor, for my Mathilda does not give out such things lightly. I hope it brings ye peace and a sens of well-being whenever ye need some extra magic in your life.



As I said, it was such a nice gift, me getting a glimpse into your relationship with your uncle. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about your talk and how he asked ye to play your guitar for him. Most people never think of Death as having human qualities and feelings. I’m certain that as long as he does not interfere with events that are destined to happen, writing to a pen pal would be fine for him. Perhaps that will do him and a potential pen pal a world of good. As Chris (yes, the same Chris I mentioned above) likes to say, “All work and no play makes for a very dull, dull day.” Anyway, it sounds like ye got some great advice about stage fright, and playing and singing with your uncle helped ye feel not so terrified to play for the wedding. I’m certain ye will do amazingly at the wedding. If it has already occurred, well, I’m certain ye did amazingly.



People who have “extra” in the area of musical or artistic talent always amazes me. When your uncle sang in three voices at once, did he harmonize with himself? Now that takes talent. 🙂

And speaking of extra musical talent, I’m going to be a proud Great Grandda and brag about my wee Aurora. Ye see, she is no ordinary singer, our Aurora. Her voice, itself, is laced with magic as is any of the music she plays and sings. Not only does she have extraordinary healing powers within her voice and music, but she can conjure any mood she wants her listeners to feel by simply singing or playing an instrument like the piano. She can do other things as well, and it always strikes me dumb when she gets going. It’s so beautiful ye don’t dare to even want to breathe. Her voice sounds like a thousand angels at once with voice upon voice complimenting each other perfectly. When she sings a darker piece, it gives ye shivers. But when she sings something melodic and lovely, it makes ye want to weep for more if she were to stop.

We are told that her gifts and abilities are very rare, even in our magical world. She is destined for something very, very special and even has a prophecy told about her by an ancient Seer. I shall tell ye more about that in another letter.



Food is a fabulous way to end a letter. Isn’t it funny how something that sounds quite awful turns out to be delicious? Your lemon meringue pies sound lovely! Your sister going Vegan – that’s quite a lifestyle change. I do hope she’s taking some extra vitamins and supplements because she will need those due to cutting out certain things in her diet that the body needs to remain healthy. I’m afraid Veganism (if that is a word) won’t be visiting this family. We are Irish, need I say more? 🙂 Meat and potatoes is a staple in our family, as is Guinness and a lively jig.

Well Miss Emily, I have, once again, written ye a novella.  Wishing ye many blissful days and lovely, mild nights.

Your friend always,


The Pen Pal Project: Terrill to Leroy 1

Warning! Some rough language present in this post. Read at your own discretion. 


Terrill on Computer 4 (Medium)

Dear Leroy,

I saw your profile on the Pen Pal Project and thought I’d write you. It looks like we have quite a bit in common, so here goes.

My name’s Terrill Maldonado, male, single but in love with a terrific, beautiful lady, and a resident of Aurora Skies. I’d say my life is pretty good now but it always wasn’t so. I always believed in those defining moments that shape us, kick us in the ass, and gives life its direction. Life can turn on a dime; mine certainly did.

I was your average run-of-the-mill kind of guy. I minded my own business, did my work, and just meandered through life. I went to college, got a degree in business administration, and started my own music store and instrument repair shop. I’d had aspirations of being the next Mick Jagger (who doesn’t dig the Stones?). As these things often go, it turned out that I didn’t have the talent or the chops to take on that kind of life. I dig classic rock tunes but I prefer clean living to substance abuse that inevitably goes along with hardcore concerts, no privacy from being too famous, and all the other shit. Call me a dork but at least I’m a dork with no major vices.


Terrill Playing Guitar 2 (Medium)

I might not be Teen Idol material but I still enjoy playing the tunes, mainly for myself. At least this way, nobody ends up booing me or throwing rancid veggies my way. “Play to your strengths and work with what you got, love,” my wife, Betsy always told me. She was a good woman, Betsy was, and she was known for her sound and practical advice.

I already said I was single, but believe me, that wasn’t by choice. Betsy died of cancer not even three years after we were married. She was always the picture of health, so it was traumatic when we found out she was sick. By the time we discovered it, it was too late and there wasn’t much we could do except keep her comfortable and wait for the end, It gutted me and riddled me with guilt for a long time after. I never ignored or neglected Betsy, but I always felt that if I’d paid more attention, we might have caught it in time.

Well, life moves on but I sometimes still find myself talking to her. You never quite get over something like that and I’ll always miss her, but I’m to the point now where I feel like I can live again. Besides, if Betsy were to see me moping and blubbering in my beer, she’d kick my ass royally and tell me to buck up, that there was still plenty of life to live. Like always, she happens to be right.


Debbie (Medium)

I realized I found what I’d been looking for when I met Debbie, the lady I’m in love with. She’s smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, sweet, funny, and loving…but she’s got baggage and lots of it. I’ll just say she’s been through Hell and back several times and it’s damaged her. It took her a long time to let me in but even now, I feel like there are times she holds back on me. I somehow need to make her believe I won’t hurt her, but that’s easier said than done.


Debbie Holding Nathaniel (Medium)

She’s got a cute little son and is an excellent mother. Call me a sap, but both he and his mother stole my heart the instant I met them.


Terrill Tossing Nathaniel in Air 1 (Medium)

It’s funny. Kids always seem to like me, and Nathaniel was no different. I don’t mind being a big playmate as long as I get some playtine in with his mother, too.


Debbie & Terrill Kissing 1 (Medium)

Debbie and I are to the point now where we’ve become more intimate. She was reluctant to start a relationship, so I had to bide my time. I convinced her to have lunch with me, and that went well. We just talked about a lot of things and became comfortable around each other rather easily. It grew from there, and it was clear to see there was mutual attraction for both of us.


Debbie & Terrill on Couch 1 (Medium)

I’m trying to take things as slowly as she wants and needs so as not to scare her. Sometimes, it’s like dealing with a cornered, frightened kitten, and that’s where I’m at a loss. We have a good thing going and I sure as hell don’t want to fuck it up,


Terrill Exercising 2 (Medium)

When I’m not trying to impress the crap out of Debbie, I’m either working, jamming out some tunes, or having a workout. Exercise is good for blowing off some steam and dealing with frustration. Sometimes I have a love-hate relationship with the bench press; I love it – it hates me. Still, we’re bosom buddies.


Terrill on Computer 1 (Medium)

Well, I guess this is pretty decent for an introductory letter. It’d be cool if you want to write back but it’s all good if you don’t. Betsy always said, “Don’t sweat the small stuff and it’s all small stuff.” Life, man! What a trip, eh?


The Pen Pal Project: Silvan’s Profile

Silvan 4 (Medium)

Name: My full title is His Royal Highness Prince Silvan McBeth of the Fae, but just call me Silvan or Prince Silvan if ye have a hankering for such formalities.

Select your age bracket: 700+

Desired age of pen pal: When ye have lived as many decades and centuries as I have, age becomes simply a number. Therefore, as long as one is able to form letters and decipher a missive, I will be happy to correspond with any wee one on up.

Vocation: I am a Scotsman, need I say more? That, in itself, is a full time vocation. I am a prince, so I am familiar with matters of state and diplomacy between lands. Whilst residing in places other than the Fae Kingdom, I have worked many a profession. Ye name it, I have likely done it. Right now, I am working in the medical profession as a physician. I also volunteer at an orphanage, which is where my fiance and I met our wee daughter and adopted her. At this moment, I am wishing for Aurora, my fiance, to dump that sleazy agent she has and let me manage her singing career. What it comes down to in a nutshell is that I’m a jack of all trades and easily adaptable to most situations.

How many pen pals would you like? 1 or 2 starting off would be excellent. If the need to add more arises, it is certainly a negotiable prospect.

What qualities would you like in a pen pal? I have lived a long, long tine and have come in contact with people from many walks of life. Nothing surprises me, so I’m open to just about any kind of person. The exception is hardened criminals. I have a family to think about, so their safety is first and foremost.




Would you like to meet your pen pal face-to-face? Aye, of course! If that were to happen, I’ll even be sure to throw in front row seats and backstage passes to one of Aurora’s concerts. Not to worry. she’ll do anything for me. Oh, she’ll razz me a bit, roll her eyes, poke me in the gut, and tell me I owe her big time, but she’ll do it anyway. Damned Irishwoman is a hardened case, she is. Now see? If she’d let me manage her career, we wouldnae have to go through all this red tape.

All kidding aside, Aurora and I enjoy visits from friends and have plenty of room to put ye up.


Silvan Playing With Tara 1 (Medium)

Describe yourself in a few sentences: I am a typical fairy who enjoys a funny prank now and again, I’m still a wee big kid at heart sometimes, especially when having a grand time with my daughter.


Emmaline & Silvan 1 (Medium)

Life hasnae been all fun and games, however. I’ve done some things I’m not proud of, ye ken. I enjoyed the company of the ladies too much, which got me into a whole mess of trouble. It went too far and I broke some substantial rules. My mother readily found out, of course and was far from amused.


Aurora & Silvan 8 (Medium)

Let us just say even a prince can fall from grace. My mother sent me away to live on Earth until I was ready to grow up and settle down. I was verra resentful of her at first but now understand that she did it for my own good. Had she not banished me, I would never have met my Aurora, my beautiful angel.

I can cone across as sarcastic, even caustic at times, but I’m a likable enough kind of fellow once ye get to know me. Her Da may disagree somewhat. I think he is still unsure of my intentions toward Aurora. Aurora tells me there is a distinctly different side of me when I am with ones I deeply love. I reckon she is right, for she usually is about these things. Being someone with empathic powers gives her a good handle on most people.


Silvan 1 (Medium)

Hobbies & Interests: I enjoy the typical fairy things like gardening, music, and poetry. I like anything from rebuilding computers to working out. To relax, reading and painting are things I gravitate to. Sometimes I just like watching some TV or listening to Aurora practice her music. I love to travel and plan to take Aurora and Tara on many lovely holidays.

The Pen Pal Project: Tara to Lori 1


Dear Lori,

I was so happy to get your letter! I was starting to wonder if I’d ever get a pen pal. Werewolves freak some people out so I’m not surprised, but it’s nice when I’m not thought of as this frothing, mindless monster the movies always make werewolves out to be. Grandda Tyrone says the movies use a lot of Hollywood smoke and mirrors and that most wolves aren’t like that. There are different branches though and some packs are feral when they transform. I guess that can be good and bad, but I like being able to keep my mind. It makes being a werewolf beneficial in some ways.

I’ve never written to a ghost or even met one up close. What was it like to die? Sorry if it sounds rude. Did it hurt and were you afraid as it happened? To me, it would kinda suck to croak when you’re a kid. Adults like telling kids what to do all the tine and I bet it’s no different when you’re a ghost.

I suppose it makes sense that you might not believe in Hell. I mean, dying and ending up as a ghost makes it hard to go to the Bad Place or even the Good Place. I mean, you’re still in the world but in a way you’re not because most people can’t see or hear you, right? That must have been awfully lonely.


Tara & Silvan 1 (Medium)

Oh yes! Fairies really do exist. One of my besties, Bliss, is a fairy, and of course, there’s Da and Aunt Crystal and my cousins Albus and Cody. Plus, there’s the fairy queen and Cousin Carson. They definitely can fly and their wings are so pretty! Da says the colors of their wings match whatever personality the fairy has, I don’t quite understand it all but I guess fairies can sort of see inside people or something.


Silvan Playing With Tara 3 (Medium)

Most of the time, fairies are regular size but they can shrink down really small. Da likes to shrink down to this teeny, tiny speck and all you can see is a spot of red, which are his wings. He likes to tickle me and brush my nose with his wings, which makes me giggle. They can even shrink down so small that you can’t see them. They can see you but you can’t see them. It’s kinda like being invisible, which would be really cool, especially if you needed to see something and don’t want anyone knowing you’re there.

I’m not sure about what kind of babies a werewolf and fairy would have. It would be really cool to be a winged wolf but I don’t think that’s how it works most of the time. I guess you’re either one or the other but you might have something in your blood that has both fairy and werewolf stuff. I’ll have to ask Da if winged wolves have ever happened.

It really is kinda funny, me being a werewolf and getting to be a princess in a fairy kingdom. Having a title is going to be really cool but I don’t know if it’ll mean that much here. We won’t live in the fairy kingdom regularly so I guess it’ll be back to business as usual once we go back home after the wedding and stuff. Still, I love the idea of being a princess no matter what. 🙂

Oh gosh! Listen to me talking about traveling to other lands while you’re stuck where you are! Man, that has to totally suck chicken balls. I mean, if I couldn’t go anywhere, the guys in white coats would be hauling me away in a straight jacket, kicking and screaming. Let me explain. The guys in white coats are doctors that take care of people who are sick in the head. You know, crazy, loony, insane, that kind of thing. A straight jacket is this white jacket thing they strap you into if you’re barking so you can’t hurt yourself or others. It laces up the back and forces your arms in front of you like you’re hugging yourself. I’ve never had to wear one but I heard tell it’s really uncomfortable. Anyway, it can’t be much fun to be forced to stay in one place.

I saw this movie once called “Ghost” and it was about this guy who died and became a ghost. He couldn’t pick up anything solid and he could walk through walls. White Wolf wasn’t happy that Bliss, Lisa, and I watched that movie because it had some bad words and a bedroom scene. Anyhow, Sam – that was the ghost – had to concentrate really hard to learn how to pick up stuff like a book or a pencil. Is it like that for you?


Stefano Helping Tara With Homework 1 (Medium)

There’s someone very special in my life named Stefano. You see, wolves have this thing that sometimes happens to them called Imprinting or Indenting. It’s when this magic that guides this kind of thing kicks in when they meet their true soulmate for the very first time. It’s hard to explain. it’s kind of like Stefano is the person who makes it so I don’t float away from the earth, Anyway, he says that “nice” is a subjective concept and that “good” and “bad’ isn’t necessarily black and white. He says that in his work, he has to deal with some nasty people like murderers and drug dealers and stuff. Some people don’t consider him nice at all but I think he’s absolutely wonderful! He’s Da’s bestie and Ma likes him a lot, so that has to count for something. I guess what I’m saying is, you don’t have to smell like a flower or sing sunshine songs to be nice. I mean, if you were ALL bad, you wouldn’t want to talk to anyone, let alone be someone’s pen pal, right?

When your adopted mom died, did she get to come back to be with you? It would suck if she had to go to another place where you wouldn’t be able to see her again. What is it like to have a vampire visit you? My Stefano is a vampire and is the only one I know, really. His hands are always cold and he doesn’t have a heartbeat. He doesn’t even need to breathe but he can still talk anyway. He has this glorious Italian accent that I think is totally romantic!


Tara Doing Ballet (Medium)

A waltz is a kind of dance, like ballet, but different. It’s beautiful when it’s done right. The couple just glides across the floor so gracefully to this happy music you feel in threes. Like if you count, ONE, two, three. ONE, two, three. It’s done a lot at weddings and other parties. And yes, that is exactly what an actress is. They pretend to be a different character and put on shows and plays and such. I guess it’s sort of like the bards in Medieval times. Sometimes they can sing and play instruments but that’s not always the case anymore unless they’re performing in a musical or something. It would be such a fun job and something I would love to do.



Ma does performing too but for her, it’s a little different. She gets on stage and sings a bunch of songs. She’s a singer and her shows are called concerts. It’s so cool, especiaily because she doesn’t get stage fright. She can even do magic when she sings and plays the piano or guitar. She can heal people from whatever makes them sick when she sings or plays, and she can get people to feel a certain way if she wants them to. Da says it takes a special and rare kind of magic to be able to do it. She did it once for me when I had a tummy ache and fever. Instead of having to drink some awful medicine, she sang to me and it went away How cool is that!

I’ve been playing the piano about two years now. I’m getting quite good, if I may say so. We were lucky. White Wolf was always able to find us special teachers for those kinds of things, so I was able to take piano and ballet lessons. Ma says I can start vocal and guitar lessons soon, and Grandda and Grams are getting me a drama coach. I’m so excited!

Your questions are fine by me. I guess we’re a lot alike in that way. I ask a lot of questions, too. Ma says it’s rude to ask certain questions but hey, I’m just curious. Life is too short to live it in the dark, after all. As far as afterlife goes, I reckon you gotta get your kicks somehow, so why not ask questions? Nobody can take a swat at you for it anyway since you can just drift away or something, right?



I hope you can write back really soon.

Your friend,


The Pen Pal Project: Lenora to Meadow 4


Hello, Meadow my dear friend!

It was such a joy to hear from you and to read your letter. It always brings a smile to my face hearing your lovely stories about little Jena. It brings me back to when my own wee ones were little. Och, they are adorable at that age, but ah, they can be a handful. Each one has their own personality and ways of expressing themselves.


Tyrone Teaching Aurora to Walk (Medium)


When I think back on those times, it seems like a lifetime ago. They are all grown up now and living their own lives. I am so proud of all of them but och, sometimes I do miss those sweet, innocent times. The world will always turn and go forward but sometimes the heart wants to go back and relive those moments.

As you know by now, my life is far from ordinary. In some ways, we’re like any other family, but in others, it can be quite hard ti digest for some people. It always makes me happy when someone can keep an open mind and understand that there is more to the world than what necessarily meets the eye. In some circles, supernatural beings must keep their abilities secret for fear of opening a Pandora’s box that cannot be closed. In my opinion, caution is one thing but I do not believe in keeping secrets from friends and others I care about. As much as I love the Harry Potter series, I don’t believe in the level of secrecy that universe’s magical people must live with. So, my lovely friend, as long as you are interested in this thing we call magic, I’ll absolutely be more than happy to share it with you.


Lenora Hugging Alina 1 (Medium)

I must confess, you are not the only one to ask how I kept inside me the person I was after all that I’d experienced. The other day, I was having a conversation with my sister, Alina, and we were talking about that very thing. Och, I don’t think I’ve told you about Alina. She isn’t my blood sister but she might as well be, for we are that close. She is Mathilda’s daughter and the sister I never had. Alina, herself, has a fascinating story. She is proof that time travel does exist, for she came from Medieval times to live in the present day. She is married to Tyrone’s and my nephew, Robin, and they are planning to start a family.


Robin & Alina Crying 1 (Medium)

When I was missing and presumed dead, poor Alina was so distraught that it led to her having a terrible accident that caused all kinds of problems. After everything happened, I felt horrible about my part in causing her such grief. I was concerned about her and as sisters, do, I did all I could to help her through it. As we talked and hugged, she told me she was amazed at how I was trying to help everyone else when I should have been concerned mainly about myself. I simply told her that when you love someone, you are there for them no matter what. We do for each other and that’s just the way it is.

You came to that conclusion and it is absolutely accurate; it is the love that keeps me the way I am. If I didn’t have so many people who love me and who I love, it would be an entirely different matter, I’m sure. Despite all that has happened to me, I know I am a very fortunate and blessed woman, indeed.



You are absolutely right about people being more resilient than they think. Oh, there are always exceptions, but most people fight on. My wee ones are perfect examples. It still causes me horrible pain at how much my family suffered when they thought me dead. Tyrone was a hot mess and had all he could do to see to the wee ones. Thank Ariadne (Ariadne is the Goddess of all witches with Mathilda being second only to her) we had other family to help him and the kids. When I returned, it took a good deal of time and effort to set about healing everyone’s suffering. We managed it though and to this day, our wee ones remain a solid team. I think our family ended up closer than ever, but och, I wish never to see any of them suffer like that again!



As I read your story about Jena and Mrs. Goodenugh, my mind went back once again to when my wee ones were little. It’s quite fascinating, really, when they get to that point in their development where they create imaginary worlds and friends to dwell in them. We had this wardrobe that I magicked so it would take the kids to a faraway fantasy world. For all I know and with the way they described it, I believe they actually made it to Narnia! Being the family we are, I was not one of those disbelieving parents who dismisses such stories. I listened to their adventures and stories enthusiastically and told them of my own adventures in such a world when I was their age.

It is my wee Aurora I think about most when I recollect these times. Oh, she was always such a dreamer, my Aurora, and still is. She always knew she would meet and fall in love with a fairy prince. She even told me that she frequently dreamed of her fairy prince ever since she was little but could never see his face.



That was how it was until she met her Silvan. I told you the story of how he saved her by pulling her out of her car. Well, now that they are together, she often tells me she has the same dreams but now, she can see his face. I never disbelieved her and always reminded her that there is all kinds of magic at work around us and that she is a very special person to have had those dreams.

I think the mind is a miraculous and fascinating thing. I believe it does, indeed, help us cope with the hardships and helps us to try to recover from those hard knocks life can bring us. It also acts as a defense mechanism to protect us from certain harm. I once asked Landon if he remembered the plane crash. He told me he remembered everything up to the impact; that impact was what killed him and his father. You see, Landon had a rare experience and was able to come back to the world of the living, which I am eternally thankful for. Anyway, he said he didn’t remember hitting the water. He knew they were going down and that his father believed they would die. Then, everything went black and Landon awoke in the world of the spirits.

So in answer to your question, dear friend, yes, I do believe our minds are capable of helping us overcome and deal with things that seem impossible. I am living proof of that. Always remember though that it is not only the mind at work. Our hearts and everything inside that makes each of us unique also has a part in it.



Och, I am so elated that we’ve become friends, beautiful Meadow, so there is no need to be thanking me. I feel so blessed to have you as a friend and will always be yours.

With lots of love,


The Pen Pal Project: Terrill’s Profile


Name: Terrill Maldonado

Select your age bracket: 35-40

Desired age of pen pal: I’m not picky. Age is relative and you’re only as old as you feel.

Vocation: Business owner and part-time paramedic. I own a chain of music stores and instrument repair shops. I also work as a volunteer paramedic for the Aurora Skies EMS.

How many pen pals would you like? 1-2

What qualities do you desire in a pen pal? This gave me a lot to think about. I’m always up for new friendships, really. I’m an introvert who has learned to be more outgoing over the years. I guess I’m looking for a friend to help with the loneliness or someone I can talk to about the hard knocks of life. See, Betsy, my first wife, died of cancer a few years ago and I was beside myself with grief. Once I got a bit more grounded, I went on a reality TV dating show, of all things, and hoped to win the Golden Lady. I came in third but the Golden Lady who happens to be Lenora Landgraab is definitely a gem. She’s with a good man now and we’ve remained good friends.


Terrill on Computer 1 (Medium)

I wasn’t heartbroken or anything beause I was smart enough to realize we didn’t have the spark. The friendship with her and her family has been great and all, but I’m looking for something more. It’s not been easy though. The lady I’m in love with has been through pure hell and sometines I’m at a loss as to how to help her. She’s a packaged deal since she has a little boy but that doesn’t bother me in the slightest. He’s a cute little kid, so what’s not to love, right?

I realize it’s a long-winded way of saying I’d enjoy having a pen pal who’s been there, ya know? Someone with true grit.

Would you like to meet your pen pal face-to-face? Sure, why not! I’ve got a spare bedroom if my pen pal is male, and Aurora Skies is a nice place to visit. I’m also game to travel, so either way works for me.


Terrill on Computer 5 (Medium)

Describe yourself in a few sentences: As stated above, I’m a widower but pursuing a relationsip with a terrific lady. I’m a low-key kind of guy who rolls with the punches most of the time. My ire can occasionally be raised given the right kind of situation for it. I’m a bit of a workaholic. Until I met the lady I’m in love with, there was no one to come home to, so it was easier just to put in the long hours to keep my mind off of things. I’m pursuing the idea of writing a thriller novel but am unsure if that’ll ever get off the ground. I enjoy reading, but actually writing a book is an entirely different animal.


Terrill Playing Guitar 2 (Medium)

Hobbies & Interests: I guess I’m what the school kids would call a dork. I was a band nerd, having played the trumpet and other stuff. I picked up guitar as a teenager and like to play and warble those classic rock tunes. You know, like the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. Elvis is okay but let’s talk grit, shall we? The Stones is where it’s at. I sorta had this fantasy of being the next Mick Jagger but then I grew up and realized I didn’t have the chops for that kind of life nor the talent necessary. I still enjoyed music though, so I opened my own small music store and repair shop. It grew from there and now I do quite well.

I enjoy reading a good book, mainly mysteries and thrillers. I’m a big fan of Dean Koontz and have been known to read the occasional Stephen King novel. I like tinkering around with stuff and learning about how stuff works. I’m a collector of fountain pens, vintage and modern, Along with that comes ink and nice quality paper to put it to good use. I like traveling to the different pen shows and adding to my ever growing collection. My goal is to drum up enough interest to start a pen club in Aurora Skies.


Terrill Exercising 2 (Medium)

I’m all for a good healthy dose of exercise. In this day and age, people often suffer from a lack of movement, A good workout is refreshing for both the body and the soul.


Author’s Note: Terrill can be seen in my story As Tears Go By, which you can find under the “Other Works by Me” section on this blog. We’ll be getting to know Terrill a lot more through his letters as well as in the story. I’d wanted to work in my love of fountain pens in my stories somewhere and I think Terrill will make a good start. You’ll occasionally see pictures of pens, which most being are in my collection.

The Handwriting Challenge

Hiya, everyone!

I’m working on some new things for my stories, but meanwhile, I got tagged to do the handwriting challenge in this post by Thymeless. This looked like fun, so here we go.

The Rules:

  • Write your name
  • Write your blog’s name
  • Write your favorite word and its definition
  • Write something nice
  • Write the name of your favorite song right now
  • What are you writing with?
  • Write a fun fact about yourself
  • Write/draw your favorite emoticon
  • Write a silly message
  • Write who you’re tagging


Handwriting Challenge



Wahl-Eversharp Pen

Here is a picture of the pen I used. It’s a newly designed Wahl-Eversharp fountain pen. Wahl-Eversharp was a pen company way back when who went out of business. The rights to the name was recently purchased, so now, new pens are made to revitalize the vintage designs. This was the crown jewel of what I got at this year’s (2017) Chicago Pen Show. It has been inked with Mont Blanc Blue Hour.

The notebook I used is a Rhodia notepad. This paper is awesome for fountain pens, as it takes the ink beautifully and doesn’t bleed through. Sorry for the smears at the end. Fountain pen ink can take a little bit to dry, and I accidentally seared it when I went to move the paper.

The people I am tagging are CathyTeaRipuAncestorLisabeeSims, and AudreyFLD.

Hope you all enjoy. 🙂

The Pen Pal Project: Alina to Jasper 2


Greetings, Jasper!

It was such a joy to receive your letter. It brought such a bright smile to my face and with everything we have been through, it was needed.


Lian Giving Alina Away (Medium)

Liam is such a dear man. Lenora is so fortunate to have him for a Grandda. I consider myself blessed beyond abundance to get to be a part of his life. I did not know my own father, but I am certain he was a wonderful man if he is but half the person Liam is.

I am happy to inform you that my curse, thankfully, has been lifted. My Robin said the same thing you did about my being brave. Ah, Jasper, I suppose bravery comes in many forms. I did not feel brave, not in the least. I was plenty scared, but I knew my Robin would bring me back. He did it once before, so there was no doubt he would and could do it again.

I suppose I should take a few steps back and tell you all that happened. Ah, this is yet another story that will give you much to think about, for it deals with both Light and Dark magic and of witches and fairies.



As I said in my first letter, an horrible accident with Alchemy befell me and I literally died. There is a story in Greek Mythology I love called Orpheus and Eurydice. Ah, such a sad story! My heart bleeds every time I hear it. I think the best teller of the story is Lenora, for she tells it in such a way that makes me feel as though I am there watching it unfold before me. Dear me, I digress!


Robin & Flora 1 (Medium)

Like Orpheus, my Robin came to the world of the spirits to collect me. We are so fortunate that it was Mother helping us, for she had the ability to send him. When he arrived, he needed to look for me. During this, he was greeted not so warmly by an unfriendly old fairy called Flora. We do not know why she was there, for she had not died. Also, I find it odd that such a horrible person, which we know her to be, would end up being in such a beautiful place.



Robin did find me, and I was allowed to return because I had died prematurely. Thankfully, our outcome was much happier than poor Orpheus’s was. Even so, I was ill for a while afterward because being in such a distraught state had made me weak even before the accident occurred.


Silvan Drinking Wine (Medium)

It wasn’t until much later when we discovered what Flora had done. We had tried everything to conceive a child but nothing worked. Silvan, who is a fairy, was the one to reveal that something out of the ordinary was wrong. You see, fairies can see and read auras. Silvan saw something in mine that disturbed him. It was through him that we found out what happened. While Robin ran toward me in the world of the spirits, Flora fired a curse at his back. When Robin made physical contact with me, the curse was transferred from my Robin to me. Neither of us felt a thing and so were unaware that anything untoward had happened.

To lift the curse, it needed to be done in the world of the spirits since that was where it originated. It meant that I had to die again. We are so very blessed that Silvan had the knowledge to do it and that he was willing to help us. To remove the curse, either the fairy who cast the curse would have to do it or another fairy knowledgeable in these rare curses would have to. Regardless of the danger, Silvan unquestioningly was willing to help us and for that, I will be eternally grateful to him.


Robin Holding Alina Unconscious 3 (Medium)

For me, the hardest part was seeing what it did to my poor Robin. Not much shakes him, for he is a brave and strong constable. Watching me die, however, broke his heart. It broke mine to see him in such a state. I wish never, ever to bring him that kind of pain again.


Robin Holding Alina on Beach 11 (Medium)

As I knew he would, Robin came for me and all of us returned safely. I feel as though I have climbed Mt. Everest. Still, it is not over yet. I’m sure Flora will find out what we have done, so we need to catch her before she gets the…uh,,.hop (?) on us. According to Fae law, Flora broke some major rules and will have to pay for her crimes. We will be rallying our forces to get her tonight. However, Mother says we need to take some time to recover, so I am using this time to answer your letter, dear friend. I am certain I will have much to tell you when next I write.

You say the stories Liam and I tell you give you so much to think about and how you think about them in a special corner of the mind. I am certain I understand. When I remember my life before traveling to modern times, it feels like it was someone else’s life and not my own. I was a different person then and feel I have grown so much as a person since being here. Does that make sense?



It brought such a lightness to my heart as I read about your orchard and how you planted the lemon. You are right about there being unseen presences around such places. Although we cannot see them, they are there. My mother always told me stories of families of fairies making things grow with their special magic. I had never met a real fairy myself until Liam and Lenora came into my life. Lenora’s son Landon is married to a sweet fairy named Crystal. Crystal is the daughter of the Fairy Queen and Silvan is the adopted brother of Queen Ella. Another of Robin’s cousins, Carson, has undergone the transformation to become a fairy and is engaged to Queen Ella. They will be having a double wedding with Aurora and Silvan, which will be such a glorious occasion.


Aurora & Silvan 1 (Medium)

Och, I digress again! Anyway, Mother has told me many stories about the things fairies do while remaining unseen by most humans. Perhaps a special fairy will tend your lemon and help it blossom into a lovely tree. Mother says to never turn your back on something because it seems implausible. Inexplicable things can and often do happen and if an open mind is kept, a wealth of opportunities will arise. I will ask Silvan to send some of his lovely magic your way so a healthy and beautiful tree may greet you one day.

You are a man of many talents, Jasper. I am certain many people will find enjoyment and pleasure from your mural. A bit of extra color in the world is a lovely way to bring about some much needed smiles.



I, too, love to paint and draw. During the times when I especially missed my mother, it was comforting to bring to life my memories of her and our time together. It was almost like having her with me, and it gave me hope that I would see her again one day. It seems like such a lifetime ago.


Alina Reading (Medium)

You can imagine my reaction the first time I visited a modern day bookstore and library and saw such a vast array of books. I thought I was in Heaven when I discovered how easy it was to obtain a book. In my time, most women did not know how to read or write. Even many men were illiterate. I was fortunate to have Mother as a teacher, for she taught me things that a woman of my time would never dream of learning. So when I feasted my eyes on all those books, I had a difficult time choosing what to read. I wanted to devour all of them at once! I liken it to overeating. You indulge in something you love but too much at once can bog you down.

What was it like being a professor of literature? I never dreamed there were classes to actually study a certain genre of stories. My eyes have been opened to so many amazing things since my trip through time.


Alina (Medium)

If you would have asked me that question about courage a couple years ago, I would have shrugged and told you that it is not me who is courageous. My mother is courageous, as is Liam and Lenora. I never felt brave or courageous at all. In fact, there are things that have happened in my life that have scared me senseless. Magic gone wrong can be extremely frightening. I shall tell you stories of that in another letter if that is of interest to you.


Robin Cradling Alina 3 (Medium)

But now, I suppose I’ve had to call upon courage I never knew I possessed. Being willing to enter the world of the spirits takes courage. As beautiful as it is, it poses many dangers to travel there. Plus, i will have to perform some magic I swore I would never use again in order to stoop Flora. Looking back, traveling through time, I suppose, is a courageous act. I did not have a choice in that matter but I trusted my mother implicitly and understood she knew what was best.



So, I suppose to answer your question, I find my courage from knowing I have a loving and supportive family to aid me. Most battles cannot be won alone, and I am so blessed to have so many loved ones around me.

The story of your wife’s illness and passing was beautiful, yet so sad. It is said that those who know they are to die imminently acquire a certain peace and even a glow from within. It’s as if they catch a glimpse of the next life and are completely at peace with what is to happen. It is beautiful but it does not make it easy for the ones left behind. It is hard to find peace when you know your loved one is about to be snatched away.


Lenora Hugging Alina 1 (Medium)

The grace you described is a lovely experience and comes in many forms. I believe I witnessed such grace when Lenora returned to us. She’d been through such a horrific ordeal and would have had every right to be a changed person. But you know what? Lenora remained the same Lenora we all love so dearly. She was more concerned about us and helping everyone recover from the aftermath of her absence. To me, that is utterly remarkable, and I admire Lenora so much.



Your family sounds so delightful, dear Jasper. How lovely to have your grandniece to brighten your days. Enjoy her while she is young. Liam tells me Lenora grew up way too quickly for his liking.  I wonder how quickly time will flow once Robin and I have our own child to love and care for.

The mind is a curious thing. Do you know that we use only a small portion of our brain? From reading one of Robin’s psychology books, most of a person’s brain goes unused. It made me think about those of us who have these extra abilities. Mayhap those who possess the ability to perform magic use a portion of our brain that goes unused by most everyone else. I have never experienced modern day brain testing, but I am curios if perhaps there are differences in mine or Mother’s brain compared to someone who does not possess magical abilities.

I once read a story by Stephen King called Carrie. It was about a young girl who was telekinetic. Her schoolmates were very unkind to her because she was different. Their horrible “jokes” led to Carrie losing sight of everything except exacting a bloody revenge on those who had wronged her. It was a disturbing story, indeed! At the end of the book, it was mentioned that there were differences in her brain, for areas that were normally unused were more developed in her case.



I do love hearing about people’s day-to-day lives. Even in the mundane, a degree of magic can be found. But, you are right. Typical certainly does not describe my life or the lives of those I love. Most people would find it hard to believe. Robin says I ought to write a book about my life. It makes me blush every time he says it, for there are others who live a far more exciting life than I do. Mayhap if I get a long holiday from work, it will be a project to work on. Also, it might be a nice keepsake to leave to my children for them to remember me after I am gone.

I thank you so deeply for your heartfelt well wishes for my safety and recovery. It touches me so greatly to know of your great concern for me. It is no wonder Liam cares about you so much, You are a wonderful, kind man, dear Jasper, and I am so fortunate to have gotten to know you.

My very best wishes and lots of love,


The Pen Pal Project: Gentian to Emily 1


Dear Emily,

It was such a pleasure to receive your lovely letter. When I filled out my profile page, Lenora told me to look for you. I found your profile and was about to write to you when low and behold, there was your letter! She told me how excited you were when she mentioned me to you and how you’d tried without success to find a Plant Person. It’s so nice that we’re connecting through this project, and it’s great that Lenora helped make that possible. If you haven’t figured it out already, Lenora’s a real class act. You couldn’t find a better friend.

It doesn’t surprise me in the least that those close to Lenora are taking part. She has that way about her that makes people excited to participate in something. Her grandfather is participating as is Mathilda’s daughter, Alina. Even Mathilda, herself, is participating, and that’s a big one right there. Mathilda is…well, there is no adequate description for Mathilda. Lenora’s little granddaughter, Tara, is also looking for a pen pal but so far hasn’t received any nibbles just yet.

It’s so nice to meet you, too, and of course I’m interested in writing back. It is, indeed, true. I’m a real life green Plant Person. Guilty as charged. 🙂 I guess that makes me a sort of hybrid – part human and part plant. Part of my system works the same way as a normal human man’s would, but being part plant, there are vasty differences. Rather than taking in oxygen, I take in carbon dioxide. My blood is different, so I don’t think I’ll ever get the prize for donating a gallon of blood to the Sim Cross. But hey, you can’t do everything, right?


Gentian Mixing Potions 6 (Medium)

It sounds like you have an awesome family. You’re fortunate to have siblings to pal around with. My mother always wanted a large family but instead, it was just the two of us. Evelyn, my mother, had fertility issues. After years of trying, she and her husband had no choice but to concede defeat. They planned to start the adoption process but her husband tragically died of a sudden massive heart attack. The loss of him and with no children to care for left her devastated and apathetic. Her biggest fear had always been being alone, and there she was living it.

Now, it is said that there are ways of summoning a fairy and asking him or her to grant you a wish. As many times as I asked her about the fairy she summoned and how she summoned her, she would never tell me. It’s my hunch that the fairy swore her to secrecy in that matter. Anyway, Mother managed to summon a kindhearted fairy who granted her wish for a child. Since she had no husband, this fairy came up with something very creative. My mother loved to garden, so the fairy capitalized on that. She gave Mother a seed with instructions on how to grow and harvest it. “You won’t be growing the child inside you, but you will experience your own kind of labor of love in bringing the child forth,” the fairy told my mother. Mother followed the instructions to the letter and I am the result of this labor of love.


Gentian Mixing Potions 4 (Medium)

Mother has since passed, so it is I who is alone now. Sometimes it’s a lonely existence but I find ways of keeping busy. As I said in my profile, I’m a scientist and have thrown myself into my work. We’ve made great strides in the aging process and I’ve even tested some of my own theories on myself, as you know. It was my hope that because of my unique body chemistry, we could concoct a serum from my blood infused with certain ingredients that would slow down deterioration of the body and mind due to natural aging. Although a person will and does age, it is my goal eliminate such things as dementia, hardening of the arteries, and brittle bones. We’ve done some good work but are far from complete success. I’ve been very fortunate that I’ve had good luck with the experiments and that they haven’t harmed me. In a way though, I suppose others wouldn’t see it that way. You see, with the nature of what we were doing, my own aging process now runs at a snail’s pace. Where I would have had a normal human’s lifespan, I am virtually ageless. Oh, I will age little by little in reality, but it will take thousands and thousands of years for me to become an old man. At first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I mean, I will remain young and healthy while everyone around me withers and dies. It was depressing for me at first but I’m choosing to look on the bright side of it. Lenora and her family have been a godsend, so at least I’ll have constant friends who will be ageless along with me.



After needing to be in and out of isolation over time, I decided I needed a respite. I was exhausted and craving the outside world, so I relocated to a small lush town where I could keep a somewhat low profile while living in the perfect environment for someone like me. The soil here is full if nutrients for plant life, the climate is perfect, and I can get the rejuvenation I need. I still work on some experiments but not at the harried pace I once did. As you know, I enjoy practicing Martial Arts and feel it is important to keep your body as well as your mind in good shape. I live in a medium-sized house that fulfills all my needs. I can work out at home if I choose, I have a basement laboratory, and there is plenty here for me to read. Plus, Lenora and I visit often, and I do have a few other friends I am fond of spending time with.


Gentian Playing in Sprinkler 4 (Medium)

Being a Plant Person does have its perks. I do not need to eat food to survive but being part plant, I tend to consume more water than most people. I can drink it and ah, there is nothing like water to replenish the body. Swimming or playing in the sprinklers will do it also. You could even say we as Plant People don’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain, but a good rain shower, in most cases, hits the spot perfectly.

We do, indeed, photosynthesize. We can replenish our water supply and get a nice “power nap” that way. Sunshine and water go hand in hand in keeping us healthy and happy. We will wilt without the sunshine and get very ill if we get dehydrated. It’s  delicate balance but any kind of existence is a balancing act, is it not?


Gentian Doing Science 2 (Medium)

As to kids, well, I hope one day I’ll find the right lady to grow a family with. Yep, I said grow. Like you suspected, we are grown in a garden or sometimes in an indoor planter. It makes being a Cabbage Patch Kid a reality. 🙂 Pregnancy is a foreign concept to us, for our bodies just aren’t made for that. In a way, that’s a good thing because the lady doesn’t have to suffer the physical maladies and symptoms that go along with it. We are grown, tended to, and plucked, No fuss, no muss, really. You just need a bit of gardening under your belt.


Kira & Gentian Kissing (Medium)

I once helped out a fairy lady who was on a mission to help repopulate a world that was dying. My friend Kira was charged with producing a certain amount of babies, so I helped her out a little. I was able produce some seeds which she keeps in a safe place until she’s ready to grow one. By now, i could have a few sprouts running around but I think Kira would tell me if that was the case. I also held onto some seeds for myself to grow should I wish. As I said, it would be better to start a family with the right lady but that possibility isn’t in the cards at the moment. I’m not seeing anyone special, but I do love children and want to be a father. I am also thinking of giving a seed or two to Alina and her husband. Alina is Lenora’s honorary sister, and she and her husband have been having fertility issues. A good fairy helped my mother acquire me, so I think it would be nice to help some good people in this way. I know any baby would be in good hands with Robin and Alina.


Gentian Mixing Potions 3 (Medium)

It does not matter where a plan is as long as there is plenty of room for it to grow. Unlike humans, they don’t care about such things as iron bars or cages. All they want is plenty of sunshine, water, and of course, love, which will make them thrive in most cases. With some plant species, climate plays an important part, for there are plants that can grow only in certain parts of the world. Plants might not be able to talk back in the way a human can, but believe me, they know who is kind and loving to them.


Gentian Mixing Potions 2 (Medium)

I am so sorry you lost your biological Mom, but I am happy that you can remember such beautiful things about her, such as the flowers outside your window. It’s little things like that which keep a loved one in your heart after they are gone. My own mother had a lovely singing voice, which I would hear every day. She was very modest and said she sounded more like a lady frog with laryngitis. I always said that if that was the case, she sounded like the prettiest lady frog there ever was. She would just smile, give me a big hug, and tell me she named me according to my personality. That always puzzled me until one day, Lenora told me that Gentian sounded like a “good” name. Then, here you are saying how pretty you think it is. I suppose some names fit the individual, kind of like how villains in a lot of fantasy stories are given vile names.

Anyway, one day when Mother was baking some bread and singing away in the kitchen, I recorded her. I don’t think she ever knew, but I am glad I have those recordings. This way, I have part of her with me that I can always keep close.

Don’t you worry about being all over the place. It’s hard when first getting to know someone. You just write it the way you feel most comfortable doing it. As I said before, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your letter.


Gentian Mixing Potions 6 (Medium)

Ah, so you are a lover of fantasy and detective stories! I confess, I am as well. Have you ever read the Pern series by Anne McCaffrey? I am a lover of dragon stories, and this has been a longtime favorite series for me. I’m also a big Harry Potter nut, and I thoroughly enjoy the Kinsey Milhone books by Sue Grafton. The stories with caterer/sleuth Goldie Schultz by Diane Mott-Davidson are very entertaining, too, and there are lovely recipes included in those books if that is something you are into. Perhaps your mother, being a chef, might have heard of that series.

It sounds like your place is buzzing with activity! With having a big family and planning a wedding, it would be. I wish your sister and her wife-to-be much love and happiness, and I wish your family strength to get through the insanity. 🙂 What will you do with yourself once the big day is over and things are quiet once again?


Gentian Playing in Sprinkler 3 (Medium)

You are a girl after my own heart. The sound of rain is always a balm to my soul and I can never resist a shower right from nature. The thunder and lightening, though, are a different matter. Many a sturdy tree has been felled by a bolt of lightening that struck in just the right place.


Gentian Doing Science 4 (Medium)

Doing homework is a necessary chore, but at least there is a lovely park for you to enjoy during the task. Lenora often tells me that when she was a teenager, there was this stream she always liked to sit beside. It gave her inspiration for her writing when she was in a funk. With all the sights and smells, there is plenty of inspiration to gather.

How right you are that nature is full of beautiful and wondrous things. Even a mere gust of wind is a miracle. The fact that this planet is situated where it is to allow such beautiful things to exist is wondrous. Like I said, even existing is a balancing act, but what a beautiful balancing act it is! Life and all it has to offer is a treasure.



I immensely enjoyed writing this letter to you, my new friend, and I thank you for seeking me out. Wishing you many days of sunshine and love.

Your new friend,


Author’s Note: The lady who passed Gentian along to me didn’t have much to offer for a family history, so I created one for him. I think he was from her Adam & Eve challenge but wasn’t a main character or anything. She passed him to me to use for Lenora’s Bachelorette Challenge and I loved him on the spot. He’ll be making appearances in my stories and I have something special in mind for him. 🙂

Kira is my fairy lady I created for a 100 Baby Challenge that has been sorely neglected. Gentian was used as one of the baby daddies, so therefore, I mentioned him helping out Kira. There are 10 chapters of it which you can read here if you are so inclined.

The Pen Pal Project: Lenora to Caleb 1

Warning!!! The contents of this letter contain spoilers to events that have happened in my story Forever in Time, which you can read by going to the Other World by Me section of this blog and clicking on the Appropriate link to go to the blog.


Dear Caleb,

I found your profile and said to myself, “Now, this is an interesting young lad I would enjoy getting to know.” Everyone is a young lad or lass to me, as I am an old lady. It sounds like you are at a crossroads in your life as you await your assignment. I hope it brings you much happiness and everything you are looking for.

Now, down to business. My name is Lenora Landgraab, and I sincerely look forward to getting to know you as a new friend and hope the feeling is mutual. My family and I are quite different than what you are probably expecting, and you may think what I will tell you is too fantastic to believe. That is understandable, for we live in a proverbial different world than what most people would view as logical. Let me try to explain.

I am a witch, am married to a werewolf, and have a fairy daughter-in-law and fairy grandsons. Two of my children are werewolves while the others are witches and wizards. in other words, we are supernatural beings who live a very full, rich life. Like everyone else, we have our ups and downs and good days as well as bad ones. It’s just that some things we do are different.



If you are still reading this, let me introduce myself further. I am an Irishwoman raised by her Grandda. I’m an only child and my parents were killed shortly after I was born. Grandda Liam brought me up alone, for my grandmother, Anne, died before I was born. My Grandda is the kindest, gentlest man and the best Grandda anyone could have ever asked for. It wasn’t easy bringing up a wee girl but I am thankful every day for having him.



Until I was thirteen, I had no idea that there was anything different about me. Grandda, too, is a wizard, but he cast aside his magic, feeling it was the best thing to do to protect me. My parents were killed due to my mother making some wrong choices and it was through magic that they ended. Grandda felt it best to keep me ignorant of it, but he now realizes how wrong it was to hide it from me.



I found out what I was after nearly dying from a mysterious illness brought on by a curse my mother unknowing passed to me while she carried me. It was only through a very skilled and powerful witch, Mathilda, that caused me to survive. After that, Grandda never held anything back from me and I embraced who and what I was.


Lenora Reading to Landon 2 (Medium)

The years went by and I married a wonderful man named Lincoln Atherton. He had no supernatural abilities but he was one of the finest doctors I’ve ever known. I hated him at first but as we grew older, things changed. Ah, that’s another story which I will tell in another letter if you are interested. Anyway, Linc and I had a son we named Landon. We were so happy togehter. Everyone called us the L Train because all our names began with the letter L. Linc was a fine man and skilled doctor while I was a writer and musician. Landon was the icing on the cake for us and oh, how we loved him! I always called him my angel.



I learned the hard way that idyllic bliss can be taken away at the snap of the fingers. My loving husband and beautiful little boy were killed in a plane crash. I was never so devastated in my life, not even when my dear Grandda died, which was unspeakably awful. Part of the magic I hold manifest itself in the gift of empathy. I can feel the emotions of others as if they were my own. Well, I felt them dying in real time, and I, too, wanted to die. I actually did but I was made to return because my purpose wasn’t done yet. It was Mathilda who got me through the worst of it and looked after me until I was strong again. Mathilda and I grew to be like mother and daughter over the years and still are.



The saying about when one door closes, another opens is true. I am remarried and once again, I have a wonderful husband. His name is Tyrone and we have four children together. Plus, I was given another life with Landon (again, another story I will tell another time). All the children are grown now and leading their own lives, but I am fortunate that they live near me so I can see them often. At least one of them comes over every day to visit with us.


Lenora & Chris 2 (Medium)

In my present life, I am still a writer and musician as well as being Vice President of the Witches’ Association. I’m a trained Healer, too, and an Alchemist, so I keep very busy. One of my hobbies is cooking and experimenting with recipes. I see you are quite interested in food, so we will have at least one common interest to talk about in our letters.



So there you have it, a condensed version of my roller coaster of a life. Please do tell me more about yours, or as much as you are permitted given your circumstances. I am always interested in hearing about other people and making a friend wherever and whenever possible. Wishing you a very blessed day and may many joys greet you in your life each and every day.



The Pen Pal Project: Alina to Jasper 1

Author’s Note: Alina often gets slang, expression, and certain terms confused. They don’t always come out right and she’ll say/write a wrong word. It’s humorous and her family is fond of ribbing her and good-naturedly correcting her.

Alina is from my story Another World, which you can find the link to that blog in the Other Works by Me section of this blog if you want to read her story.



Greetings and Salutations, Jasper,

It is difficulty for me to know how to begin such a missive, for I have never had a pen pal before. It is a new concept for me, but I look forward to the adventure. I am no stranger to experiencing new things, after all.

My name is Mrs. Alina McIntyre, wife of Robin and daughter of Goddess Mathilda Kelly. I have no formal title, such as Grand Duchess, but my Robin always tells me I’m the finest Lady of the Manor he could have ever asked for.

I have been in deep reflection about the correct way to introduce myself to a proper gentleman such as yourself. Where…or shall I say when I am from, a lady, especially one of my class would never initiate communication with someone of the nobility. It is forbidden behavior and could even be seen as a punishable act. In this time in which I am now in, things are very different and tolerance in many areas is exercised. My stairfather (?) Liam, who tells me he is your pen pal and friend, assures me that all this is, indeed, respectable and acceptable.


Alina (Medium)

I seem to be talking in riddles, so I reckon I should explain. What I will say may seem strange or even impossible, but Liam seems to have carved the way…ah, is that right?…for me to be able to tell you such a story. Have you read the book Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein? Well, I am a stranger in a strange time. You see, I came from a time where jousts, archery, and High Court existed. There was the nobility and then, there were the peasants. The King and/or Queen was the law of the land and ill people were bled by leeches. Witchcraft certainly was taboo and if discovered, was punishable by death. Some aspects were beautiful while others were barbaric.

Even then, my mother was well known. She was even immortal but alas, she was the only one of us who was. My father died while Mother was carrying me in her womb. She remarried and had a son, but sadly, my second father, Phillip and my little brother died of smallpox. I, too, grew very ill and Mother nursed me during the ordeal. However, it was discovered who and what she was. She could not be killed due to being immortal and indestructible but I could. To save my life, she did all she could for my illness and sent me forward in time to this century we are now in.


Alina Arrested (Medium)

It took some time for me to adjust. I was dreadfully homesick for Mother, and knowing the world I left behind was now dust brought me great malaise some days. I was even arrested once for vandalism when I spray painted my neighbor’s house. I thought I was doing them a service and being neighborly and did not realize I was breaking the law. I was carted away in a great, roaring beast I now know to be a police car. Oh, how it frightened me! In my mind, I kept thinking about how Mother had sent me here to save my life but now, I was going to be executed. I reckon it seems funny and even I get a chuckle out of it now. I have learned so much since being dropped into this strange time, but there are things that are still completely foreign to me.



If I could go back, I would never want to. I was reunited with Mother, and I have my Robin and the rest of my family. My life is here now and this is where I am the happiest.


Alina Going to Work (Medium)

On the more mundane side of things, I love to cook, and I work as an executive chef at the Bistro here in Dragon Valley.



I also enjoy painting but have been sticking to my easel rather than the spray paint. I reckon I’d gotten into enough trouble with that.



I love mixing potions but have not done that in a while. I had a horrific accident one day whilst in a distraught state. I shouldn’t have even been mixing potions in that condition, but I needed something to keep my mind off my troubles. Sadly, I was distracted and made a grievous error.


It literally killed me but I was able to return, thanks to my Robin coming for me in the spirit world.



What distressed me so was when my sister, Lenora, was presumed dead. She’s not my blood sister, but we are sisters in spirit. Mother and Lenora have a very, very close relationship and when I came back into Mother’s life, Lenora became the sister I had always wanted. Anyway, we all thought her to have died, but it was an awful, diabolical ruse orchestrated by people who could see nothing but revenge and deceit in front of them. I thank all the stars that it wasn’t the case though.



Mother and Lenora’s husband, Tyrone rescued her after uncovering the truth and I had my beautiful sister back. I am so thankful and blessed.


Robin & Alina Wedding 1 (Medium)

My Robin and I were married soon after. Life with him has been like a fairy tale for the most part. He makes me so happy and gives me everything.


Alina Upset on Floor (Medium)

Even so, we’ve had our share of heartache. You see, in the time where I came from, a wife’s duty is to provide her husband with a son to carry on his father’s name. We have yet to conceive a child and it hurts my heart every day. To be a disappointment to my Robin is more than I could ever bear. I would rather die than have him ever regret marrying me.


Alina & Blythe (Medium)

We went through treatment after treatment but nothing worked. We have recently learned that my inability to conceive is due to a curse that was placed upon me while in the world of the spirits. To remove it won’t come without danger, but I want it gone from me. I shall tell you more about that in another letter should you wish to write back.

As I read through this, I wonder if I have said too much for a first missive. I am unaccustomed to putting it all out there, as Robin says, but Liam says you are a kind, generous soul. I suppose I just needed to vent my vexation and sometimes it’s easier to do so to an objective ear rather than someone who is close to you every day.


Alina Reading (Medium)

On a happier subject, I am a great lover of books. When I came from, books came very dear and reading was a special treat for me given to me by Mother. She had the foresight to teach me to read and write, for women of my class normally are not taught such things. You can imagine my shock and joy when I learned that books were readily available for me to enjoy.



I reckon I shall end this missive here. I am happy to make your acquaintance and wish you a blessed, happy day and many delicious meals.




The Pen Pal Project: Alina’s Profile


Name: Alina McIntyre

Select your age bracket: 25-30

Desired age of pen pal: Any

Vocation: I’m an executive chef at our local bistro.

What qualities do you desire in a pen pal? Och, such a thought provoking question! I am still new to a great many things in the world I live. It’s a long story, but for now, I will just say I’m a stranger in a strange land. I am different in many ways, so I would hope to find a pen pal who can expect the unexpected. I would be ever so ecstatic to find a friend who has an open mind to believing in things that aren’t exactly obvious or seen clearly.

Describe yourself in a few sentences: I am what Mother calls a Supernatural. This is because I possess the ability to do magic, meaning, I am a witch. Sometimes it still amazes me that I can say this aloud and candidly, as where I originally came from, real witches and ones simply accused of being witches were burned at the stake. People seem to be more accepting of different things in this seemingly enlightened age. All of this continues to befuddle me, for I am a traveler from a time and place that is now dust.



Hobbies & Interests: Being a chef, I love food preparation and experimenting with new recipes. Preparing a gourmet meal was how I met my husband, so I always smile when I am working in my lovely kitchen.



I love to paint amd am rather good at it. My Robin says I should think about selling some of my work, but the thought overwhemls me a little. I do it for fun and relaxation, really, and never imagined what ability I have being in the same class as the masters.



Being a witch, mixing potions comes naturally to me. I am grateful that I can do this without being frightened of getting caugh and put to death.

Would you be interested in meeting your pen pal? Yes, of course! I am always open to meeting new and interesting people.

How many pen pals would you like? 2-3. I think that’s a good number, at least for the beginning.

Other comments: Being so new to this world, I have a great curiosity about how things are done. As I now live in this time, it is best for me to get as accustomed to it as I possibly can. I want to please myself, but I also want to please my Robin and make my mother proud. Mayhap finding new friends to share experiences can help me continue to figure things out. I’m getting better but still have so much to learn.

The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Jasper 4

WARNING! This contains spoilers to events that have happened or are happening in m stories Forever in Time and Another World. If you would like to read those stories, you can find the links to their respective blogs in the Other Works by Me section of this blog.



Dear Jasper,

The warmth of the day grew even warmer when I received your letter. It’s always such a pleasure to hear from you, my friend.

Ah,, thank you for asking about Alina. The situation hasn’t resolved itself as of yet, and there is still preparations Mathilda must make in order to help lift the curse. They are strange things, curses. They can range from fairly mild to downright lethal.

What a lovely story about your healing! It’s strange, but curses are often thought of as magical means for some kind of revenge, but aye, they truly are a manifestation of someone’s anger or sadness passed to another person. It’s lovely that all it took to set ye to rights was the blessing, prayer, and the waving of the healer’s hand over your jaw. Sinus infections are pesky little blighters so ye must be relieved to have been rid of yours. Ah, if it were only that simple for Alina.

I shall tall ye the entire story. It’s a long one, so settle in and grab a cup of tea while ye read.



It goes back to when we all thought our Lenora had passed from this life. Tyrone’s sister and her accomplices decided to seek revenge, misguided though it was. Ye see, Tyrone’s sister, Valerie, had many a problem in her life and believed that Tyrone got preferential treatment over her. She was blinded to the facts of how things truly were, and this led to tragedy. Her main accomplice, Shane, also wanted his revenge but on Lenora. Long before she married Tyrone and after her first husband was killed, she’d been seeing Shane for a time, but the relationship never really moved forward. She broke it off after finding out he was married. Shane is the type of person who discards, not the other way around. Then, there was Shane’s brother, Allen, who was as loony as they came. The man truly was ill with Schizophrenia and heaven only knows what else. He had a fixation on Lenora and believed that if he had her, all his problems and illness would go away.



With the help of a doctor who was also a wizard, a spell was cast on Lenora to make it appear as though she’d died. The doctor, Neil, was being blackmailed by Shane and Valerie, but he was a very unwilling participant. Mathilda began figuring things out and later confronted Neil, who turned the tables and cooperated with her.



Anyway, believing Lenora to be dead, we buried her, not realizing that it was a clone of her we’d buried. Lenora, herself, woke up in a cell where she remained until Mathilda and Tyrone figured out the scheme and rescued her.



In the meantime, like all of us, Alina was devastated over the loss. Ye see, the two are like sisters, they’re so close. Alina made the mistake of mixing potions one day while in such a distracted, grief-riddled state that she made a fatal error.



Her potion backfired, and Alina succumbed from the fumes. Robin and Mathilda found her on the floor where she lay dying. As Mathilda worked to reverse the reaction, Alina passed.

We can all be thankful Mathilda was involved, for if it had been any other witch or wizard, we would surely have lost her for good. Just as Orpheus had done, Robin begged Mathilda to send him to the realm of the spirits so he could retrieve her.



Mathilda did, but no sooner had he arrived, he came face to face with a wicked fairly called Flora. She finally pointed out Alina’s whereabouts but as Robin ran toward Alina’s location and unbeknownst to him, Flora cast a curse at his back that he unknowingly transferred to Alina upon making physical contact with her.



Robin brought Alina back, but this curse also came back with her. The two of them were married soon after Lenora came back to us, and they tried for two years to have a child. Nothing came of it, even though they went to a fertility specialist. It was only when Silvan came to visit that they began to wonder if other forces were at work. Silvan is a fairy prince and the fiance of my great-granddaughter, Aurora. Being a fairy, Silvan is adept at seeing auras and distinguishing things about a person by reading what is inside the aura. He is an expert curse breaker in fairy magic, so he knew that it was Flora’s curse that was causing Alina to be unable to conceive a child.

Unfortunately, in order for the curse to be lifted, the circumstances of how she got it in the first place must be recreated. In other words, Alina has to die again and Robin must fetch her. The curse can only be lifted by the fairy who cast it or by someone with expert knowledge in such things. Rather than confronting Flora now (Mathilda has a plan for that), Silvan offered to remove Alina’s curse. All of this must be done in the spirit world or it will not work.



As ye can see, this will take a lot of preparation to carry this out. As I have already died, it’s easy for me to breach the gateway between the physical and spirit worlds, so I’ll be taking Silvan there to lift Alina’s curse. Naturally, we are all concerned, as this has the potential to go very wrong. However, Mathilda has called in some reinforcements and I trust her judgment implicitly. I must believe that Alina will be fine and that all of us will come through this unscathed.

I will send your best wishes to Alina, who will be heartily appreciative. Alina is a sweet lass who has been through some harsh times in her life but remains in awe of the world. I will tell ye more of her in another letter. But then, she might even sign up for this project herself now that her mother, Lenora, and I are a part of it. She certainly is intrigued by it and loves hearing about it.

As I said, this project seems to be “all in the family.” It’s proving true with your nephew joining. Ah, enchanting reasons, be it now. Well, these things often are the cause of more than one type of friendship being developed.



So, magic seems to be rubbing off and finding it’s way to ye. From your letter, I trust it is very white magic, as it is giving ye positive energy. There certainly are times of the day and in the year where lines between worlds are more defined. There are parallel worlds out there and if someone is very skilled, they can travel to another era in time. There is also that line between the magical and mundane that often grows thin. For example, have ye ever misplaced your keys and spent, say, a half hour looking? Ye look in all the places ye think they may be to no avail. Then, ye check a certain place one more time just to be sure, and there they are! In cases like that, it’s fairies taking their fun by having a play at ye. Fairies can be pranksters and often love having some fun at the expense of a mere human.



Ah, capacity for friendship! Ye know, I thought of that very thing shortly after returning to the physical world and gaining my immortality. People come and go from our lives and being a professor, that happened to ye at the change of every term. A true and real friend is someone who always sticks. They may go away but they’ll always return somehow. Mathilda was a prime example of this. While raising my Lenora, I turned away from magic to protect her. Och, it was so misguided but at the time, I felt I was doing what I knew to be best. When Lenora was deathly ill and dying, there was no doubt I needed Mathilda, so in desperation, I called her. Without question or hesitation, she came and saved my Lenora. Our friendship was rekindled and I realized the error of my ways.



Friendships have a way of evolving. It certainly did with Mathilda and me. It took my death for us to realize just how we felt, and I am grateful for that second chance. Friendship evolved into love and great respect, and there is no finer woman than my Mathilda.

How wonderful that ye are able to continue to use your teaching skills after retirement! The gifted program must certainly be enriched by your involvement, and the students are lucky to have ye for a tutor. And it’s even lovelier that ye are getting such stimulation from it as well. It sounds like this particular student ye mentioned is a sharp arrow who looks for information anywhere she can find it. Such tenacity!



There is much to be said about solitary luxuries. I remember the times I lived alone. It was nice to spend a quiet evening reading or engaging in some activity that kept my hands busy. I am fortunate to still get those luxuries often yet enjoy the fulfillment of a big family. Mathilda is often busy with her work, so I am treated to solitary time. It’s nice to just look within and mentally take stock of things. I have the best of both worlds, really. Ah, Jasper! Life can be both sweet and savory, can it not?



Aye! Food is much better when prepared with attention and love. Mathilda is a fantastic cook, as are Lenora and Alina. It’s a wonder I’m not fat from all the goodies and delicious food my ladies are always fond of preparing for me.

Ye can find magic in just about anything if ye know how to look.



Wishing ye many blessings and many blessings to those ye love.

With warmth and gratitude,


The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Emily 4


Dear Emily,

Your letter was a welcome sight as I leafed through my mail this morning. It’s always such a pleasure hearing from ye. My days are brighter when reading a lovely missive from a friend.

Och, lassie, such sadness in this one! I’m so sorry my answers to your questions caused such unrest in your soul. It isn’t always easy to take in the answers we seek and often, they bring up even more questions. Many other times, they don’t bring us the peace we think they will, and that can be unnerving.



Ye know, when my Lenora was upset and crying, I’d put my arms around her wee frame and just hold her tight. I would tell her that the storm needs to run its course but that things were always calmer once it passed. If I were there with ye now, I’d do the same for ye. I won’t say it gets easier thinking about the answers we unearth, but we find ways of dealing with them somehow.



I wish I could say or do something to lessen the pain ye are feeling right now. There’s something about feeling such pain and raw emotion that uncovers something deep within us and makes us especially vulnerable. Sometimes finding out the truth in something profound is painful, but it’s better to be aware of the truth rather than hide. It will only return to the surface at some point and will cause even more disturbance unless addressed.

Please know that whatever ye say to me will be between just the two of us if ye wish. I am honored that ye shared such an important confidence with me, and I will keep your friendship with Tad under my hat. Ye have an Irishman’s word on that!



Ye have such a good, kind heart, Miss Emily. I think my answers to your questions made ye sad because it is painful for ye to realize that Tad will always be alone in one very significant way. There is no one like him. He is one of a kind and that is something he must live with every day. My being an immortal and indestructible being makes my situation unique, but I am not the first, nor will I be the last, person that this will happen to. Your uncle being Death puts him in a class all his own and that is hard to face.

Have ye ever watched the Twilight Zone? There are a couple of episodes that deal with Death personified. This one I’ll mention is not from the original series but is part of a series revival from the 1980’s. It’s Rendezvous in a Dark Place and has Death as a main character. The female lead has a fondness for him and asks that he take her instead of a robber who’s broken into her house and lies dying. He tells her, “I cannot take life where there is none.” This coincides perfectly with what Tad tells ye about living and how ye shouldn’t worry about him. Ah, but it’s hard for ye because ye care so for him. The thought of his forever loneliness hurts your heart.



Ye see, life and death, I believe, are a circle. There cannot be one without the other. In that circle, sometimes the line is disturbed when a being becomes immortal. Because of what I have become, it means I am indestructible and unable to die. I am frozen in time, if ye will. It goes against the normal natural order of things, but it does happen and it exists.

What would happen if the universe should be destroyed? I don’t know, lass. I surmise there would be nothing: no life, no light…nothing. But I think when a universe is destroyed, a new one is born or regenerated. With that regeneration, I think we immortals would regenerate as well, for we can never truly die.

I suppose this is why Tad can’t or won’t make friends with immortal beings. It goes against the confines of his job and is out of the normal circle of life and death. It’s a praradox, really, but a paradox that exists for a very, very few.



I wish it weren’t a paradox, for nobody deserves to be lonely. Many don’t think of Death as a person, nor do they contemplate him as having human emotions. Most are afraid, picturing him as a dark force that rips his victim from the bosom of their loved ones. But ye and I know differently. Ye are a very fortunate lass to have such a friend. Ye see him in a different light, someone who likes and does things other than simply taking away departed souls. So no, I don’t find it strange or surprising that Death should have such a friend. He is lucky to have ye for a friend. Cherish that friendship for as long as ye have life and I am certain he will do the same.

As I said, people experience different things when they pass on. Not everyone sees a black-cloaked figure with a scythe when they go. I saw my wife, Anne, just before I went to sleep. She touched my hand and that was it. I am certain Death was in the room, for I would not have passed otherwise. i was probably focused on seeing Anne and following her into the light that I paid no attention.

I wish I had a magical solution for ye to share with Tad so he wouldn’t be so lonely. For him, I think it’s just the nature of the beast because of who he is. All ye can do is be the loving friend to him that ye are and have been, and that will help a great deal. Try not to focus on his loneliness so much and just relish the joy of spending time together. I reckon his making light of it is his way of telling ye he doesn’t want ye to worry. Ye are alive and ye should embrace all that life has to offer until it is your time. Easier said than done, I know, for ye love him and don’t want to see him sad.



I hope this long-winded rambling makes at least a little bit of sense. I will always tell ye the truth how I see it, as I believe in honestly. But I’ll offer ye comfort as best I can if and when something stirs deep emotions or seems overwhelming. These are deep topics we are discussing here, so I understand how they can stir the waters.

Cherish is, indeed, a beautiful name for a wee lass. It’s one that has deep meaning and represents a beautiful word.

Never be afraid to discuss these deep topics as well as the nice ones with me, lass. That is what friends are for, after all. I’m an excellent listener and I have two broad shoulders for lots of crying on. Just ask Lenora.



And so, we move from the murky to sunnier things, do we now? Ah, I am familiar with Pet Sematary, and aye, such a sad story, indeed! Did ye know that whilst writing it, Mr. King had to stop for a while, as it scared even him too much? It is said that his son had a close call with one of those trucks, so it hit very close to home for him as a father.

Food! Now, there’s a nice topic if ever there was one. I am partial to shepherd’s pie. My Anne made the best one. Lenora and Alina (Mathilda’s daughter) have the recipe and will make it for me as a special treat somewhat regularly. I, too, am fond of risotto and I heartily enjoy chicken and wild rice soup, believe it or not. One of my favorite meals has to be an excellent piece of filet mignon with a double baked potato. When my sweet tooth is speaking, I gravitate to German chocolate cake or a piece of lemon meringue pie. Och, all this talk about food is making me crave an early lunch!



Ah yes! My Anne’s flowers are beautiful. I believe that our departed loved ones leave signs of comfort for us when we need them most. Sometimes they even leave extra special gifts. The greatest example of this in my life is my Lenora. I was devastated at losing Maggie and I will always miss her, but she left me wee Lenora, who I am so thankful every day for. I will always cherish her growing up years and be grateful for the loving relationship we share to this day.



I will bring this to a close for now and tell ye more stories of my family in my next letter if ye want to hear them. They do keep me on my toes and there’s always some new development happening with at least one of them.

Wishing ye many blessings and beautiful days.

Your friend,


The Pen Pal Project: Lenora to Emily 3

WARNING! This contains spoilers to events that have happened in my story, “Forever in Tine.” If you wish to read that story, you can find the link to that blog in the Other Works by Me section on this blog.



Dear Emily,

It was such a joy to open my mail and find your letter. It’s always nice to hear from a friend and to know she is doing well.

Now, don’t worry about the way you write to me. Sometimes writing stream of consciousness packs more of a punch than sitting and planning out every detail. No need to stress about editing yourself. I want you to feel at ease when writing to me and to know that you can say anything you want to me. Also, know that whatever you say will be kept in strict confidence if that is what you wish.



I am very blessed to have the family I do. Yes, I’ve lost a lot in my life, especially good, decent people. In a way, I guess I was kind of like Job in the Bible. I’d lost a lot but now, I have an abundance of family and friends to love. The people who have gone on can’t be replaced, but at least I now have others to help fill that void.



I will give the children your condolences. You, especially, know how they are feeling right now. I can only hope they will adjust in time just as well as you have. Little Cedric is too young to remember very much of what happened, which is a blessing, really. You’re right that being too young to really remember makes it a little easier. I was too young to remember my parents, so I didn’t understand what that entailed. I had Grandda, so I never wanted for love and affection.

Anyway, I’m glad Tyrone and I are in the position to adopt them and help them as best we know how. They have a lot of people who care about them, so I’m optimistic that they’ll be okay.

There is no need to apologize about what you feel comfortable divulging. The Internet and even the world, in general, can be a dangerous place. The wrong information in the wrong hands can be very frightening. As I said earlier, I want you to feel at ease writing to me and anything you say will be treated with great respect.

Your family sounds like a wonderful, big, happy one. I’m so happy for you to have acquired such a fantastic place after sustaining such traumatizing losses. Thank you for telling me more about them.

I’m sure you play beautifully! It takes a long time to grow proficient at playing an instrument, but it is well worth it. The guitar is perfect for those melancholic songs. My friend, Debbie, enjoys playing and singing, As Tears Go By by the Rolling Stones. She likens herself to sounding like a bullfrog with the croup, but she says it’s therapeutic and soothing. Nobody says you have to be an Eric Clapton. As long as it gives you pleasure, that is the important thing.



Och, the laser rhythm-a-con is an absolute blast! I never imagined it could be such fun, but it always makes me smile. I’m sorry you were unable to find one. Just keep looking and maybe one day, circumstances will work in your favor to get one.



I had to chuckle a bit when you mentioned you and your brother dancing to death metal music. I can’t say it’s my top choice in listening pleasure, but there’s a lot to be said for dancing to something growly to vent frustration and blow off some steam. .Sometimes, the calm, easy-listening kind of stuff just doesn’t cut it. Just the other day, Aurora was visiting, and she was hopping mad about her agent raising his rate to represent her. “Aurora, your career is skyrocketing and I helped make it happen. It’s only right that I reap some of what you’ve sown.” That’s a story in itself and she’s looking for another agent. Anyway, I told her to go pound something out on the piano, so it was Rachmaninoff we were treated to. No, it wasn’t death metal but with the kind of music Aurora plays and sings, some of Rachmaninoff’s pieces are about as close as you’ll get to that. His music is terribly difficult to play. She felt much better after that and is prepared to do what needs doing. There’s nothing wrong with needing to let loose.

I’m partial, of course, but I so love Irish music. You’re right that it’s so pretty, and it’s very cheerful. Grandda taught me all the dances when I was young, and I still enjoy dancing a jig with him when the occasion arises.



Och, so ye’ve been writing to Grandda now, have ye? You will absolutely love him. He’s the gentlest, kindest man you could ever know. I was so utterly blessed to have him for a Grandda and blessed a hundredfold to have gotten him back after losing him. He was my rock and oh, I loved him so! I still do and always will.

I think every performer gets nervous to some degree, no matter how many times they’ve done it. Me, I tend to get butterflies right before I go on. However, once I’m up there and the show starts, that’s all behind me. I concentrate on what the song is saying and just let the music flow over me. Many times, even though there’s a large audience, it’s just Tyrone and me. It’s him I sing to, so it’s easy to put my heart and soul into what I’m doing. The first time is always the hardest. It gets easier after that. Still, stage fright is very real to some, and there are others who never quite get over it.

Oh my, yes! I’ve had to deal with more than my share of…ah…overzealous fans. The paparazzi can be absolutely nightmarish. Tyrone and I live on a nice estate and have gates around our property, which are supplied with extra security. If someone does happen to get in, I’ve got wards positioned around the property to transport them out of harm’s way. The wards are designed so that the more aggressive they are, the more aggressive they are ejected. It doesn’t hurt them, but one such individual got a bit of a shock when he was crafty enough to get through and attempt to break my living room window and crawl through it. Needless to say, Tyrone was furious and security was amped up.

There was a time, however, when I did fall victim. Not only was there someone who had a fixation on me, but there was a diabolical plot to exact revenge for a wrongdoing that never existed. You see, Tyrone cane from a wealthy and loving family, but his sister had a lot of issues. She believed that Tyrone and his twin sister, Theresa, were the proverbial golden twins while she, Valerie, was nothing more than a sort of red-headed stepchild. She made a lot of mistakes in her life and couldn’t bring herself to ask for the family’s help. Instead, she made a lot of wrong choices and found herself entangled so deeply in a situation she couldn’t get out of. It got worse and worse for everyone involved until there was no choice but for her to come clean and take responsibility for her choices.

To backtrack, after my first husband and Landon were killed in a plane crash, it took me a very long time to recover. Once my life was back in order, I dated sparingly. I was seeing a man named Shane for a time but never felt any kind of significant attraction for him. In fact, I pretty much kept him at arm’s length. Maybe something inside me realized that something was off with him. I broke it off when I found out he was married, but Shane didn’t like that. He had the kind of ego that was bruised if he became the dumpee and not the dumper.



Anyway, Shane wanted revenge on me, and Valerie wound up under a spell to do Shane’s bidding. Meanwhile, Shane’s brother, Allen, had an unhealthy fixation on me and believed that by having me, it would make all his mental problems go away. Poor Allen was schizophrenic and had been institutionalized for a long time but had finally been released. So, Shane devised this plan to kidnap me and compel me to make Allen believe I loved him.



For a time, the plan worked. Shane blackmailed a doctor, who was also a wizard, into casting a living death spell on me. I was rushed to the hospital where I “died” in Tyrone’s arms. It broke him. You see, when a werewolf loses his or her true soulmate, it causes them unbearable and unspeakable pain. Some don’t even survive it. The ones who do are torn asunder and only a shell of their former self remains. It’s due to a phenomenon they experience called Imprinting. I think the fact that I wasn’t really dead was what kept Tyrone here on this earth. That and a promise I exacted from him to take care of the children kept him alive.



I was presumed dead, and while I lay in the morgue, it gave Shane time to get me. I got a sendoff, but instead of me being buried, it was a clone of me who was the guest of honor.



When I woke up, I found myself locked in a cell. There was a binding spell put on the cell, which nullified my magic and the Bond I shared with Tyrone in order to keep him from finding me and realizing I was alive. Neil was a very unwilling participant, so he did all he could to protect me. Thankfully, Mathilda quickly started figuring things out and got the truth from Neil when he sought her help in restoring me to health.



Eventually, Shane’s scheme fell apart and I was rescued. Sadly, Allen committed suicide beforehand, and Shane…well, let’s just say he’s clucking like a hen while being surrounded by roosters. He learned the hard way to never provoke an already enraged werewolf, especially one who is hellbent on avenging his mate.

We all recovered in time, but it was rough, especially for the children. Everyone had nightmares for a long time. Thankfully, now that Tyrone and I have immortality and indestructibility, nothing like this will ever befall us again.

You are very welcome for the little lesson about plant people. I’m sorry your search was in vain, but I can’t say I’m surprised. They are very rare and good at staying hidden. The witch you met was very right. There are a lot of places they’d be viewed as freaks, so they try their best to avoid such places. Now, Moonlight Falls would be an apt place to search for them. You will also find all kinds of other Supernaturals. Unless you are reasonably prepared upon going there, it can be a rather scary experience.



I’ve talked my friend, Gentian, into putting up a profile and seeing where it takes him. I mentioned you to him and emailed him the link to your profile. Here is the link to his if you’d like him for a pen pal. He’ll be more than happy to write to you, I’m sure.

Your story about the island and the standing stones was beautiful. I reckon you’ve found a wellspring of magic within that island. You have it just right in that the echoes of the past people still remain. You see, stone formations like that are gateways through time. If the circumstances are just right, a person can travel to another era. It can be extremely dangerous if you’re unprepared and a gateway doesn’t just automatically open up. There are steps that need to be taken. Still, if you are in the right frame of mind and listen carefully, you will catch snippets of the past people.



I can see that you’ve thought a great deal about the natural span of life and what happens after. It is natural that you’re thinking about what legacy you could be leaving behind, although not many people your age do. You realize that there’s a balance to things and that it can swing a certain way at times. The Road of Life is an interesting one, and once a piece of it is walked, you can’t go back.

Literal immortality isn’t for the faint of heart. It can be both a blessing and a curse. It would be very frightening to be the only immortal being in the world and to realize that everything and everyone you love will eventually fade away while you, yourself, remains. I would never want that for myself. If I didn’t have people such as Grandda, Mathilda, and Tyrone to share it with, I would blissfully turn it down and go softly into that goodnight when the time for that arises.

You are very wise to think of the unhealthy risks in being an immortal being. Yes, it could get boring after a while, so we have to be creative in finding ways of sprucing up our lives when we get in a rut. I keep a daily journal and have for years. It helps so much with processing everything and to just “download” it from my brain into a beautiful notebook. It’s so therapeutic for me to just take out a fountain pen and my leather journal and just write about anything that comes to mind. I always feel so refreshed and revitalized afterward. A good run, hike, or bike ride doesn’t hurt either. Physical activity is good for not only the body, but as Gentian says, it’s good for the mind and soul.



Another thing that helps is traveling to new places. I try to see and learn something new every day so my interest is always at attention. Volunteer work, like with the orphans, is a rewarding experience and that keeps my spirit at peace. Growing bored and stagnant is very unhealthy, so I try to avoid that as much as I possibly can.



My goodness, I’ve written a book! I think this is a good place to end, so I’ll wish you many a happy day.

Your friend,


The Pen Pal Project: Lenora to Meadow 3

WARNING: This contains spoilers to my story, “Forever in Time.” Events from that story are discussed in Lenora’s letter. To read “Forever in Time,” you can find the link to that blog in the Other Works by Me section on this blog.



Dear Meadow!

How lovely it was to get your beautiful letter! Don’t worry about taking a while to get back. As you said, we all are busy and have things in life we must attend to. With that said, I, too, must apologize for taking my own good deal of time in getting back to you. We’ve been dealing with a very worrisome situation with my sister, Alina. Alina isn’t my biological sister, but she’s like a sister to me. She’s Mathilda’s daughter. I think I told you about Mathilda, right? Anyway, Alina and her husband have been dealing with fertility issues that sprung from a curse that was put on her. To remove it, they must undergo a scary and potentially dangerous thing. It has me worried sick for them, but Mathilda says it will be all right. I must believe her or I’ll work myself into a frenzy. When it’s one of my own, I can’t help but worry.

Ah, but here I go talking about magic again. In all honestly, I debated on how much i should reveal. I’m not one to hide the truth from a friend, as I operate on honesty and sincerity. Still, these things can throw people in unpleasant ways, so sometimes it’s hard to determine how much to keep under wraps without compromising my integrity. I can understand how my reality doesn’t mesh with yours and that is okay. When I tell you of magic and about how reality is for me, just think of it as a good story you might want to read in its entirety. I’m awfully good at spinning a yarn. I’m a writer, after all, so spinning a good yarn is part of my bread and butter.



Och, Meadow, my friend! I heartily wish I could tell you that terrible things don’t happen to good people, but that would be a lie. Even with the loss of my parents, my life with Grandda was sheltered. He protected me as best he could and I took care of him the best I knew how. My illness was the most horrible thing we experienced during my growing up.

I lost him for a time while carrying my son, Landon. I had lost my parents but was too young to remember and grieve for them. Losing Grandda was like being ripped apart from the inside out. I had Mathilda, my husband, and my son, but Grandda left such a huge empty place that was never full again until he returned to us.



I believe I told you about losing my first husband and son to a plane crash when Landon was a boy. Och, they were my life and without them, what was left of my life held no meaning for such a very long time. It literally killed me but I had to come back because there was still work left for me to do. At the time, I couldn’t bear to be where they weren’t. It took me a very long, long time to heal and it was thanks to Mathilda that it happened.

I was blessed to find love again, and I have a wonderful husband and children to show for it. We are very happy and blessed, but ah, we’ve endured our share of grief and tragedy. Something horrible happened when the children were young; it was something that broke one of the strongest, bravest men I know, the man I love with every fiber of my being.



Tyrone came from a loving and wealthy family, but sadly, his sister had a lot of issues. Disgruntled feelings turned into outright animosity and were allowed to fester until they became downright toxic. She had it in her head that Tyrone was the golden child while she got only the leftovers. She felt the need for revenge and knew the best way to hurt Tyrone was to come after me.



Now to backtrack. After putting my life back together from losing Lincoln and Landon, I dated sporadically. I was seeing a man named Shane for a while but never felt any kind of great attraction toward him. I even broke it off when I found out he was married. Shane was the type who had to do it his way or his ego would suffer. He ended up getting with Tyrone’s sister and came up with this scheme to capture me. Shane also had a brother, Allen, who was very mentally ill and who’d developed a fixation toward me. Tyrone’s sister and Shane blackmailed a doctor who also possessed magic to cast a spell to put me out of commission so they could spirit me away, reprogram me to make me forget my life, and hand me over to Allen.



Well, it worked and I was made to appear as though I’d died. I really thought I was dying. Man, it sure felt like it. Tyrone was with me at the end and as I said, it broke him. You see, when a werewolf loses his or her true soulmate, it causes them unspeakably unbearable pain. Some don’t even survive it. I think the fact that I truly wasn’t gone was what kept him here.



They even gave me a sendoff and a clone of me was who was being buried. To this day, it breaks my heart knowing the kind of pain my family was put through because of a misguided vendetta.



When I woke up, I found myself locked in a cell where I remained for a few weeks. The doctor who was being blackmailed was in charge of reprogramming me but was a very unwilling participant. Mathilda put two and two together and thankfully, Neil played ball with her and did all he could to protect me.



Mathilda and Tyrone eventually figured out what had happened and I was rescued but not without casualties. Allen was killed during the scuffle and Shane…well, let us just say he is singing soprano in the Jailhouse Chorale. By the time Tyrone got done with him, he was in sorry shape, as was his sister. The moral of the story is, never piss off an already enraged werewolf, especially one who is avenging his mate.



It all turned out okay in the end, but it took a long time for all of us to recover. The children didn’t want me out of their sight and I had nightmares for a good while afterward. Tyrone did as well, and poor Landon was a mess. My nephew Carson took it hard and didn’t want to leave my side. It was shortly after that when Tyrone and I gained our immortality, so nothing like that will ever happen to us again, thank heavens!

Awful things do happen, and all we can do is cope as best we can. I believe everything I’ve gone through has made me stronger and more able to help people when I’m needed. I figured if I turned into a bitter old shrew, those events would have gotten the best of me and I couldn’t allow that. I have too much going for me to let it keep me down.

I am so glad I could bring you comfort. I can’t say I relished all the tragedy and heartbreak I went through, but I am thankful that it helps others to know that they can get through the hard times and that things do eventually get better.

Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry that what you found out about Jena causes you such great pain. I don’t blame you, for it is disgusting, no matter what culture is involved, to take such things out on a defenseless baby! It certainly isn’t little Jena’s fault regarding the circumstances of how she came to be. I realize that different cultures have their customs and codes they live by, but I am sickened by the lack of compassion toward someone who is too young to even defend herself. I give people a fair shake, but I think under these circumstances, you and Jena are better off without Karim’s so-called help. Oh dear! There goes my Irish temper again. My Grandda always tells me I never know when to quit.

My heart goes out to Jena’s biological mother. To think of what that poor woman suffered is utterly vile! Being raped is one thing, but gang rape is definitely an all-time low. It unnerves me sometimes to think about what the world is coming to nowadays.



Oh my! I was laughing so hard as you described Jena’s reaction to Beethoven’s Sixth. I could picture it so clearly, and it brought such joy for me to read. Isn’t it amazing how music can evoke such moods, even in someone so young? That is such a beautiful memory that you’ll always have.

It sounds like Jena is doing great. It’s fantastic that your Uncle Jasper was able to help with that language hurtle. Sometimes it takes a small thing to turn on that switch. That is wise to just take things as they come as far as her being bilingual. There is no right or wrong, and it’ll work out the way it’s meant to. It sounds like she’s very intelligent and enjoys learning. As long as she asks to play flashcards and shows such enthusiasm, there’s certainly no harm in playing them with her. It’s a great learning exercise and kids that age pick things up like little sponges. It may seem like work but it sounds like she is having the time of her life.

I’m so proud of you! You took a giant step in leaving Jena to enjoy a cup of coffee. It’s so hard leaving them, even with someone you trust implicitly. You don’t want to miss a thing with them and you know nobody else can take care of them like Mom can. Even though you need that breath of fresh air, taking that leap of faith is a huge deal!



It sounds like she and Jasper had a wonderful time. Ah, how I can relate to not wanting to be interrupted! I remember this time when I was so engrossed in writing this scene for a story I’d been working on. Goodness, but I was such a child! Well, my princess was abut to be fed to the evil moat monster and only Prince Zach could rescue her. I was writing about his plan of attach when all of a sudden, I heard an awful noise.

“Dinner, Lenora darling!”

Ugh! How could I even think about eating at a time like that? I tried to ignore Grandda, but he wasn’t having any of it. The next thing I knew, he was standing right beside me and giving me that look. I jumped up and glared up at him. “Grandda, ye interrupted me at the most CRUCIAL of moments!” And then, I proceeded to tell him just exactly how it was!

Poor Grandda. He’s such a loving, patient man, far better than I deserve. He put dinner back in the warmer for a half hour so I could finish my scene. And you know what? That story ended up getting published in the school’s magazine! It’s normally reserved for high school kids but my story was so good that they said they had to have it. I guess the later dinner was worth it.



Och, such lovely compliments! You are most welcome, my friend. Truly, it brings me such happiness to have given you the hope and happiness you spoke of. Your joy radiates from you so obviously and that brings me such warmth and love. I’m elated that things are going so well and the chasm between you and Jena is closing. Cherish those bedtime story moments along with the other memories and just enjoy her. They grow up so fast and this truly is a specal age to enjoy.

With ever so much love!


The Pen Pal Project: Gentian’s Profile


Name: Gentian Moore

Select your age bracket: 30-50

Desired age of pen pal: Any

Vocation: Such a simple question ought to have a simple answer but alas, I’m an exceptin to this rule. I’m a scientist by trade but ended up being the subject of my own experiments. I’d been working on anti-aging solutions and made some great strides in the field. Then, my curiosity kickef up to a higher level and I wanted to find out how my discoveries would effect someone with my body chemistry. With the nature of my work, I was in seclusion on and off for quite some time, usiing my downtime to strengthen and tone my body. There is still a lot to learn but I’m taking some time to just enjoy life. My own aging has been slowed to nearly a crawl, so I have a lot of living to do and intend to take full advantage o it. So, the roundabout answer to this question is I’m in between jobs right now and happily, I have the luxury of taking the time to explore my options.

What qualities do you desire in a pen pal? Being a Plant Person, I am quite cheerful. I guess folks like me just seem to come by it naturally. You may think that my being a scientist makes me socially awkward and sny but I’m just the opposite, really. I love to laugh and I reach my zen by seeing others – plant and otherwise – happy and content. I’m looking for pen pals who love life and want to share theirs with me. In return, I’ll do the same and will be a genuine friend to whoever wants my friendship.




Describe yourself in a few sentences: Aside from what I explained above, I enjoy nature. I suppose that goes without saying considering what I am. I believe in the health of both body and mind and practice this by partaking in martial arts and playing chess. I’m quite good at martial arts but am still learning my tricks at chess. Thanks to my friend Lenora, I’ve gotten better over time but she can always kick my ass no matter what. One day, I’ll beat her, haha.

I love a good book and have rather eclectic tastes. I like a bit of this and that and ever settle on just one genre. I’m a diehard bowler and enjoy ice skating. Naturally, I’m a whiz at gardening and find comfort in talking and socializing with my plant friends. They do talk back; you just have to know how to listen.

I love animals, especially dogs; my favorite breed is the Golden Retriever. Lilke me, they are cheerful by nature and will explore everything the world has to offer them. I also enjoy tinkering and putting things together. I doubt I’ll ever be a Thomas Edison or Mr. Goodwrench, but it passes the time and gives me a lot of fulfillment.

Hobbies & Interests: Looks like I’ve already covered that above. I’ll just add that I am not afraid to try new things and am always up for an adventure.

Would you be interested in meeting your pen pal? All the world is a stage and the show never ends until the final curtain call. Anything is possible, so yes, I’d certainly be interested. I find it beneficial to keep an open mind, so I roll with whatever happens.



How many pen pals would you like? 2-3

Other comments: I’d like to thank my dear friend, Lenora Landgraab, for steering me in this direction. With being in seclusion off and on, she understood that I’ve had some lonely times and thought this would do me some good. As I said, I’m game for trying new things, so I readily agreed to create a profile and see where this goes. You can read Lenora’s profile here in case you wander upon my page and want to see who the heck I’m talking about. Shameless plug here; read Lenora’s books! You won’t be sorry.

The Pen Pal Project: Tara’s Profile


Name: Tara McBeth

Select your age bracket: 10-15

Desired age of pen pal: Any

Vocation: Well, seeing as child labor seems to be frowned upon, that question doesn’t apply to me. If school is considered a vocation, i’m gong to lodge a protest because the pay sucks.

What qualities do you desire in a pen pal? Hmmm. This is kind of an oxymoron. I mean, you don’t just sit down and make this big list of conditions someone has to live up to to be friends, right? Friends just sort of…happen. As long as they are nice (I hate bullies!) and aren’t freaked out by me being a werewolf, that’s all I care about.



Describe yourself in a few sentences: Oh man! Be careful what you ask for here. My mother always tell me I’m too willing to share my life story. I guess instead of being Little Orphan Annie, I was once Little Orphan Tara. See, I lived in an orphanage until recently but it wasn’t one of those stinking awful ones you see on TV or read about in those adoption magazine things. It was run by White Wolf, himself, who is one of the absolute nicest people you’d ever want to know. He’s one of the offspring of Kai, the Great Alpha Wolf, but that’s another story. Anyway, I got adopted by some really awesome people who met me when they started volunteering at the orphange. I still get to see White Wolf pretty much when I want to since Ma and Da still work with him and all, so I’m totally spoiled.



It’s kind of interesting, really. I always loved to play pretend and make believe that a handsome prince would sweep me onto his horse and carry me away to his castle. Yeah, corny, right? Can I help it if I love fairy tales and totally want to be the princess in one? The thing is, I get to be a princess in real life? Da is an actual fairy prince and the brother of the Fairy Queen, so Ma and I will get a special ceremony when Ma and Da have their wedding. It’s going to be a trip! I mean, it’s going to be a double wedding with them and the Fairy Queen and Ma’s cousin Carson. Imagine that!

I know. TMI but I did warn you to be careful what you asked. 🙂



Hobbies & Interests: I’m a princess at heart but not a diva. I love dressnig up and looking pretty, but being a wolf, I can give ’em hell with the best of ’em. Oops, I guess I shouldn’t have typed the “H” word. I wonder if this thing censors stuff. Aww, who cares? Anyway, I love to read but not those kiddie stories that make any decent person want to gag. I’m down for dinner and a movie and won’t turn down a shopping trip. I’m not a picky eater at all, but Ma says I’m starting to develop an experienced palate, thanks to Grandma Lenora’s cooking. Still, being a wolf, a rare steak totally hits the spot.

I love music and dancing. Da is teaching me to waltz and do ballroom dancing so I’m all prepared for when I get to be an actual princess. I’m learning how to play the piano and other stuff and Ma just got me signed up for drama club and ballet. Maybe I can be an actress and singer one day.

Would you be interested in meeting your pen pal? Sure!



How many pen pals would you like? Two or three works for me. If it were up to me, I’d make friends with the whole world but Ma says I should start off small so as not to get overwhelmed. She’s a very wise lady, Ma is, so I suppose she knows what she’s talking about.



Other Comments: I was thinking how funny it is, me becoming a princess of a fairy kingdom since I’m a wolf. The Fairy Queen is going to be my auntie and she’s so nice. It’s jut sort of funny though, isn’t it?

The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Jasper 3



Greetings, Jasper,

Your letter could not have come at a more perfect time. Reading your words was like a soothing balm to my heart, which is in a good deal of unrest at the moment. I am deeply worried about one of my own, but I shall get to that in a bit.

Before sending my previous reply to ye, I reread it several times, wondering if perhaps I emphasized the supernatural too much. The reality in which I live is as much a part of me as my fingers are, so it’s hard to ignore. Some believe wholeheartedly that people like me are possible. Others want to believe but can’t bring themselves to do so, and others are complete skeptics. What a person believes and to what degree they believe is a very personal choice each person must make. I have never been one to twist arms or preach about what is appropriate to believe, for each person must come to their own beliefs in their own time. Letting it sit, as you have decided, is probably wise. My Lenora has a pen pal who said the very same thing to her recently.

Speaking of Lenora’s pen pals, I have a strong hunch that your niece and my Lenora are writing to each other. Oh, we don’t go through the ins and outs of our letters because we don’t want to share confidential details but we talk in generalities. Lenora has been telling her pen pal new Mom stories, as her pen pal has a new wee daughter. If this is true, it certainly is a small world.

Funnily enough, both Lenora and I have another pen pal who tuned out to be someone we’re both writing to. Seems she has a deep interest in the supernatural, so Lenora and I had the same idea and we are both writing to her. Isn’t it funny how things like that happen?

Anyway, I digress. As I said, letting it sit is wise, as trying to see how it fits with everyday logic can be overwhelming for some. I reckon if I was in that position, it would give me a grand headache and I’d try to stop analyzing it after a fashion. As we both like books, perhaps ye could think of my outlandish tales as part of an anthology ye are reading and let it sit at that.



As we think of those who have entered our lives, analyzing and trying to understand what can be impossible to understand pales in comparison. We just know that we are fond of such a person or love them, depending on their place in our lives. Thee will always be unexplained aspects of this old world and trying to figure them out will only frustrate a person further.

So, we just let it sit until it is ready to be noticed.



It gave me such a chuckle hearing your adventure with wee Jena. It reminded me so much of my Lenora at that age and when she began to grow up. She, too, was a mater storyteller; she still is, in fact. She would have to be for her books to remain on the Best Seller List. Anyway, she would always get to frustrated if I interrupted her creative endeavors. Like her Grandda, she has that famous Irish temper. I remember one time when I called her for dinner, she looked up at me, stamped her wee foot, and said, “Grandda, ye have just interrupted me at the mot CRUCIAL of moments! My princess is about to be eaten by the ugly moat monster and if Prince Zach doesn’t get to her in time, she’s going to end up as an appetizer.” What could I say? Dinner waited about half an hour so Lenora could finish writing her scene. After all, we couldn’t have the princess become some monster’s snack.

It sounds like ye had a grand time with wee Jena once she was over being sore. Ah, Jasper, they are adorable at that age, are they not? Full of beans they are, but adorable nonetheless.

And, I am glad your niece got some time for herself. Raising a wee one takes a lot out of a person and they need time to rejuvenate.



We are, indeed, two very lucky old men, my friend. To have the family we do and our courageous, strong, intelligent, beautiful wives makes for a lovely day and a warm, cozy night. Gratitude does add sweetness to any sound and a warmth to an already full heart.



In having such lovely family in our lives, we worry even more about them when they are in trouble. Mathilda’s daughter, Alina, who I love as my own, and her husband, Robin, are going through a rough time right now. They are having difficulty conceiving a wee one and have been trying for a couple years now. We know what the problem is and it can be cured, but the cure won’t come easy.

Again, this is a story that ye will find difficult to fit into the logic of everyday thinking, for it deals with the reality we live in. The long and short of it is, Alina was cursed by a wicked fairy who sought to hurt Alina to get revenge on Mathilda. Ye see, Mathilda being who she is has made enemies along the way, but those enemies are too cowardly to face Mathilda personally, it seems. So, poor Alina and Robin – two innocent people – are made to suffer because of it.



Alina is determined to make it right even though there is danger involved. I am concerned and Robin is, naturally, quite distraught about something possibly happening to his wife. Alina is being very brave and they are in good hands with Mathilda helping them, but a father can’t help but worry about his children when they are undertaking something dangerous.



Ah, Emma is always a great choice of book to read! Ye are right! With all this talk of Austen, I long to dive again into her richness and savor every flavor she brings to the table. Such a lovely lady and talented writer she was!

I think this is a good stopping point. My, we have covered a lot of ground, my friend, have we not?

Wishing ye many happy years of enjoying wonderful stories and sweet moments with those ye love.



The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Emily 3



Dear Emily,

As always, it was such a pleasure to receive your letter. No worries about scaring me off. I’ve lived too long a life to be scared off so easily. You’re stuck with this old Irishman for as long as ye wish to be.

It is very sad to sometimes need to hide what we are. The world is a complex place made up of all kinds of people; some good, some bad, some in between, but all kinds of people nonetheless. Ye are very blessed, Miss Emily. Having loving people around ye to help ye feel your way in life is truly what is important.

Och, ye are most welcome, lassie. I fear, though, that perhaps my answers brought about even more questions to your already imaginative and active mind. As I said, death and dying is different for each person and most don’t make it back to tell about their personal experience. For me, it was like going to sleep after a very long day. For Lenora (yes, she died once too), it was an escape from an experience that was so sorrowful for her that she couldn’t handle it.



Forever. Aye, that is a concept that is hard to grasp. Most people, when they are young, have a hard time grasping the concept of five or even ten years hence, let alone forever. One day when my Lenora was recovering from her illness and relaxing on her bed, she called me to her side. “Grandda,” she said, “I was sitting here thinking about how old I would be when ye hit certain ages. I didn’t think I’d make it with nearly dying and all. But now, thinking about it, it’s hard for me to imagine how I’ll be when I’m forty and ye would likely be–” A shiver racked her and I knew instantly what she was thinking.

I gathered her close and spoke softly into her ear as if sharing a secret that would belong to only the two of us. “That is a long, long way off and we both still have a lot of living to do before then. What I do know is, even at forty, ye will still be my beautiful, sweet Lenora who I will be proud of, even from Heaven.” I kissed her cheek and continued when her arms tightened even more around me. “I can’t predict what will truly happen or when life will end for me. What I do know is that life will be rich and full for ye, Lenora. How can it not be for someone like ye? I bet ye’ll be a famous writer and have lots of kids and a handsome husband. I predict that after I’m gone, there will always be someone there to love ye and ye’ll eventually forget all about your old Grandda.”

“I could never forget about ye, Grandda, never, ever!” She hugged me fiercely and in that moment, I didn’t care about five or ten years hence. For me, that moment right there was perfect.



I reckon what I’m trying to say in this roundabout way is that elements of time, especially in thinking of forever, are not as important as what ye are living in the present. The older ye get, the faster time goes, and those priceless moments pass us by so quickly.

I hope ye found some solace when ye visited your mum’s grave. Sometimes it helps to just go and talk to them, even if they can’t answer back. I believe that when a loved one visits a grave, the soul of the one who has passed wanders fairly close and listens. Sometimes it makes the graveyard feel colder, like how ye were saying about the ghosts lurking about. Sometimes restless souls wander the graveyard, very rarely seen by the living.



My wife, Anne, passed on before Lenora was born. Och, I missed her so for the longest time! I turned to my hobby of woodworking to try to cope with the grief and loneliness of her loss. I’d go visit her grave and ask her to give me a sign that she could hear me. It tore my heart out knowing that she was lying beneath the earth and that I’d never see her again.

One day, Maggie planted some flowers and performed a spell to make them grow faster. Like your cherry blossom tree, those flowers bloomed bright and beautiful and were the most alive things in that graveyard. And do ye know, on that same spot, flowers always bloom every year. I think Maggie put other special magic into them to make that happen, but sometimes I like to think that Anne, herself, comes to tend them once in a while. Anne did love her flower garden so when she lived.

Ah, I did wonder if ye had some Oriental blood and now I know. Japan is a fascinating place to visit. Mathilda and I visited Osaka and Tokyo once, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The architecture is, indeed, lovely, the tea was delicious, and there was so much history to enjoy and learn. Ye must not feel badly about not experiencing a mystical blood tie experience. There is nothing wrong with that. It simply means that your heart is where ye live now with your family. Ye had a grand time and appreciated the things ye saw; that is what is important. As you’ve said, what matters most is that ye have people around ye who love ye and who ye love.

Och! Being an immortal is one thing but being a lonely immortal would be such an awful cross to bear. Forever is a long time to be lonely. I do have friends who aren’t immortal and I know one day, I’ll have to face losing them. I try not to dwell on that too much, as it would take away from the enjoyment I have from them here and now. All I can do is cherish the time I will have with them and enjoy it to the fullest for as long as we are allowed.



I don’t know that it wouldn’t have been easy to embrace immortality if I was lacking in immortal family members and friends to share it with. It would be terribly lonely to see everyone ye love grow older and eventually pass while ye remain the only ongoing survivor. Forever is a long, long time and I be thankful I have Mathilda, Lenora, and others to share that time with. I may lose some I am truly fond of but others will constantly remain with me.



It is not often I find a young person as fascinated with death as ye are. Most run from it like the plague. Others believe they are immortal when they are not. But ye seem to accept it and are even curious about it. Have no worries, lassie. I knew what ye were getting at. My death was nice. Slipping away quickly and quietly in one’s sleep, to me, is the most ideal way to go, but I am glad I had that last chance to say my goodbyes when I needed to go. I was ready but och, it was hard to see the grief from those I love. I didn’t suffer a long illness such aa cancer, so I’m at least thankful for that. I had it easy, really, and was even permitted to visit them when I was needed.



My family and I have truly been through Hell and back, and ah, thankfully, everyone is doing well now. We are all healthy and happy for the time being and are enjoying watching our family grow. My great-granddaughters, Andrea and Aurora and their partners have adopted wee girls, and Mathilda’s daughter Alina and her husband are looking to start their family. The poor dears are having a hard time of it right now with struggling with infertility but I believe it will work out for them. Lenora and Tyrone are adopting three wee ones, which I imagine she has already written to ye about. As for Mathilda and me, we will eventually have a child, I’m certain, but there is plenty of time for that. Right now, we are content to enjoy the family we currently have.

Ah,, ye would love Ireland if ye visited, I’m certain! From the pictures ye have seen, ye know it’s a beautiful, lush land with history embedded in every fiber. There is nothing that energizes the soul like Irish music does. Even when my body grew too old and frail, my heart continued to dance a jig every time my favorite tunes played. Ah, there were so many nights my Lenora would come to me all smiles. “Play some music, Grandda and let us dance and be cheery,” she would say. She would want to dance on and on and would only stop when I was too worn out to continue. It was such a joy for me to share such an important part of life with her.

Ye have a fine taste in books, lassie. Lenora always loved fantasy stories and she’ll incorporate elements of that in some of the books she writes. Lenora’s books are very popular, so it doesn’t surprise me that they were all checked out from your library. I tend to agree with ye about science fiction. Most I can do without, although I did enjoy “Ubik” by Philip K. Dick and “Stranger in a Strange Land” by Robert Heinlein. And, of course, who can resist comics? It’s lovely to hear how much ye are enjoying your current book. I lost a friendly bet with my Great Grandson, Chris, so as payment, I’m to read “Christine” by Stephen King. It’s a horror novel about a car with a bad personality who takes after her enemies and does away with them. She…the car’s name is Christine…does this with no driver and when damaged, can regenerate her parts to make herself brand new again. Very disturbing if ye ask me, but a bet is a bet and I lost.



As to my choice of reading material when I’m not fulfilling lost bets, I enjoy a good many genres. I like biographies and classic literature, but like ye, I enjoy fantasy, especially stories with dragons and wizards. As a boy, I was highly enamored of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Despite what I said about “Christine,” I do enjoy a thriller once in a while, and I like action adventure and mysteries. Once I am done with this renegade car, I intend to read “Watchers” by Dean Koontz, which is about a genetically altered Golden Retriever and the man who finds him in the forest. My other Great Grandson, Jonas, assures me it’s a fantastic book and he hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

Ye asked me about dragons. I do, indeed, know some dragons in real life. Alina has a black dragon who is a special friend of hers, and Mathilda has been seen in the company of several dragons. Although I have never seen one, I’ve heard legends of a breed of dragon called an American Amadeus. This kind of dragon talks to ye but not in regular speech. They sing their words and can only understand words if they are sung to them. Normal tones of speech are more like buzzing in the ears to them. They are known for their intelligence and loyalty to those humans they deem worthy of it and are even telepathic. Perhaps I will see one sometime, for legend says they are amazing creatures but very rare ones.

I will close for now and will look forward to your next letter.

Your friend,


The Pen Pal Project: Mathilda to Giuliana


Dear Tersues,

First of all, you’ve picked a very cool moniker to go by. Tazer packs a great punch but Terseus is clever! I like that: a combination of Tazer and Perseus. From here on out, you shall be Terseus to me.



I am, indeed, a real Goddess. I was first a witch and still am. I worked hard to get where I am and was greatly rewarded for it. Being a Goddess isn’t always easy, for even for us, there are certain rules we must live by. For example, there are things we cannot interfere with directly, no matter how much we wish to. By doing so, the balance of the world could be thrown off, causing catastrophic damage and harming innocent people. Due to who and what I am, I am sworn to protect the innocent as best I can.

Your mother sounds like a fun lady. It isn’t always easy to poke fun at ourselves, but it sounds like you all have great fun at her inability to cook good food. We all have our talents as well as weaknesses. This is why no man (or woman) can go it totally alone. We all need help during our lives and there is no shame in asking for it.



I can’t tell you how much your letter made both my husband and me smile. As creative as your magnificent names for me are, especially “Oh Alabaster Heights, hallelujah,” you can just call me Mathilda. After all, we’re going to be pen pals and, hopefully, friends. As to pronouncing my name, people have said it both ways. This time, your brother has one up on you. 🙂 Just think of the “H” being silent, so it’s Ma-TIL-duh.

I can see that you like Greek Mythology and that Perseus seems to be your favorite hero. Ah, such a great choice! He faced many a danger and experienced more than is share of sorrow. But then, life wouldn’t be life without the bad, for we cannot fully appreciate the good without at least some bad.



It is admirable that you want to be a real life hero, and with your outlook and determination, I’m more than certain I will be reading about your heroics in the newspaper one day. Liam – that’s my husband – and I will open the paper while we have our morning coffee and there you’ll be; right there on the front page. In fact, I’d say you’re well on your way. It often doesn’t take grand gestures to be a hero, you see. Just doing what you are doing by standing up to the bullies is a great start. People will begin to look up to you and admire your courage for not lying down and taking it.

Life would be ever so much easier if we had a Medusa head as a weapon or a mental power like telekinesis as Carrie did in Stephen King’s book. But most often, it takes inner strength, a strong character, determination, and brains to conquer the beasts and demons we must face. Still, I like your style. It’s much more fun to brandish a Medusa head. 😀 Just be careful not to look at it yourself. A taser doesn’t work properly if it turns to stone.



So then, you would like to serve me forever and have me as your Goddess, eh? I don’t come easily, but then, I think you’re the type who would be sorely disappointed if things happened too easily. You like high adventure and you’re determined to show that you’re up for a challenge. That is commendable and I like that!

As you are aware, there must come three tests and I hope you will find it exciting. There are things in the world that are begging to be located, things that are useful to someone like me. I am often too busy to go hunting for them myself, so here is where I need someone of your skill and zest for adventure. Here are your three tests.

Find five different rocks, extra points if at least one is a rare one. Now, you may think a rock is a rock is a rock, but that is not true. Often, rocks or stones contain power in and of themselves. There are many legends about the standing stones in places like Stonehenge having mystical powres, like the ability to transport someone through time. People have reported that they often hear the stones singing and that there is an inexplicable force that both intrigues and scares them. If you succeed in this test, I will tell you two of the legends I know to be true.

Find five different plants. Again, extra points if you find at least one rare one. Although plants don’t talk to us, they are, indeed alive, and all life is sacred. Without plants, we would not have the oxygen we need to breathe, nor would we have healthy things to eat. If you succeed in this test, I will tell you about plants that can actually talk.



Find five different metals. Again, extra points if you find at least one rare one. Metals are an important part of Alchemy. Alchemy is a process by which witches and wizards can create special elixirs when using ingredients like metals and gems. These elixirs can either hurt or help people and must be used wisely. If you succeed in this test, I will tell you of two special elixirs that are of enormous help to me.

If you succeed in all three of these tests, I will be your special Goddess for as long as you need me and will come to you any time you need help. Just shout my name as you’ve done earlier and I will hear.



I must say, you have great insights. You are correct that heroes do have at least one fault. Everyone has faults as well as strengths, and that makes things interesting. Recognizing that you have a fault is very humbling but you’re a better person for it because you realize it’s something you need to work on. Goddesses are there to help though, as you know, and that is a comfort to most.

That’s a very interesting and practical statement about being called Smartyboots. This is true; a person is smart to wear boots in the rain, and smartyboots is a very catchy name.



Ah, I do know how annoying certain people can be. The ones who pick on you and tease you are most likely jealous of you and your talents. You sound like a fun, talented, assertive, and intelligent person, which are the kind of people I admire and respect. You know what? I have a special friend named Lenora. Well, she’s more like a daughter, really. Anyway, Lenora is very intelligent and creative, and she was called “Egghead” a lot in school. There was this one boy, Lincoln, who teased her the most. You know what she did? She rose up righteous and wailed the tar out of him, having gotten so tired of it. Now, I don’t recommend using violence in most cases, but Lenora got mad enough to try to change hings rather than crawl under the covers and cry. He didn’t tease her after that, but there was a reason he teased her. You see, Lincoln liked Lenora but had to play it cool around his friends. As misguided as it was, it was the only way he knew of to show her attention without looking like a sissy. It didn’t end there. Over time, Lenora grew to like him, even love him eventually. They got married and had a son. They were happy until Lincoln was killed. Ah, but that is another story. What I’m saying is, they may tease you and it’s mean and annoying, but time has a way of working things out and they might change toward you.

Athena did, indeed, like sandals. Back then, I think sandals were pretty much what everyone wore. There weren’t sneakers or high heels back then, and everything was made by hand from animals and other natural resources. As to what I like, well, I tend to wear a lot of dresses so I wear heels a lot. But, I have a favorite pair of sandals for those lovely warm days when I enjoy taking a long walk with either my husband, Lenora, or my daughter, Alina.



I am more than happy to write to you and I hope to be pen pals for a long time to come.

Your new friend,

Goddess Mathilda

To Everything There is a Season


This is my submission for the Monthly Short Story Challenge held on the Sims Forums. January’s theme is “Anew.”

Word Count: 559 Words

Picture Coount: 4



Never in all my life had I cried so hard, not even when my Dad died. Charlie and I had been through so much. We’d met one hot July day while taking a specialized class together. The first time I looked into his face, I knew I’d met a kindred spirit. We tested each other, even sniped at one other sometimes but always found our way back. My Dad, a fun-loving kind of guy, heartily approved of my relationship with Charlie, although Charlie was very serious minded, even stodgy sometimes. Charlie and I went to college together. I got my diploma and he got his certificate.

After being together for nearly seven years, the loss of Charlie left an empty place in my soul, a place I feared would never be the same again. They say time heals all wounds, but I was highly doubtful.



I desperately wanted to turn back the hands of time. Maybe if I’d done things differently, Charlie might not be gone. He’d still be the Robin to my Batman, the Sonny to my Cher. Alas, those times were over and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

I had no choice but to look to the future. As heartsick as I was, I knew I needed a new partner. Charlie could no longer fulfill that role, so I had to find someone who could.


Memories flooded through me as I entered the building I’d last seen a few short years earlier. I was so nervous and scared the first time, anticipating what it was going to be like to endure a kind of training program I’d never experienced before. I was nervous and scared this time, too, but for different reasons. My training remained sharp but in getting a new partner, I was, in a sense, starting from scratch.



Three days later, my new partner arrived. Her name was Abby, and she had the most beautiful golden fur I’d ever seen. She was as different from Charlie as white is to red. I had always wanted a Golden Retriever and now, my wish had come true.

Training wasn’t a walk in the park. Well, sometimes it was…literally. Oh, I was better prepared this time around because I’d already taken Guide Dog 101. Abby knew what to do, but getting used to each other took some doing. Where Charlie had been all business, Abby liked to smile at passersby and window shop a little. How could I fault her for that? She was a Golden Retriever, after all.



It didn’t take Abby long to wag her way into my heart. She had such a sunny disposition that everyone couldn’t help but like. She loved “holding hands” with me in such a way that she’d wrap her toenails around my fingers if she could. Abby even had her loyal subjects and would conduct herself as a queen sitting on her throne.

As the old song goes, “To everything, turn, turn turn. There is a season, turn, turn turn. And a time for every purpose under Heaven.” It’s sometimes hard to understand why things happen even though there is a reason behind it. Charlie’s death meant the end of an era, but Abby lessened the pain of starting anew. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner to start anew with.

Author’s Note: This little piece is a small autobiographical sketch of something that happened in my life some years ago. Pictured is my Sim Self and Abby, who I tried without much success to recreate. Sadly, Sim Abby didn’t do the real Abby justice. Here is a picture of the real Abby.




Abby and I had an awesome life together for many years until she passed away from lung cancer in 2010. She will always be “The Queen” to us. 🙂

Here is a picture of Caleb, my current partner.



Another beautiful Golden Retriever who is quite the ham.

If you’d like to learn more about dog guides and the training involved, you can visit Leader Dogs for the Blind by clicking here. This is the wonderful place all my partners have come from.

The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Emily 2


My dear Emily,

First off, there be no need to apologize. I find your excitement so very refreshing. It always does my old heart good at seeing the zest for learning surround someone as they discover something new and amazing. It is a wonder to behold, indeed, when such a new realm becomes available to explore.

Ah, so my Lenora wrote ye now, did she? That doesn’t surprise me in the least. Lenora is a very loving, friendly person who always enjoys making new friends. I reckon your interest in the supernatural caught her eye as it did mine.

Lenora and I tend to gravitate toward the same kind of people, really. With it being just her and me for the longest time, we were often on the same wavelength. Oh, we still are, so it probably does seem like a conspiracy.

It is true that the supernaturally minded tend to run in small circles. As ye know, I have a large family and we are free to use our abilities openly in their presence. At times, however, we must have a care about what we reveal and to who when in the general public. Many would not understand and some would want to exploit our abilities. We, as Supernaturals, are charged to live by a code of honor, the main rule being that we protect the innocent. Sometimes we’re called to do this openly while at other times, we must be creative and low-key about how we go about it.

I’ll try to answer all your questions asked in your letter, Miss Emily, although I daresay they will probably bring up even more. Now, don’t be afraid to ask me anything ye like, my dear, for I don’t mind, in the least, talking about these things.

What is it like to be immortal? Aye, that is the ultimate question. I reckon, for some, it could be a curse. For me, I feel very blessed, for I have ones I love who are also immortal. It would be a very lonely life if I was alone in my immortality. Ye see, it is hard for many to comprehend just how long forever is. They wish for immortality because they are afraid of death. But what they don’t realize is that once immortal, ye outlive everyone. Your loved ones eventually age and die. Ye watch your friends grow feeble and break down like old machines. Everything around ye withers and passes whilst ye, alone, remain ageless and unchanged.

I know this is what I face but I also know I have loved ones who are immortal, too. Mathilda and I have forever, and I will also have my Lenora forever. There are others I will never have to face losing, so I am truly blessed.



Ye are a perceptive lass, indeed! The mind does tend to get bogged down at times with an infinite lifetime of memories; I cope with this in several ways. First off, I have the leisure to expend much energy on hobbies. I enjoy fixing and putting things together, woodworking, writing, and helping Mathilda with her Alchemy, just to name a few. I can let my mind wander while I’m working on a project.

I also keep a journal, which was Lenora’s idea. She believes it helps compartmentalize each thought, and she’s right. My great granddaughter, Aurora, calls it a massive brain dump. In fact, both Lenora and Mathilda are encouraging me to publish my memoirs and I am seriously considering it.

Ye were asking about living in Ireland. Ah, Ireland is one of the most beautiful places on this Earth and I do miss the “Old Country,” I immigrated as a teenager and lived in Hidden Springs until my death. As beautiful as Ireland is, she’s had her share of violence and turbulence. Even so, it is a magical and friendly place with much culture and history. I reckon ye will fall in love with the land if ye ever be traveling there one day.

Ye asked what tit was like to die. Ah, I could write a book on that very subject alone. It is different for everyone, I reckon. There are some who are afraid of death and dying. What they are really afraid of is the unknown. The ones who are accepting of approaching death find it much easier to cross over. I was old and frail when the end came for me. I didn’t fight it, for I believe that life and death is a circle. The old and used up must make way for new life to begin.

Mathilda and Lenora were at my side when it came. Lenora was heavily pregnant with her wee son Landon at the time. I was sorry to leave her at such a time and to know I wouldn’t be there to see her wee one born. But I knew she was in good hands with Mathilda and her first husband, Lincoln. I’d taken care of her all her life but it was time for me to surrender that role. The only thing I regretted was knowing she and Mathilda would grieve so hard for me.

The passing, itself, was quicker than falling asleep. I told my Lenora I loved her and that I was so proud of her. My eyes closed and the next thing I knew, I was in a beautiful meadow with my first wife Anne, my daughter Maggie, and her man Patrick.



Years later, I grew restless in the afterlife. My poor Lenora suffered the greatest loss of her life when her man and wee laddie were killed in a plane crash. She grew weak in body and spirit, and the illness that plagued her at thirteen returned with a vengeance. It literally killed her with her dying in Mathilda’s arms. She briefly visited the spirit world but was returned to her physical body due to her needing to fulfill her life’s purpose. She moved in with Mathilda, who took care of her while she healed.

From time to time, I was able to visit in spirit form. I began to question if I’d been meant to pass on when I did. Lenora needed me, and I, myself, had left many things, mainly my feelings for Mathilda, unresolved.



When Lenora was suffering a particularly bad bout of grief, I was permitted to visit her for a time. It always ripped out my heart to see her weep and even in death, this never changed, I felt helpless knowing there was very little I could do.



Time went on and Lenora healed. Mathilda was able to bring Landon back to her (another story), and she is married to her second husband, Tyrone. For Mathilda and me, however, things were still unresolved.

We loved each other but neither of us revealed this to the other. With her being immortal, I couldn’t, in good conscience, be with her. It is a horrible thing for one to remain young and ageless and watch the other grow old and dies. Mahilda deserved better than that.



Mathilda is one of the very few who knows the formula that grants immortality. Shortly after Lenora and Tyrone were married, she summoned me and proposed my return to physical life. Like her, I would have eternal youth and be indestructible. We revealed our feelings and I agreed to return.



It was no easy feat, even for a goddess. Aye, Mathilda is, indeed, a real goddess. Anyway, there are several ways a person can be brought back. For me, Mathilda prepared some special food that I needed to ingest.



It was a strange sensation, returning to a physical body. The coldness that continually surrounded me faded and I grew substantial in weight. It wasn’t like getting fat; it was like just…being and realizing there is more to ye than just a wisp of air.

I then had to drink two potions, one to restore my youth and the other to give me immortality. Again, it was a strange sensation. I became temporarily dizzy and my ears rang. But when that passed, such strength and power flooded through me! I’d never known such strength and power. Mathilda cast a few spells to make sure everything took. So now, if I cut my finger, for example, it will heal in mere seconds. We don’t get sick, not even with a wee cold.



So, there ye have it. It’s been a hell of a ride but a ride I be thankful for every day.

Och, lassie! I be so sorry for the loss of your good parents. It is a sorrowful thing to lose ones ye love. Believe me, I know! As ye know, my Maggie and her man died, leaving wee Lenora for me to raise. My other daughter, Siobhan, was presumed dead but thanking all the deities, she was returned to us some years back (again, another long story). Mathilda, indeed, is wonderful and I would not be able to get on without her. Mathilda has a daughter, Alina, who I love as my own.

i reckon what I be saying is that even though there are ones we lose, there are others who help fill that void. It sounds like ye have a lovely family with an abundance of love to lavish on each other.

Och, ye are a kind and lovely lass, Miss Emily! My Lenora always tells me I am the best Grandda anyone could ever have, but she be a bit biased. I be thanking ye kindly for your lovely words about me.

I do enjoy playing the guitar. Ye know what they say. Music soothes the savage beast. Besides, I wouldn’t be much of an Irishman if I didn’t like music. Like ye, I enjoy opening a book into another world of people, sights, and sounds, Do ye have a favorite author or genre?



And so, this brings me to the close of this rather long letter. I wish ye and your family much love and good health. May the sun greet ye with lovely messages as it shines through your window each morning.

Much love from your friend,


The Pen Pal Projec: Lenora to Emily 2


Dear Emily,

How wonderful it was to receive your letter! It’s always a beautiful start to my day when hearing from such a lovely person.

I’m glad my being the real deal in the supernatural realm didn’t give you a bad turn. Suffice it to say, it freaks some people out when they find out there really are supernaturals about. Being interested in the subject and then actually coming into contact with a supernatural being can be quite daunting for some, but it was so great to see how excited you were. I’m so sorry your encounter with other witches was an unpleasant experience for you. It saddens me that supernatural or not, there are mean people in this world who feel it necessary to spread such toxicity about. I assure you, there are wonderful supernatural people, so please try not to let the unpleasant experience get you down. I sincerely hope that our friendship and correspondence can counteract, at least a little, the feelings you must have had after such an experience.

Ah,, there is certainly never a dull moment where my family is concerned. with five grown children and three we are in the process of adopting and several grandchildren, we’re a lively bunch. With all the fairies, werewolves, witches, and others, I’ll admit it makes for another level of adventure. For example, this place really jumps at the full moon when all the wolves are compelled to transform.

Let me try to break things down for you and introduce you to my family.



My oldest son, Landon, is married to Crystal, a fairy with lovely white wings. Crystal happens to be the daughter of the Fairy Queen herself, Ella, who is engaged to mine and Tyrone’s nephew, Carson.



Ella and Carson met when Ella returned from a mission to reunite with Crystal and to see her grandsons. Because of some things that happened in his childhood, Carson was very mistrustful of fairies, the exceptions being Crystal and hers and Landon’s sons.



All of that changed when they fell in love and Ella gave Carson wings and immortality.



They will be married in a double ceremony with my daughter, Aurora and her fiance, Silvan, who is a fairy prince. Shortly afterward, Carson will have his coronation to become the Fairy King.

And that brings me to another story.



Even as a child, Aurora had a romantic heart. Her biggest dream was to meet a handsome fairy prince who would fall in love with her. She went on many magical adventures through an old wardrobe that truly made Narnia exist for children. Her fairy prince wasn’t in Narnia, but the children often brought back little gifts for me when they went.



It was when she truly needed him that Aurora met her fairy prince. After being run off the road by a maniac, Silvan rescued her from what would have been certain death. I thank all the deities for that man being there. He saved my daughter’s life, and that’s something I can never, ever forget.



Silvan is a reformed Casanova, something that makes Tyrone feel a little guarded at the present. But, Silvan has eyes only for Aurora and would give his life to save her if need be. Tyrone, being an Alpha Wolf, is overprotective of our daughters. I reckon that’s just the nature of the beast (pun intended); it’s simply part of who he is.



Andrea is married to Elton, her high school sweetheart.



Tyrone and I fell in love during our appearance on a reality television dating show (that’s another story I’ll save for another letter). Our son, Jonas, followed in our footsteps and is married to the love of his life, Sharon, who is a fairy.



Our son, Chris, is married to a lovely lady named Tabitha, who he turned into a wolf at her request.

So, Landon and Jonas are wizards and Aurora is a witch who will undergo the change to become a fairy. Andrea and Chris are wolves and are married to wolves.

As I said, we are in the process of adopting three orphans who lost their parents in a fire. It’s been a rough road for them, but the grief and fear is starting to lessen a bit now.

This is a lot to digest, i’m sure. What’s important is, we are a happy bunch with a lot of love to share. Oh, we’ve been through Hell and back, but we seem to bounce back after a fashion.

You were asking about plant people. Well, in all honesty, I know only one plant person, as they’re quite rare, really. My good friend Gentian and I met during the show I was on that brought Tyrone and me together. Gentian was eliminated but we’ve always remained good friends. From what I know of plant people, and Gentian fits the bill to a tee, they are happy, cheerful, and loving people. Gentian has never had anything bad to say about anyone, he’s always smiling, and he has such a good-natured disposition. From what you said about where you live, it’s a perfect place for plant people. In fact, I imagine there might be a few there. They tend to keep to themselves though and are masters at camouflaging themselves among the foliage. They would likely be considered freaks of nature by some, so plant people are very careful about who they reveal themselves to.

I reckon I do know quite a lot about magic. Strangely enough, I never knew I was a witch until I was thirteen after recovering from my illness. Grandda thought it best to keep that from me due to a misguided sense of protecting me. Once I began learning, I took to it like a duck to water.  After the death of my first husband and Landon (I will share Landon’s story with you in another letter), I learned more very advanced magic from Mathilda, who was both mine and Grandda’s mentor. It gave me a purpose after experiencing such a debilitating loss and helped me to live again. Mathilda is now married to Grandda Liam.

From what you have said, we both have experienced great loss. I’m so, so sorry for the loss of your first parents You were so young to have lost them! I wish I could reach through the computer to give you a big hug. However, I am so happy you were adopted by a loving family. How right you are when you say that parents can never be replaced. I know how cheesy this probably sounds, but I’ll say it anyway. You will always have them in your heart. As long as you think of them from time to time, they will always remain alive to you. Cherish those good memories you have with your first Mom and they will remain close to you.

Your additional parents and siblings sound wonderful, and I’m so happy you all found each other. Family is family no matter how it was formed, and it sounds like your house is filled with much love.

I had to chuckle a little when you mentioned me being someone for you to gawk at. Don’t you worry about that. 🙂 I’m more than happy to share how it is to be a witch and about my life. I reckon I’m a bit used to it being out in the open anyway. Being…well…rather well known in both the writing and musical industries, my life has been dissected time and again. Not much remains hidden when you’re in the public eye.

I do hope you enjoy my books if and when you read them. With the exception of an autobiography, I tend to write romantic fantasy. You might like them, as my books are full of supernatural beings, some time travel, and even some parallel universes. My agent often tells me I’m one of the few authors who writes supernatural material in vivid detail. I reckon that being who and what I am, it’s easy for me to make it come alive.

How wonderful that we share interests in both books and music! I play the piano and flute and will strum a bit on the guitar. Tyrone, however, is the guitar master around here. What kind of music do you like to play on your guitar? Tyrone enjoys rocking it out but when I have a guitar in hand, I gravitate more toward folk songs. I thoroughly enjoy playing Chopin and Beethoven on the piano.



While we are on the subject of music and instruments, I found this curious one during one of my adventures that you might find interesting. While browsing in this strange little music store, something called a laser rhythm-a-con caught my eye. It’s an instrument that literally requires your entire body to play. You pluck the strings with your fingers, but it also has these lighted circles that you activate with your feet. Och, it sounds dreadfully awful when first learning how it works, but it’s much better once you get the hang of it. I’m told it’s the wave of the future. So, I took it home, started fiddling around with it, and I’m pretty good at it now. Plus, it gives me a daily workout with all that stepping. 🙂

Och, never say you are an uninteresting person, my friend. Everyone has a gift, something to share, and a purpose. Your life might seem ordinary now, but you never know what awaits you around the next corner when you least expect it. Enjoy your youth and take your time to discover what it is you are meant to do. Destiny has a way of pointing us in the direction we are meant to go.

Ah, you are very kind, Emily. I like to think of myself as a nice person, but my family will tell you I have my moments. I have the temper of the Irish but it blows over quickly. I’m a firm believer in what goes around comes around, and I treat people the way I’d want to be treated. There is so much hatred and darkness in the world, so I do what I can to add my share of sunlight as often as I can.



So with that, I will leave off here for now. I hope you enjoy reading this letter as much as I enjoyed writing it to you. May your heart always sing with love, and may the sweetest strains of melody and harmony fill your life with joy.

Much love!

Your friend,


The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Jasper 2


Dear Jasper,

Thank ye for your letter. It was, indeed, a pleasure to hear fron ye and to know we share some common interests.

Ah, a mystery is one of life’s little intricacies that keeps us constantly on our toes. No matter how old we get, there is always an air of mystery surrounding us in one way or another.

I reckon the mundane is something many fall into as a comfort. It takes some gumption and imagination to extract ourselves from that comfortable place and enter a realm that can be downright frightening for many.

Aye, sometimes too much information is a detriment. I’ve always been a curious man myself but am not one to nose into business that doesn’t concern me unless I become privy to such information. It is a good philosophy to follow and ye end up in less of a mess that way.

As far as I’m concerned, I enjoy my life and talking about it to an eager listener. It is the literal truth when I say I am an old Irishman in a young man’s body.



I’ve been an old man for a long time, but there was a period in my life that I looked the part. Ye see, being a bona fide wizard does not stop the aging process. I grew old just like most people and had the aches, pains, and struggles that many elderly people face. When it was my time to depart the physical world, I accepted it, for I understood that life and death is a continuous circle.

In my case, death was not the end. I grew restless in the afterlife and came to know that I was still needed. It is a strange feeling, realizing that I had a rare opportunity.



It was thanks to my Mahtilda for such an opportunity. She is an extraordinary woman, a true goddess.



Even for someone like Mathilda, these things don’t come easy. She had many preparations to make, each one of them needing to be perfect if I was to cross the barrier and return to physical life.



It is said that youth comes by drinking from a certain fountain. In my case, it came from a sparkling valuable bottle.



And so, here I am, an old but ageless and indestructible man married to perhaps the most powerful woman who ever lived. My Mathilda and I have eternity together and I will remain in the bosom of my family for always.



It appears that we do, indeed, share a love of wood. Cedar is certainly one of the most fragrant types and one I do love working with. Lately, however, I’ve taken to working with cherry wood. It’s not a type that many find appealing in this modern time, but I am partial to the fine, classic quality it brings. When working with it, I am brought back to the days when I was married to my first wife, Anne. We had a lovely cherry wood dining table I’d carved for her as a wedding gift. Och, she took such pride in that table, my Anne did.



It is an admirable quality when one is open to greater possibilities. As ye say, there truly is magic in simply Being. The rotation of the Earth, the vastness of space, and the melody and harmony of two beings meshing is magic we all experience. How can it be otherwise?



The greatest magic is love, which I have an abundance of.



But the kind of magic experienced as a wizard is a mystery that even the most seasoned of us finds difficult to explain. It is a sense of knowing that something extra lives within ye. Nay, it’s not like a possession like as in The Exorcist. Some reckon it to being a sort of light that brightens when the magic is released. Others liken it to an extra bit of strength. For me, it is a sense of just…knowing. It is always there even if it is put aside for a period of time. It is just something I know to be there that I can call upon whenever it is needed.

For me, magic is a gift and should be treated as such. It should be used wisely, for if not, it can be lethally dangerous. In unskilled hands, magic can and does seize control, therefore overpowering the unskilled user until there is nothing left. It is something that should be respected and handled with great care.



Loss is something we can never fully prepare for, as, I’m sure, ye be knowing. Being what I am now, loss will come to me, no matter what. It is a strange feeling, knowing I will remain young and fit whilst others around me will wither and eventually die. But, that is the price I must pay for my immortality, and I will have to bear that cross.

The loss of my Maggie was devastating and not a day goes by when I don’t miss her. I be thanking ye for the condolences and be returning same on the loss of your Bess. Life certainly changes dynamically when someone ye adore is no longer with ye in the tangible sense.



Aye, there certainly is something special about a woman who loves Austen as your Bess and my Mathilda do. It is just as ye described; she looks at ye with that wry grin as if to say she knows soe combination to unlock a most obscure treasure. And women being the species they are, perhaps they do possess this combination. Ah, we return to the land of mystery once again, do we not?



Ye have taken a most entertaining and lovely path in cultivating your love of literature. How amazing it is to discover a new work and to open a new book into such a brand new world of discovery! It’s such a privilege to have a window to a soul when reading the diary or journal of a true master.

As my Great Granddaughter, Andrea says, Shakespeare is something that ought to be digested in small amounts. She, too, is fond of Louisa May Alcott and admires the character of Jo in Little Women. It never came as a surprise, for our Andrea possesses similar qualities to Jo. She possesses a spirit of great perseverance and is brave with an air of independence. It is no coincidence that her father, Tyrone, affectionately refers to her as “Steamroller.”

Ah, but I digress. It was Shakespeare we be discussing. It’s nice to read through other works attributed to him, ones that aren’t studied by the populous. My Lenora is quite taken with Pericles, Prince of Tyre and has watched the BBC production of it several times on DVD. She wants to see a live performance of it, but alas, it is one of those plays that is often overlooked.

In this day and age where everyone is in such a hurry, it is refreshing to see someone taking their sweet time with their endeavors. It is healthy to let the mind wander sometimes. My Lenora will often write in stream of consciousness when she feels overwhelmed by a fast-paced world or when she is stuck for an idea.

I will eagerly await your next correspondence. May ye always find love where’er ye walk.



With Warmest Regards,

Liam Kelly

The Pen Pal Project: Lenora to Meadow 2

WARNING: This contains some spoilers for some material that will be written in upcoming chapters of “Forever in Time.”



Dear Meadow,

I’m so glad my letter made you smile. It’s always rewarding for me to help someone, so I am more than happy to share my experiences with you. From what you’ve said in your letter, you are experiencing a lot of ups and downs.

Let me start out by saying that ups and downs are simply part of the territory of raising little ones, honegrown or adopted. Life would be so much easier (and maybe not quite as interesting) if wee ones came with an instruction manual. But, as you know they don’t. Much of what we learn as parents is trial and error. Nobody is perfect and we all certainly make mistakes. Thankfully, kids are remarkably resilient and won’t hold those happy accidents against us.

Actually, my children were homegrown. My oldest son, Landon, was born during my first marriage. Landon and his father were killed in a plane crash many years ago. As you probably know from reading my profile, I’m in possession of some “extra” abilities that make certain unbelievable things happen. Long story short, Landon was able to return to the living, to which I am exceedingly thankful for every day. If you are interested, I will tell you all about it in another letter.

My other four children are from my second (and last) marriage. I conceived them while on my honeymoon in Paris with Tyrone. I guess there must have been a lot of magic floating around there because we ended up having quads. Yes, you read it correctly; quads.



I am, however, very familiar with orphans. My daughters, Andrea and Aurora, have been volunteering at a very special orphanage since they were teenagers. This orphanage is run by a werewolf (there really are werewolves but very seldom do they ever act like how they are depicted in movies or fiction) who is called White Wolf. Ah, he is a lovely man who has an uncanny knack for locating children in need and taking them in when the situation calls for it. Many of the children, indeed, have had hard lives, but any child who lands up in this orphanage is fortunate. You see, many orphanages are terrible places to be, but this one is an exception; it is a home where they’re loved, nurtured, and cared for. Some are adopted but many are not and remain there until they become of age.



White Wolf and my girls have grown very fond of one another over the years, which led to Tyrone and me helping out in special cases. There are some children who’ve needed some extra TLC and attention, which Tyrone and I are very willing to provide. Such a case brought three children into our lives.



The Cox children lost their parents in a fire. It was a miracle they made it out! Such an ordeal left the two oldest ones traumatized and so fearful! Poor little Layla is deathly afraid of the dark, cries, and clings to the workers when she is put down for bed. Aurora and Andrea say it takes her a long time to fall asleep, and many times, it takes Aurora singing to her for at least a half hour before Layla finally nods off.



Tiffany is the oldest and suffers horrible nightmares on a nightly basis. Rarely does she sleep through the night and often wakes up screaming. She likes and needs to be in close proximity to those she’s come to care about. The caring takes a while to come because she’s so afraid of loving and then losing that person she loves.



Tyrone and I have slowly been able to chip away at that barrier, but there are times she distances herself. Thankfully, the little boy, Cedric, was too young to remember the tragedy.

White Wolf has expressed his desire to see them adopted but feels it’s in the best interest of all three to keep them together. Most families, sadly, only want Cedric, so it has been a rough road. To make a long story short, Tyrone and I aren’t most families. The children have been staying with us on a trial basis to see how we all get on in a family setting. They’ve been doing a bit better and Tyrone and I have grown to love them. Next week, we’ll begin the adoption process so all three of them can remain with us permanently.



With Aurora and Andrea being steady workers at the orphanage for some years, it came as no surprise that they have adopted some children. Andrea and her husband Elton have adopted a tomboy of a girl named Lisa and Aurora and her fiance Silvan have adopted Tara, who wants to be a princess. Landon and his wife Crystal have also adopted a wee girl named Bliss. The three girls are adjusting nicely; it feels as if they’ve always been a part of our family.

So in answer to your musings, yes, many orphans have experienced hardship. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if your Jena has experienced trauma at some point in her life. Those refugee camps are nothing to sneeze at and some are downright horrifying. Most likely, she has experienced more sadness and upheaval than anyone should ever have to go through. The good news is, she has you now and you’re giving her that wonderful, happy, and loving life she deserves and needs.

If you are worried about her ability to form healthy attachments, you could always take her to a therapist who specializes in these things to have her evaluated for Reactive Attachment Disorder. Believe it or not, there is such a thing, and there are therapists who deal strictly with kids suffering from it. It happens most often when kids from 0-2 don’t get consistent care and are neglected for hours to days on end. What you should do to solidify that bond with Jena is to keep doing what you are doing. Comfort her for as long as she needs and and will take it. Give her a lot of affection and play with her often. Simply put, just be there as her loving main caretaker, and that will go a long way.

Along with all that, it sounds like you are experiencing the normal parts of child rearing. It’s uncanny how quickly their moods can change. One minute, they’re happy and laughing and the next, they look so sad that it makes your heart cry. At her age and even if she could speak English, they can’t always tell you what is wrong. In many cases, distraction is the key. Sometimes they can be cajoled into a better mood by something totally silly like a funny little noise or some animal crackers. At other times, they are simply overly tired and a nap does wonders. Again, it’s trial and error and you’ll have to try different things to see what works with Jena.

You’ve hit the nail right on the head. Worrying comes with the territory of being a mom. No matter how old they get, you will always worry. I have five grown children who have lives of their own now, but I still worry.



For example, I worry about Aurora every time she performs a concert. She is a professional singer and is making quite a name for herself. I worry that she works herself too hard and that she does’t always eat as healthy as she should. With her busy schedule and before she and Silvan adopted Tara, she often ate out or on the road; I hated to think what kind of junk she was ingesting. As often as I can and because I still tend to cook for an army (old habits die hard), I take stuff to her and put it in her fridge. That way I know she has some good quality food without her having to cook when she’s dead tired. So you see, once you’re a mom, you never stop being a mom.

Ah, the nightmares! They’re awful, indeed, especially for the one having them. For children, it’s especially frightening. All you can do in those situations is to comfort Jena as best you can and to show her you’ll always be there for her. She’s young so she will probably outgrow them in time.

It’s great that the two of you spend so much time “talking.” You will be amazed at how quickly she will learn new words. Wee ones tend to pick this up by osmosis. Something you could do to help increase her vocabulary is to get a little picture book and “read” it to her. Point to a picture and say the word to her. Try to get her to say the word. You will have to repeat this a number of times but you’ll be surprised at how fast she’ll learn. As you say, i’ts time together and that truly is what counts.

Och, you poor dear! You’ve taken on a mighty big challenge and doing it alone! Cut yourself some slack, my friend. Even in the best of circumstances, there are some bad moments. I know how hard it is during those times she rejects you. It could be a number of things. Again, if they are overly tired or hungry, they get VERY crabby. In turn, that can make us as parents crabby and cause us to lose it. You’re human, Meadow, and nobody can be happy and smiling all the tine. I understand that awful, low feeling after delivering a scolding remark. Believe me, I’ve been thee and done that many times. Show her you love her and she’ll come to understand that you’ll never stop loving her. It will balance out and kids, in general, are very forgiving. I don’t think Jena is going to hold this against you and yes, I think she forgave you. 🙂 Don’t worry.

At tines, it’s best to let them be. It’s good that you had something to occupy yourself with in your painting. Your description of what happened after that is very telling in a good way.

It looks like Jena speaks Urdu, which is a language spoken in that part of the world where Jena come from. She was asking “How are you?” when she said “Ap Kaisi hein?” When she said, “Kafi weqt se ap ko dekha nehin!” it means “Long time no see!” The fact that she was pouting at seeing you is good because it means she missed you.

There are times when you will feel like you’re at your wit’s end. We all need a respite and there’s no shame in that. Once in a while and if you have someone you trust and who Jena likes, have them sit for her and you take, say, an hour just for yourself. Indulge in a relaxing bubble bath or grab some dinner at a nearby restaurant. You will be amazed at how refreshed an recharged you’ll feel after that.

It’s also a good idea for Jena to have a play date with another child. This way, she’ll be able to relate to other children. There are also some “Mommy and Me” kinds of activities that you and she can participate in. Again, it gives her a chance to be around other children and you a chance to have some adult conversation, which we all need.

Oh, and it’s a good idea to get an Urdu-English dictionary or use something like Google Translate to see what she is saying. If you want her to retain her first language, you need to find someone who can speak Urdu with her on a consistent basis. Otherwise she will lose it over time if there’s no opportunity for her to use it. The old adage is very true: If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.

There is no need to apologize for all the new mommy talk. It’s natural that you’d feel overwhelmed and have a lot of questions. I truly enjoyed hearing about your life with Jena and how you are coping. Things will plateau, just hang in there. Cherish those golden moments and do your best to take the more unpleasant ones in stride. Eventually, there will be more and more of those golden moments, I promise.

You asked me to tell you about myself. Well, here goes. 🙂



My Grandda Liam brought me up after my parents were killed when I was but a wee thing. It was just Grandda and me and we were like peas and carrots. My life was pretty ordinary, or so I thought. Things changed dramatically when I was thirteen.



I came down with a horrible mysterious illness that nobody knew how to treat. I was given three months to live.



Grandda stayed by my side every minute, but my condition steadily grew worse.



Out of sheer desperation to keep me alive, he made contact with Mathilda, a woman he hadn’t communicated with in years. It turned out that Mathilda was his mentor and the only one who could save my life. Grandda was an honest-to-goodness wizard who set aside his magic in a misguided endeavor to protect me. While I was ill, he took up his magic and once I was well, delivered the news to me that I was a witch.



Mathilda became my mentor as well as a mother to me. She was there for me during the darkest times of my life, which I will tell you about in another letter if you are interested. Anyway, we are still very close and always will be. Both of us are immortal and indestructible, so when I say always, I mean it literally.



As you can guess, I lead a very full life. Fortunately, my kids live nearby so we get together for Sunday dinner regularly and more often if we can.



I am an author with a number of best sellers under my belt. I like to do most of my work early in the morning and spend afternoons and evenings with my family. One or more of the kids drop by every day for a visit, which I love.

I also do professional work as a singer and musician. I play the piano, guitar, flute, and a few other instruments, and am a classically trained singer.

So, that’s in on an ordinary day. I keep my magical skills hones, and Tyrone and I enjoy traveling from time to time. I’m Vice President of the Witches’ Council, so there are meetings i must attend sometimes. All of that keeps me busy and as Grandda says, it keeps me out of trouble. 🙂



I will save more for another letter, as this one has gotten long. I will leave it at that for now. May the stars always twinkle when ye gaze into the night sky, and may love always warm your heart as the sun warms the world.

Much love,


Author’s Note: Thank you to Shafer249 for the use of White Wolf and for creating orphans for his orphanage. Pictured here are Tara Banks (McBeth), Layla Cox (toddler) and Tiffany Cox (child). Tiffany got a little makeover once she and her siblings came to live with Lenora and Tyrone, and their name will become Landgraab once the adoption takes place. Honorable mention goes to Bliss Newell (Atherton) who will likely be pictured at another time.

The Sunshine Blogger Award


I was honored by the wonderful Chealsycat for nominating this blog for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank you so very, very much, Chealsycat! I’m thrilled an honored to have received this nomination from you. You can read Chealsycat’s awesome stories by clicking here.

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

It’s an award for bloggers from other bloggers, a beautiful way to share all the amazing things other bloggers do and write about. It is a way to recognize their efforts in inspiring others to do what they love.


1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers and add their links.
4. Notify the bloggers you included.
5. Keep the rules in your post.

Answers to the questions asked by Chealsycat:

What is your favorite season? 

Spring. I don’t like it too cold (definitely HATE cold weather) nor too hot.What does The Sims mean for you?

Wha does The Sims mean to you?

Ah, I could write a book about this one. I’ve always loved the idea of creating little people, dressing them up, and making up background stories for them. At first, I thought Sims was a character generator and I was looking for something to visually bring my characters to life to help me gather inspiration for my writing material. You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that Sims was a GAME and so much more than just a character generator. I became hopelessly addicted to Sims 3 and started making Let’s Plays on my Youtube channel. Then,, a couple years ago, I discovered Pose Player and began combining my love of writing and playing Sims, so my SimLit stories were born. So what Sims means to me is inspiration, inspiration, inspiration. 🙂 My characters definitely come to life and I love it!

What is your favorite fairy tale?

Oh man! This one’s tough. Even to this day, I still love fairy tales. It’s really impossible to nail it down to just one. As much as I love Cinderella, I’m very partial to Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. I admire Snow White’s ability to make the best out of a terrible situation and keep her happy nature. Princess Aurora had a death sentence hanging over her head but had a good fairy who loved her and was able to modify the curse. Plus, Prince Philip kept his bravery no matter the obstacle he had to face. Finally, the thing is, I’m just a sucker for a handsome prince bestowing a kiss, which was the only thing that could bring the princess back. I’m a true romantic at heart. 🙂

If you met a fairy, what three wishes would you ask her to grant?

Being visually impaired, my first wish would be for perfect eyesight. Then, I’ wish for a happier world since things seem to be going to pot at present. Then, I’d wish for a HUGE craft room big enough to comfortably hold all my knitting and crochet supplies, my scrapbooking paraphernalia, my art supplies, and my adult coloring books. 🙂

Fairy? Vampire? Mermaid/Merman? Witch? Unicorn? Dragon? – What would you like to be?

Again, another tough one. in regards to a kind of supernatural person, It would be a tossup between a witch and a fairy. Both can do magic in their own way but fairies have beautiful wings and are adorable. I’m also partial to mermaids because I love Sirens (I’m a singer so I love anything that posses magic within music/singing). As to the creature, I love both unicorns and dragons. I love the beauty and mystique of the unicorn. On the other hand, it would be handy to be a dragon at certain times. You definitely don’t want to cross a dragon or you’ll end up becoming a human shrimp on the barbie. Hahaha

Have you ever been to Russia? Would you like to go there (again)?

Never been to Russia but it would be interesting to see once in my lifetime. The closest I ever came was going to Bulgaria when we went to see and pick up our daughter once her adoption process was completed.

What is your favorite music?

Again, another difficult one. I like all kinds of music, so what I listen to depends on what i’m doing or the mood I’m in. If I had to narrow it down to just one thing, my favorite piano piece in all the world is “Claire de Lune” by Claude Debussy.

What are five flowers you love most of all?

Roses. 🙂

Imagine: it’s rainy and cold. What are you going to do?

Curl up under the covers with a good book and a huge mug of coffee or glass of wine, depending on the time of day.


Cats or dogs?

No question – dogs! I love dogs in general, but I’m very partial to Golden Retrievers. 🙂 Here is a picture of Caleb, my Golden.


And here is another Golden I had who passed a few years ago. This is Abby.


Rain or snow?

I don’t care for either but if I had to put up with one (and here in the midwest, we get more than our share of both), I’d rather deal with the rain. I absolutely HATE snow and winter.

My Nominees:

Here are my nominees. I believe all of them have been nominated before, but they are definitely worth mentioning again. 🙂 Please don’t feel you need to add anything to your acceptance on my account.

Once Upon a Legacy by Socallucyfan

The Cat Chronicles by Mastress Alita

You Name It,, i’ll Pose It by Blamsart

Cornucopia of SimLit by TheoriesofHappiness

Cathy Tea’s SimLit Anthology  by CathyTea

Snow & Prince Redux by LisaBee

Monstrous Mezilkree by Twiggy

The Blakesley Legacy by Dancer-Freak

The Centauri Legacy by Thymeless

Thymeless Challenges by Thymeless

Hemera Plays Sims 3 by Hemera

Questions to my nominees:

Again, please don’t feel you need to adjust your blog post if you’ve already been nominated and have posted an acceptance. However, if you’ve got the time on your hands and wish to answer the questions, feel free to do so, or you could also post the in the comment section on this post. No harm, no fowl either way. 🙂

  1. How did you first hear about and begin playing The Sims?
  2. Game of choice: the original Sims, Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4, etc.
  3. Do you currently have a favorite Sim? If so, who is it and why?
  4. Warm or cold weather
  5. Cats or dogs?
  6. Coffee or tea?
  7. What do you like to do when not writing and/or playing Sims?
  8. What does The Sims mean to you?
  9. In the world of The Sims, do you prefer reading SimsLit, watching an LP, or watching Sims Machinima? Or do you like a combination?
  10. What is your favorite fictional genre?
  11. Do you listen to music while you write?

The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Emily 1


Dear Emily,

I found your profile whilst browsing through the Pen Pal Project website. Ye are a beautiful lassie, and ye seem to be someone I’d enjoy writing to. Ye can be sure I’m not some dirty old man looking for kicks. 🙂 I’m happily married with a large family and simply enjoy all kinds of people.

I’m an old Irishman called Liam Kelly. Don’t let my picture be deceiving ye now. I may look young but I have lived many a long year. I see ye are fond of the supernatural and paranormal, so I’m sure ye are a believer in things that don’t seem possible. One of those seemingly impossible things is that I’m an immortal wizard who is married to an immortal witch and true goddess named Mathilda. I’m a grandfather, great grandfather, and great great grandfather, so my life is very rich with a loving family to share it with.



My wee Lenora has been the light of my life and joy of my heart from the first time I saw her. After the tragic death of her parents, it was up to me to bring her up. It was just my Lenora and me as she grew up and we were as close as any grandda and granddaughter ever were.



Even as a wee lassie, Lenora was always smiling and laughing. I had always hoped she’d never outgrow that and my wish came true. Now, as a grown woman and after everything she has gone through, she is the kindest and most loving person I know. I am amazed that she has held onto her happy and loving nature. She’s experienced more sadness and tragedy than anyone ever should, but that quality that makes her Lenora has never died.

Ye must forgive me and I ask your indulgence, Miss Emily. I reckon a proud grandda will always be a proud grandda and I never tire of talking about Lenora and the rest of my family, for that matter.



As I said, I am married to Mathilda. She started out as my mentor when I first began learning magic. She was a great teacher and I grew to respect her. Mathilda was ever so proud that I was hr star pupil.

Sadly, there was a time when i felt I needed to put aside my magic. Ye see, Lenora’s parents were killed because my daughter, Maggie, got mixed up with some rough characters while she was practicing some dark magic. My Maggie believed that even dark magic could be used for good if used correctly. Perhaps that is true, but I’ll just say she crossed the wrong people and they took it out on Maggie and her man. When I brought wee Lenora to live with me, I wanted to protect her from that, so I hid magic from her and hoped I’d never have to reveal that to her.



That all changed when Lenora grew gravely ill from a mysterious disease that turned out to be a curse that Maggie unknowingly passed to her during pregnancy. We were told Lenora was terminal and that I’d have to prepare myself for the worst.



Out of sheer desperation to keep my Lenora with me, I called upon Mathilda. I’d lost touch with her when I’d discarded my magic but she was willing to come and look at Lenora. Had it not been for Mathilda, I would have lost my beloved granddaughter.



As most people do, I went through the process of aging and became a very old man. I contracted pneumonia but being the old relic I was, my body couldn’t repair itself. I passed from this world, leaving Lenora in the care of her first husband. My time had ended, but she was carrying her first child, Landon, who is a fine lad.

Lenora lost her first husband and her boy, both of them having died in a plane crash. The grief of it damn near killed her. Well, it did but she was sent back to take on her life’s purpose. Mathilda cared for her until she was able to get back on her feet.



She is very happily remarried and has four children with her second husband, Tyrone. As for me, I was granted a second chance, thanks to Mathilda and her vast array of magic. We finally admitted to each other how we felt, she granted me immortality, and like Lenora and Tyrone, we are blissfully happy.



Landon, too, was permitted to return to life and is married to a lovely fairy named Crystal. They have four grown boys and have adopted a beautiful lassie called Bliss.

I reckon this is a lot for ye to take in. If ye be wanting to know things about the supernatural, I can certainly answer questions ye be having. I hope my letter hasn’t caused ye to run screaming, but I daresay ye have more backbone than that. 🙂 If ye be choosing to write me back, I’d love to hear about ye and your life.

May the flowers always be fragrant in your presence and may their petals forever be open as they are caressed by your wee fingers.

Many Happy Returns,


The Pen Pal Project: Lenora to Emily 1


Dear Emily,

I saw your profile and it certainly grabbed my attention. I think we share some common ground since you mentioned your interest in the paranormal and the supernatural. My family and I are about as supernatural as they come. 🙂

My name is Lenora Landgraab and I’m an honest-to-goodness witch. I’m married to the most wonderful man alive, Tyrone, who happens to be a werewolf. I have five grown children – three sons and two daughters. Chris and Andrea take after their father and are wolves while Landon and Jonas are wizards and Aurora is a witch. Landon’s wife, Crystal, and Jonas’ wife, Sharon, are fairies. Chris married a human, Tabitha, and turned her into a wolf at her request. Andrea’s husband, Elton, is a wolf, and Aurora is engaged to a fairy named Silvan. I have 4 grown handsome grandsons and three granddaughters. The girls have been adopted by three of my children and are adjusting well. I even know some vampires and Plant People so as I said, I’m about as Supernatural as it gets.



I don’t remember my parents, for they were killed when I was but a wee one. My Grandda Liam brought me up and it was just the two of us. We shared an extremely close relationship and still do to this day.



My life changed dramatically when I became gravely ill from a curse that was unknowingly passed down to me from my mother. It lay dormant until I was thirteen; then it attacked me with a vengeance. I was given only three months to live.



When all seemed lost, my life was saved by Mathilda, who is an immortal witch. When I was well, Grandda explained to me that I, too, was a witch and that he was a wizard. He’d given up his magic to protect me but realized it had been a mistake to keep it from me. So, Mathilda became my mentor and before long, she became a mother figure to me. We grew very close over the years and I’ve been through a lot with her. She has been married to Grandda now for over twenty years, and they share a very happy and fulfilled life.

I am a romance and fantasy author with a number of best sellers under my belt. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, crafts, playing chess, and spending time with family and friends. I’m Vice President of the Witches’ Council and will often serve as a guest speaker or panelist on different platforms including writing, music, and witchcraft. Believe it or not, I was a champion chess player in my younger days.

Well, enough about me for now. There is much more to tell, but first, tell me a bit more about youfself if you’d like to write back. I do enjoy hearing about other people’s lives and what they are doing.

I hope to hear from you soon. May the road ye travel be forever smooth, and may ye always smile easily and laugh long and joyously.

Warmest wishes,


The Pen Pal Project: Mathilda’s Profile


the Pen Pal Project seems to have really taken off in our family. Both Liam and Lenora already have pen pals they immensely enjoy writing to, so I figured I might as well hop on the bandwagon. I’m always up for a new adventure.

Name: Mathilda Kelly

Select your age bracket: Since this appears to stop at 200, I am off the scale. Looks like I’m the first who has ever needed an age bracket at 2,000+

Desired age of Pen Pal: Any

Vocation: Dearies, when you live as long as I’ve been living, you’ve done just about everything under the sun. I have risen to the position of goddess. No, I am not being pretentious although admittedly, I sometimes exercise that quality. I am merely speaking the truth, as I am an extraordinarily powerful witch and have been promoted a few hundred years ago to that title and station.

What qualities would you like in a pen pal? As someone who has seen it all and done the rest, I’ll just say I’m looking for someone who has a zest for life and enjoys living. They must be open-minded and willing to believe that there is more out there than the mundane. After all, my very presence in the universe is far from mundane.

Describe yourself in a few sentences or less: My description in a condensed form is an impossibility. Over 2,000 years of existence simply cannot be abridged, so I’ll just include some key points of possible interest. I am an immortal witch with centuries and centuries of living under her belt and proud of it. Having lived so long sometimes makes me appear calloused and jaded. I will tell it like it is and don’t believe in sugar-coating a situation. However, If you are looking for warmth and cuddles, you’re better off writing to my husband’s granddaughter, Lenora Landgraab, whose profile is here. However, I am not without compassion and the desire to help someone who needs me. I’ve been referred to as “untouchable” to those who seek my aid and tend to hold certain people at arm’s length. It is my family and those I care for deeply who get to see the more sensitive side.

Hobbies & Interests: As a witch, I am interested in all things witchcraft, of curse.



I have a magic mirror I call Gunther. He helps give me valuable information I might need for certain situations. Plus, he is an excellent conversationalist.



I’m a skilled alchemist and will sometimes mentor other witches and wizards.

I enjoy such things as cooking, music, reading both fiction and nonfiction, and I love the act of writing. In fact, this is one thing I am exceedingly snobby about. I strictly use either a dip pen or a fountain pen, none of that ballpoint rubbish. I’m definitely a paper snob and will seek out the finer papers, such as Clairefontaine, Tomoe River, and of course, parchment. What can I say? There are just some habits that aren’t worth kicking.

I grow my own herbs and spices to use in cooking, elixirs, or spell work. Some, I send to my daughter, Alina and to Lenora (mentioned above), who I view as a daughter; we are that close. I’m President of the Witches’ Council and Grand High Lady of the Magical Ways and Means Association.

Would you be interested in meeting your pen pal? Certainly, if the situation arises and the circumstances are mutually favorable.

How many pen pals would you like? 2-3

I clicked “Submit” and waited to see what would happen.

The Pen Pal Project: Liam’s First Letter


Now that my profile was made public, it was time to look for someone to write to. I was intrigued by a profile from one Jasper McCumber, so I headed back to the computer to compose my initial letter.

Dear Jasper,

I came across your profile on the Pen Pal Project and thought I’d extend the pen first. Rather, I’m banging this out on the computer, but at least this isn’t a missive that will end up in cyberspace. Like you said in your profile, the art of letter writing has gone downward and that is a sad sight, indeed.

The name’s Kelly…Liam Kelly and I’m what ye be calling an old Irishman in a young man’s body. It’s a long story I’ll tell ye about should ye be wanting to correspond with me. Suffice it to say, I’ve lived a long, long time and nothing surprises me.

So, a bit about me. I’m a retired carpenter and still enjoy woodworking at my leisure. Now, I work as a part time advisor to the Wizards’ and Warlocks’ Association. Sounds strange, aye, but there truly is magic in the world. I’m a grandda and great grandda and raised my wee Lenora from babyhood after the untimely death of her parents. Och, I miss my wee Maggie even to this day, but I know for a fact that she is happy where she is, much happier than she ever was on this Earth. It was my wee Lenora and my responsibility to her that kept me going day after long day. She is the light of my life and I have all the time in the world to spend with her and my dear ones. I am happily married to Mathilda, the most amazing witch who ever lived. I have five great grandkids and seven great-great grandkids who make my life very full. I’m also the stepfather to Mathilda’s daughter, Alina, who I view as a daughter. I could not be more proud of her. I am truly a fortunate man!

I understand ye be a retired literature professor. Teaching the young ones as they are ready to take on the world is a noble calling. Do ye have a favorite author or piece of literature ye frequently enjoy revisiting? It’s difficult to narrow it down to just one since there are so many greats. Me, I’ve always been partial to Charles Dickens and my wife enjoys Jane Austen. Lenora is quite fond of Shakespeare and enjoys seeing productions with her daughter, Aurora. Her son Chris, well, he enjoys Poe although Stephen King is more his speed. King’s not exactly high-brow literature but I have to admit, the man can spin a frightful yarn.

I reckon that’ll be all for now but I’ll be writing more if ye be willing to read. May the sun always rise up to greet ye and may the wind be always at your back.

warm Regards,


The Pen Pal Project: Liam’s Profile


I had to hand it to my wee Lenora. There was never a dull moment with her and today’s revelation was no exception. Seems she stumbled across this website where people were looking for pen pals. Pen pals, of all things! When she suggested I create a profile and look for a pen pal of my own, I found I rather liked the idea. I had a lot of time on my hands, so why not? Getting up from the sofa, I logged onto the site Lenora directed me to and began filling in the profile form.

Name: Liam Kelly

Select your age bracket: 200+

Desired Age of Pen Pal: Any age

Vocation: Retired carpenter. I now work part time as an advisor for the Wizards’ and Warlocks’ Association.

What qualities would you like in a pen pal? Someone who is open to new ideas but yet holds true to the core values of decency, mutual respect, and courtesy. In other words, someone who is innovative but not repelled by the “old” ways. I admire someone who is not afraid of hard work, no matter the job or task they are doing. Nowadays, people are in too much of a rush to get nowhere. They forget to stop and smell the flowers and instead hide their noses behind a phone or a tablet. Someone with a good helping of imagination is always a welcome sight. Someone who believes there is more out there than what we can see with the eye is a treasure.

Describe yourself in a few sentences or less: I am an old Irishman in a young man’s body due to a bit of magic performed by my wife. I believe in the family bond, a courageous heart, and a determined mind. I enjoy talking about life and all of its aspects. I have been married to my wife, Mathilda, for over 20 years and enjoy being with my large family. My wee granddaughter, Lenora, (well, she’s not so wee anymore, as she is a grown woman) is the light of my life. I raised her from the time she was a wee girl due to the untimely death of her parents.


It was just her and me and I cherish those days immensely.

Hobbies & Interests: Woodworking, reading by a cozy fire, fountain pns, chatting about life and bygone days, playing the guitar and singing old Irish songs, assisting my wife with her Alchemy, and spending as much time as I can with my dear ones.

Would you be interested in meeting your pen pal? I am certainly open to it, but either way is acceptable.

How many pen pals would you like? 2-3

I clicked “Submit” and whistled while I waited for the computer to shut down.

The Pen Pal Project: Lenora’s First Letter


As I sat at my computer, I logged onto the pen pal site to wade through some possibilities as m first pen pal. I was surprise at how many profiles I found and tried to narrow it down to a manageable few. There were ones who were looking for a romantic relationship, so I obviously weeded those out. About twenty minutes into my scrolling, I found one that jumped out at me. The young woman was a new mother, having adopted a wee girl from a Pakistani refugee camp who was looking for advice and help. I laughed aloud as I read her account of feeling as though there were a language barrier between herself and her daughter. Och, wee ones, no matter where they are from, have a way of making us grown-ups feel that way! Looking at Meadow’s lovely face made me reminisce about when my wee ones were her daughter’s age. They were such a joy but a handful at times. I also distinctly recall how it felt to be a new mother. I had a husband to share the joys and the work with, but this lady was a single mother who obviously felt overwhelmed…and scared. My heart truly went out to her and I decided then and there to write to her.

Dear Meadow,

I saw your profile on the Pen Pal Project website and thought I would write you a letter of introduction. My name is Lenora Landgraab and I live with my husband, Tyrone, in Aurora Skies. I am the proud mother of five grown wee ones (yes, they will always be my wee ones no matter how old they are) and the grandmother of four grown handsome grandsons and three beautiful granddaughters that three of my children have adopted from a very unique orphanage that my two daughters volunteer at. I won’t bore you with the rest of the basic information since you can find it in my profile if you are interested.

I was drawn to your profile due to your outlook on life and because of your desire to communicate with your wee one. What you are going through is normal, believe me. We, as parents, will go through that many times while bringing them up; it sometimes happens even after they are grown. 🙂 There are ways of bridging that gap and you will be surprised at how quickly it can fall into place. It takes time and patience, but most of all, it takes a lot of love, which you have in abundance, I’m sure.

Och, you don’t know me from Adam and here I am giving advice already! My grandda always says I’m too smart for my own good and my daughter, Andrea, always teases me about inheriting her big mouth from me. Old habits die hard, I reckon.

If you are interested in corresponding with me, I would certainly enjoy hearing more about how your wee one came into your life. It must be a fascinating story about how you found her in a refugee camp. As a writer, I adore hearing about other people’s experiences.

Well, I shall end here, as it would be exceedingly unbecoming for me to write a novel as a first letter. May ye and your wee one be forever blessed with rays of golden sunshine.

Warmest regards,


The Pen Pal Project: Lenora’s Profile


I sat at my computer and stared at the application form that loomed before me. I haven’t had a pen pal since we’d been assigned a letter writing project in school. I thoroughly enjoyed it and knew I would now. The thing is, with my background and everything I’ve been through, I’m not the average, everyday sort of pen pal.

Thinking about that, I started to giggle. I was overthinking it, which was completely absurd. Hell, if I could appear on a reality dating show twice, I most certainly could handle this pen pal thing.

Name: Lenora Landgraab

Select your age bracket: 75-100

Desired Age of Pen Pal: Any age

Vocation: Romance/fantasy author, musician, and singer.

What qualities would you like in a pen pal? I am not fussy. 🙂 When a person has lived as long as I have, it is understood that there are all kinds of people that make up this world of ours. I simply desire to partake in a meaningful and full correspondence with someone, no matter their walk of life.

Describe yourself in a few sentences or less: I am a mother of five grown children and a grandmother of four grown handsome grandsons as well as three lovely girls that three of my children have adopted. I am a happily married witch (yes, witch) and got to know my husband when we appeared on a reality dating television show. Tyrone is my second hubsand, my first husband having succumbed in a plane crash many, many years ago. I’m Vice President of the Witches’ Council and a guest speaker and panelist for many platforms including writing, chess (I am a champion chess player), music, and witchcraft. I am an empty nester at present and try to keep busy, for it keeps my mind off missing my wee ones always being around.

Hobbies & Interests: Reading, playing chess, knitting, crocheting, and other crafts, working with children, lending a helping hand wherever needed, and most importantly, being with my family and friends.

Would you be interested in meeting your pen pal? Yes, of course, if circumstances allow.

How many pen pals would you like? 2-3

Other comments: It saddens me greatly that the art of letter writing is being replaced by “text-speak” and the digital age, in general. It seems that gone are the days when you open your mailbox to find a lovely hand-written note or card from a friend or relative. Everyone nowadays has become all thumbs as they stare for hour upon hour at a piece of glass. I am not condemning the digital age, mind, but I am saddened that it has completely taken over our minds and efforts. I’m excited to have found this site and to know that there are others out there who have similar views.


I clicked the “Submit” button and went upstairs to shower. Tyrone wanted to take me to dinner, so I quickly slipped into the dress he always loved seeing me in. “You were lost in thought when I peeked in on you earlier, my Lenora.”

“Och! I didn’t even hear ye. Silent as a mouse, ye are!” I exclaimed.

“More like stealthy as the wolf I am,” he grinned wickedly at me.

“Touche,” i chuckled.

“What were you working on? More of your book?” he asked, cocking a brow.

I shook my head. “Believe it or not, I was filling in a pen pal profile form.”

“You mean, they still have those?” he asked.

“Reckon so. Strange, isn’t it?” I mused.

“How so?”

“Strange that there are still ones out there who want to write an actual letter to someone,” I replied.

Tyrone nodded. “Strange but nice. You’ll make someone a great pen pal.”

“Ye’re biassed, Wolfman,” I said, giving his nose a playful tap. “Seriously though, being a pen pal of mine isn’t for the faint of heart.”

“Naw, they’ll just faint when they figure out they’re corresponding with the beautiful and famous Lenora Landgraab.” He kissed me softly, then laid his forehead against mine. “Who knows? There might be someone out there who wants to hear all about being an immortal witch.”

“Maybe,” I agreed. “What about letting someone hear from a handsome, immortal werewolf? After all, people need to know that being a werewolf isn’t like how it’s depicted in movies.”

Tyrone furrowed his brow. “You’ve got a good point, love. Maybe I’ll try my hand at this pen pal stuff. Can’t hurt and it ought to be fun.”

A Life to Live: My Most Precious Gift


This is my submission for the Monthly Short Story Challenge on the Sims forums for the month of December. The theme for this month is “Gift.”

This is the first story in a new series I’m starting called “A Life to Live.” This series will consist of random short stories and vignettes featuring characters from my other stories. These pieces will be considered supplemental material since they will not be included in the main stories. Characters featured here will be anything from main characters, characters with supporting roles, and friends and family of main characters. Stories will take place at different points in characters’ lives. Whenever needed, I’ll include a short explanation about which main story it supplements and point readers to the applicable blog in order to read the main story.

As an example, “My Most Precious Gift” supplements my Immortal Legacy “Forever in Time” and takes place during Lenora’s growing up years. You may read “Forever in Time” by clicking on the link found in the Other Works by Me section of this blog. There, you can also read Lenora’s backstory and Bachelorette Challenge, her son Jonas’ Bachelor Challenge, as well as a couple of other short stories featuring the characters.

Thank you to LisaBee for inspiring me to begin this series. She began something similar on her blog, I thought it was an amazing idea, so I am borrowing the basic principal of it and creating my own set of short stories.

Total Word Count – 1953

Total Screenshots – 12



Gifts come in many forms. I learned the hard way that some come with a costly price. I loved being a grandfather. Every time my daughter and her husband visited, they brought my little granddaughter, Lenora with them. She was the light of my life from the first moment I laid eyes on her. She brought such joy to this Irishman’s heart with her little belly laughs and smiles. At the end of the visits when I was alone once more, I lamented not getting to see my wee Lenora as often as I’d have liked.

I adored being a grandfather, but never did I dream I’d be the one to raise her. With the tragic death of her parents, I was the only family left for Lenora; it was up to me to bring her up.



I reckon the ability to perform magic would be considered a gift by most people, but for me, it was a curse. It was magic that got my daughter and her man killed and I no longer wanted any part of it.The grief from her loss staggered me. Had it not been for the responsibility I had to Lenora, I might have gone insane. Most importantly, I wanted to protect wee Lenora from it. I made the decision to cast aside my wand and spell books that very night Lenora came to me. As I rocked her to sleep, I performed what I thought would be my last series of spells; I called forth every Spell of Protection I knew.



As the years flew by, Lenora grew into a beautiful, intelligent, and talented lass. She was such a happy and friendly wee thing, but life wasn’t always easy for her. With the gift of great intelligence came harsh lessons. She skipped a couple grades in school and was teased at times by the other children. I wish I could have protected her from that, but I had to learn that a grandda can’t protect his treasure from everything.

As bright as Lenora was, it was her creative endeavors she excelled in. Like my late wife, Anne, Lenora was musically inclined. I enrolled her in private music lessons where she studied piano, guitar, and voice. She was also a gifted storyteller and would always read me her masterpieces. With the passage of time, her abilities grew; I had no doubt she’d go very far in her life.



One day during her childhood after such a reading, I pronounced her story a work of art and gave her a big kiss. “Did ye really like it, Grandda? I mean, it’s full of princesses and fairies and stuff that just girls like.” She studied my face with big, hopeful eyes.

I chuckled and ruffled her golden curls. “Ye write lovely stories, Lenora my love, and if it’s fairies and princesses ye be wanting to write about, don’t let anyone sway ye otherwise.”



“I surely do love ye, Grandda Liam,” she said, throwing her little arms about me. “I want it to always be ye and me. Can I marry ye when I’m a grown-up lady?”

My eyes momentarily grew misty as the years seemed to roll away. Maggie, my wee girl wanted to marry her Da when she was Lenora’s age, something most wee girls entertained at some point in their lives. And now, here was my wee Lenora wanting to marry her old grandda. Some things never changed.

“Well?” she persisted, waiting for my answer.

“Och, lassie! Ye be wanting to marry a handsome young man when the time comes. I reckon nobody has ever married her grandda before,” I said, running a hand over her hair.

“Well then, I shall be the first.” She defiantly tossed her head, a look of resolution settling over her face.

“Now why would ye be wanting to marry an old bugger like me?” I asked.

She was silent for a few seconds before crawling into my lap and resting her head against my chest. “Because I don’t think I could ever love anyone as much as I love ye, Grandda.”

We shared something special, Lenora and I. She was a jewel, a rare gift that I was fortunate to have. Lenora was my world and I strove to make up for the losses she’d endured at such a young age.

We often think a gift will last forever, but that isn’t always reality. I learned this the hard way when Lenora became deathly ill at the age of thirteen. I’d always taken her excellent health for granted, figuring that it would be me who would leave this life first. This all changed when I began to fear I would lose her.



I’ll never forget the day my wee Lenora passed out in my arms. I kept her home from school due to her running a temperature and feeling nauseous. I guessed it was some kind of stomach virus and she’d feel better in a day or so. How wrong I was! I helped her up from where she’d been settled on the sofa to walk her to the bathroom. What little color she had drained from her face and she swayed on the spot. “Oh, Grandda…help me!” she whispered just before she went limp.

I rushed Lenora to the hospital, but there was nothing anyone could do. She’d contracted some mysterious illness that nobody knew how to treat or cure. I took her to doctor after doctor but it was always the same. Lenora’s system was shutting down, the pain she was feeling would get worse…and she would be gone in less than three months. We were given medication to treat her pain, but that would keep her comfortable for only so long. All I could do was take her home and care for her there. Neither of us wanted her to die in a cold, lonely hospital.

On Lenora’s good days, she felt almost normal and made the most of them. However, on her bad days, she was weak, riddled with pain, and sometimes even delirious. It shattered my heart to see her this way. The worst was when she shivered with chills. I gathered her close and held her as gently as I could so as not to hurt her. I was afraid to sleep for fear I’d awake to find she’d slipped away; that was something I could not bear.



“Och, Grandda! Ye look so tired,” Lenora said one day while resting. “Ye mustn’t make yourself ill on account of me.”

I tucked the covers more snugly around her and kissed her forehead. “There will be plenty of time to sleep. Hush now, girl, and don’t worry about your old grandda.”

“I wish ye wouldn’t worry so about me,” she whispered.

“It’s Grandda’s job to worry about ye.” I turned my head to keep her from seeing me weep. I had always tried to keep any sadness from her but somehow, she always knew when it struck. This time was no exception.



Lenora reached for my hand, squeezed it hard, and stroked her thumb across my knuckles. “Ye don’t have to hide the tears from me. I’m not a wee child anymore.” She drew in a labored, wet sounding breath. “I’ve had a lot of time to think, time to wish for a few things before I die. But, the biggest thing I wish for is that ye would’t be alone after I’m gone.”

I sobbed her name as I took her into my arms. “I’ve been alone before, but this time will hurt the most. I will miss ye every day, sweetheart. I love ye so much, Lenora. Grandda will always love ye.”

“I love ye too, more than anything. Ye are the best grandda anyone could ever have.” She clung tightly to me and I to her. Lenora was all I had, and she was slipping away. What was I going to do if…when…I lost her? How in the name of all things holy was I going to cope without her?



Lenora’s condition steadily worsened after that. There were no more good days, just awful, bleak ones. When she wasn’t knocked out from the painkillers, she tossed and turned, moaning senselessly. She often writhed in pain and begged for it to be over. It drove me nearly mad with grief to see my beloved granddaughter in such a state.



I knew the end was near one rainy Wednesday. For the first time in years, my mind drifted to the magic I’d so easily discarded. I’d put away the magic to protect Lenora, but now, I wondered if I’d made the right decision. I opened my mind, recalling the Spells of Protection and Healing I thought I’d never use again. I was in such a desperate state to keep Lenora with me that I was willing to grasp at anything that might help. I took Lenora’s wee limp hand, gathered myself, and felt the magic rising up within me as though it were waiting for this very moment. I began to chant in an ancient language that only very skilled witches and wizards knew. The magic poured into Lenora, and I watched for any changes in her condition. I did this over and over, putting as much of myself into it as I could, but Lenora lay as lifeless as ever. The only sign that she was still with me was her shallow, labored breathing.

There was only one thing left to do; I’d have to call her. When I gave up magic, I broke off communication with my mentor, Mathilda Blankenship. Mathilda was, perhaps, the greatest witch that ever lived. If anyone could help my Lenora, she could. But, would she come?

Ignoring any sense of pride I might have felt before, I called Mathilda, praying she hadn’t changed her number. To my immense relief, she agreed to come right away. “It’s good tot hear from you, Liam, even though these are the worst of circumstances.” I immediately felt ashamed of myself for discarding her as easily as I’d discarded my magic.



I resumed my chanting, but Mathilda stopped me. “I cannot stand here and do nothing as she lies dying. If she dies…if she dies, I have nothing.” My voice broke as I sank to my knees and reached for Lenora’s hand.

From the instant Mathilda touched her, Lenora rallied. I sobbed in relief when Lenora was able to take in a full, unencumbered breath. When a tear rolled down Lenora’s cheek, Mathilda wiped it away, then admonished me. “You have summoned me in time. She will not die. Mind what you say, for she can hear you.”



Lenora recovered day by day. As new vitality seeped into her, I, too, felt a renewal of my own existence. As Lenora grew stronger, I realized I’d been given several priceless gifts, thanks to Mathilda. Mathilda, herself, was a gift and one I would never again ignore. Secondly,, she gave me the gift of freedom. I learned it was wrong to keep magic from Lenora. It was a part of us and she had a right to claim it. Lenora’s ailment originated from a curse that was unknowingly passed to her during her mother’s pregnancy. Magic was the only thing that would save Lenora’s life and I had almost been too late to call upon it Lastly, and the most precious gift of all was having my Lenora back as good as new. Each day with her was always a blessing, but now, I would cherish her even more. A rare gift is one that has been returned after fearing that it had been lost forever.

Author’s Note: Thank you to Blams for making some requested poses for me.

Beyond the Void



This is my entry for October in the Monthly Short Story Challenge on the Sims Forums. This month’s theme is “Spooky. Word count: 1667 (thank goodness for the extra allowance this month) and 14 screencaps (again, gotta love that extra leeway).



I was an ordinary woman. I was single, worked reasonably hard at my job, and was trying to make my way in the world. I’d done some traveling from time to time but can’t claim to have ever had a true adventure. I had never even been in love before.

I was exhausted by the time my work shift ended Friday night. I wanted only a light supper, brew a pot of tea, and drink it while curled up in bed with a steamy romance. It’s such a cheesy thing, but romance novels are my vice. Hey, if I can’t get any action in real life, I might as well live it vicariously through beautiful, passionate characters. The newest Lenora Landgraab book was out and I was dying to devour it.

Things seldom work out as planned. Instead, my co-worker and friend, Jennifer, dragged me off to this festival thingy that opened earlier in the day. I started to protest, but I can never resist the hound-dog eyes Jennifer gives when she really wants something. Instead of sinking into a world of medieval castles, ladies with long, flowing hair and impossibly full dresses, and handsome, rugged men, it would be loud music, kids screaming with joyous abandon, and smells of burnt funnel cakes. Ugh, it was going to be a long night.

If I had known what the night held for me, would I do it differently? Never!



Jennifer wrangled me into taking a shot at some karaoke. I’ve always loved to sing but I get so nervous doing it in front of anyone. Before it was my turn, I downed a couple beers to fortify myself. I’d chosen Frozen by Madonna, which was one of my go-to selections. Surprisingly, the butterflies disappeared fairly quickly and I really got into the song. When it was over, I got a good amount of applause, which made me blush to the roots of my hair.



When I stepped off the stage, he stepped in front of me. My heart gave a lurch and I felt my knees turn to butter as I looked into his handsome face. “Uh, hello,” I said, offering him a weak smile.

“You sing beautifully.” His voice sent shivers down my spine that were far from unpleasant.

“Thank you.” I blushed again and glanced down at my feet.

“May I buy you a drink?” His dark gaze met mine, and I felt an unmistakable pull toward him.



“I never accept drinks from someone unless I know his name.” God help me! I was flirting with a total stranger.

“Cedric Collier.” A hint of an English accent lined the mesmerizing tones of his voice.

“Alicia Maxwell.” I extended my hand to him and when he shook it, I noticed how cold his figers felt.

“Poor circulation. Sorry. My hands are always cold.” The left corner of his mouth raised slightly in a crooked smile.

“Cold hands, warm heart,” I said softly. Seemingly of it’s own accord, my left hand came atop his. His large hand was sandwiched between my much smaller ones, and I found myself chafing it in an attempt to warm it. Surprisingly, he didn’t pull away. His eyes continued to bore into mine and I was completely lost.

“So, how about that drink.” His voice broke the spell and I quickly dropped my hands, mortified at my own forward reaction.



I recovered myself quickly enough while we enjoyed our cocktails. Cedric and I soon began talking like old friends and I found myself falling for the first time in my life. I’d barely met this man, yet I was drawn to him in a way that both thrilled and frightened me.



We went for a walk along the beach. The sound of crashing waves accompanied my racing heart as Cedric lowered his head and brought his lips to mine in a kiss that rivaled any I’d read about in my beloved romance novels. I knew I should pull away but I just couldn’t. I wanted him to hold me. Cedric seemed to sense this, for he wrapped his arms tightly around me.



“You are so cold,” I said after a moment. I caressed his cheek and studied him, concerned “Are you feeling sick?”

Cedric took my hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. “I’m not sick. Just the opposite, in fact. Don’t worry.” He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and smiled. “Today is my birthday and I want to thank you for sharing some of it with me.”

He artfully changed the subject but I didn’t mind, really. I knew I should be alarmed at the unnatural coldness of his body, but I pushed those thoughts aside. I simply wanted to be near him; nothing else mattered.



“Happy birthday, Cedric.” I smiled softly. “You don’t look a day over twenty-three.”

“I’m twenty-seven. And you don’t look a day over eighteen.” That crooked smile of his returned and my heart fluttered.



“Lies! Just what I want to hear,” I said on a laugh. “I’m twenty-five but sometimes feel like I’m fifty.”

The evening ended all too soon and Cedric offered to walk me home. It was a long walk back to my place but I wanted to draw out our time together as much as I could. At my doorstep, he gathered me close and kissed me in such a way that my ears rang and my head spun. I clung to him in shameless desperation. I got the strangest feeling I might never see him again and it frightened me more than anything ever had in my life.

“I don’t want you to leave,” I whispered, running my fingers over his ice-cold cheek.

“I know, but I must. Think of me sometimes.” As he kissed me again, my eyes closed and remained so for a few moments after his lips released mine. When they slowly opened, Cedric was gone; I was alone…again.

All weekend long, I could think of nothing else but Cedric. I had to find him or go completely out of my mind. Thank goodness for the power of the internet. “Gotcha!” I said in triumph as I wrote down an address located across town.

Unfortunately, I would have to pay in order to get more detailed records and Cedric apparently didn’t have a landline. He’d never offered me his cell phone number, so there was nothing else for me but to hop in my car and drive to the address.



A tired older woman answered the door and eyed me suspiciously. “I-I’m looking for Cedric Collier. Does he live here?” I asked, curbing the urge to wipe my sweaty palms on my pants. “You see, I saw him last night and–”

Her eyes flashed furiously at me, but I sensed deep sorrow underneath the hostility. “Young woman, you are wrong,” she interrupted me. “You weren’t with my son. I lost my Cedric a year ago on his birthday. He died…” She choked on a sob. “He died after falling off a roof.”



“But…I don’t understand. I was with him…last night.” My insides turned as cold as Cedric’s hands had been.

“You are a cruel woman and I don’t appreciate such antics. Now go away before I call the police. Just…just go!” She clamped a hand over her trembling mouth but it didn’t stifle the horrible sobs that shook her tiny shoulders.

“I’m…sorry,” I whispered before turning on my heel and running. My own sobs escaped my lips and tears blinded me as I sped back to my house.



I curled up on my bed, crying brokenly for the remainder of the day. I didn’t understand any of this. How was it possible that I’d spent the most amazing night of my life with a dead man? I was an ordinary woman, after all. Nothing exciting ever happened to me…until now.


Nightfall came again and I felt utterly gutted. I couldn’t explain what had happened, but even more so, I couldn’t explain this overwhelming sense of loss that was weighing down my soul. That woman’s sorrow was genuine and part of me believed her story. Still, I had to see for myself. I needed to see his grave.



Upon arriving at the cemetery, a strange force seemed to take me over. I had no idea what section to look in to locate Cedric’s grave, but something pulled at me like a divining rod. I couldn’t resist, so I followed it as if in a trance. The next thing I knew, I was looking down at a tombstone. Cedric Collier, Beloved Son, it read. Listed were his date of birth and death. They were the same except for the year. Just as the woman had said, Cedric died on his birthday; he’d lived only twenty-six years.



The crushing grief overtook me again and I sank to my knees. I traced each letter of his name with my finger and felt my heart break. “That is why you were so cold, wasn’t it?” I asked aloud. “Now I am cold, too.”

I don’t know how long I sat there. Fatigue and chills settled in every bone of my body. I didn’t want to leave Cedric’s grave, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I lay down on the ground, facing the headstone and covered myself as best I could with the light jacket I’d brought. I slept.

My eyes popped open when I heard the sound of my name. “Who’s there?” I asked, quickly standing up. There was nothing there but the wind.

Come to me, Alicia. Be with me forever, for this is what you want. Cedric’s voice seemed to come to me on the wind. I blinked, but he wasn’t there.

“Where are you? I can’t see you,” I lamented.

Here I am, Alicia. Just reach out your hand.

Cedric’s icy fingers closed softly over mine as I yielded to his request.

Versatile Blog Award



I was completely floored when I received a nomination for this award, being this blog has just gotten started. I’m taking it as a fantastic omen for great things to come. 🙂 Thank you so much to Senna, who is the author of the Rackett-Rotter Chronicles, for generously nominating me for this honor. The story is a must-read and will liven up your reading list with humor, great storytelling, and craziness. You can read it by clicking here to go to the blog.

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Share the award on your blog
3. Share seven random facts about yourself
4. Tag 10 bloggers with less than 1000 followers and let them know they have been nominated

Seven random facts about myself are as follows:


  1. I am visually impaired and have a beautiful Golden Retriever who is my dog guide. Here is a picture of him off duty. Isn’t he adorable? 🙂
  2. I’m a collector of fountain pens and have nearly 200 pens in my collection.
  3. I’ve been a member of the Lions Club (a service club organization) for over 20 years and have held the highest office (District Governor) for our district.
  4. I have had the honor of singing the National Athem (Star-Spangled Banner) at White Sox Park in Chicago three separate times.
  5. I’m a huge Harry Potter junkie…er…fan. 🙂
  6. I’m an avid journaler where my fountain pens come in very useful.
  7. I enjoy adult coloring books. Yep, I jumped into the fray a few months back and that, along with knitting and crocheting, is one of my evening relaxing activities.

My nominations: (This isn’t quite ten but I got pretty close with 9)

Thymeless Legacies by Thymeless

Hemera Sims by Hemera

Subtle Simming by Subtlesimming

Lisabee Sims by Lisabee2

Mastress Alita by Mastressalita

Monstrous Mezilkree by Twiggy

The Humble Legacy by TheoriesOfHappiness

Once Upon a Legacy by Socallucyfan

Blams Sims 3 Poses by Blamsart

The Watcher



This story is my entry for the Monthly Short Story Challenge on the Sims Forum. For this month’s challenge, the theme is “Late.” Total word count is 1005.

Along with being a story submission, this will be a prologue to a larger piece I’ll soon be writing on this blog. I won’t give anything away right now, but I hope you’ll visit again to read it once I get it underway.



“It’s not like you to come in late for work, Arifel. I hope everything’s okay,” the voice of my colleague, John, said as I held my phone to my ear.

“Everything’s fine. I just have some personal things to tend to, but I’ll make the evening rounds at the hospital early to make up for the time I missed,” I replied, quick to reassure him. It wasn’t like me to be late for work, as I take my job as a physician seriously and don’t like to keep my patients waiting longer than necessary. Today, however, she needed me even if she didn’t yet realize it.

After ending the call, I shrank and rocketed into the sky. My wings carried me easily, but my heart was what navigated my flight to her.



I was captivated by her beauty as I watched her sip her tea. Captivated though I was, my temper flared as I discerned what I was seeing in her aura. That lowlife husband of hers had beaten her again, I knew it. I’d seen him do it before. She was alone now, but I knew he was to blame for the disturbance in her aura.

Her face wasn’t marred; the scumbag was always careful to injure her in places that aren’t visible. Said place today was her ribs. Black patches mingled with her aura, settling on her right side. That and her hand clutching her side when she reached for the teapot told me she had broken ribs that pained her greatly. As if that wasn’t enough to drive it home, her lips parted and I felt, more than heard, the agonized cry that escaped them. That asshole needed to be taught the facts of decency. Most importantly, she needed to be taken away where she could never be hurt again…and I was the fairy who would be taking care of business.

I couldn’t ease her pain openly, for it would ruin everything if I revealed myself to her too soon. I had to plan things carefully. I couldn’t be too hasty, but I couldn’t doddle either. My worst nightmare was finding her in the morgue as a result of a fatal thrashing from that thing she was married to.

I needed to distract her, to get her away from the table so I could add a healing potion to her remaining tea. Being a fairy had its perks and I gladly took every advantage I could. I shrank even smaller, making myself virtually invisible. Entering through the ventilation system, I made my way to the living room where I knocked some magazines off the coffee table. “Dammit!” she muttered darkly upon hearing the periodicals hit the floor.

It hurt my heart knowing it would cause her misery to pick up the magazines, but there was no choice. I comforted myself with the knowledge that she’d be feeling much better in a matter of minutes. I hated hiding my presence from her and wished with everything in me that I could do more to protect her.

I knew she’d take care of the fallen publications right away. The scumbag insisted on everything being in its proper place, and she would suffer horribly if anything was out of order. I’d seen him savagely twist her arm behind her back once when the floor hadn’t yet been buffed. It had taken all my willpower not to burst in and throttle him the instant she’d screamed in surprise and pain.



As soon as she turned her back, I quickly emptied the contents of the vial into the teapot and remaining tea in the delicate little cup. It was tasteless and odorless, so she’d have no idea she was under treatment, magical or mundane. I hid in the folds of the curtains when she reentered the kitchen and resumed sipping her tea. Elation flooded my very being as I watched the pinched expression leave her face. The black spots in her aura faded, making it return to its normal exquisite colors. A mixture of orange and yellow, her aura symbolized courage and kindness. Purple sparks dancing through it spoke of creativity and talent. The fact that her aura and demeanor hadn’t been taken over by the blackness of sorrow, fear, and bitterness amazed me. Calista knew she had every reason to be sorrowful, embittered, and scared.

“Strange. I thought my ribs were broken for sure.” Her soft voice brought sunlight to my soul. “If I believed in that sort of thing, I’d swear there was something in this tea. Too bad magic isn’t real. I could use some right now.”



Oh, my love, it’s real, and you’ll realize it very soon. I swallowed around the lump constricting my throat as tears began trickling down her cheeks. The pull toward her was irresistable. Remaining in my minute size, I brushed my lips against her wet cheek, tasting the saltiness of her tears. Do not weep, my lovely one, for this will soon be behind you. You will feel better and I shall love it if you played your special song on your piano.

Her fingers came to rest on the spot where my lips had just been. A puzzled expression momentarily crossed her features, then cleared. “I could have sworn…” She shrugged her slender shoulders then arose gracefully, all traces of physical discomfort gone. “Guess I’ll play a little piano. That always comforts me.”



Telepathy was a gift I had never possessed, but my unspoken request somehow reached her. I watched hypnotically as her beautiful, skilled hands flowed effortlessly over the keys and she started to sing. Her clear soprano voice bewitched me and I could not move, save the fluttering of my wings to keep me airborne.

Her name was Adrienne, and she was a goddess…my goddess. I loved everything about her and longed for the day I could show her. Taking away her pain, offering her what little comfort I could, and witnessing the unleashing of her vast talent made being late for work worthwhile.