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What Happened? Where Have You Been???

Yes, dear readers and Simmers, these are the questions in terms of my whereabouts. I’m sorry to have dropped off. It seems that when things begin to calm down, something else happens. My deepest apologies for that, but sometimes RL certainly knows how to throw the curveballs at you.

So, what has happened? Well, a lot. The big thing is that I ended up getting Covid in January – the hubs and I both did. Sucks, right? Oh, yes it did! Thankfully, we were fully vaccinated and boosted so it didn’t get as bad as it likely would have otherwise. The hubs, thankfully, only felt as though he got a mild cold and was feeling better in about two or three days after our positive Covid test. I, however, wasn’t so lucky. I ran a slight fever for a couple days and felt like I was getting the beginnings of bronchitis. I’m asthmatic, so any kind of cold/flu/whatever goes right to my chest, and I tend to get really, really sick with it. As far as respiratory, I’m happy to say that it didn’t feel much worse than beginning bronchitis. I did have shortness of breath and some mild coughing, but that didn’t last long. I also got a headache that hung on, and my taste was certainly off for a while. The headache and altered taste took a while to go away, with the altered taste lasting a couple weeks or so. It did, however, mess up my stomach so had to keep to a liquid diet for a bit. The big thing that debilitated me, though, was the fatigue, lightheadedness, body aches, and all-around weakness. I couldn’t stray far from my bed for at least a couple weeks, and all I wanted to do was sleep. That lasted a good 2-3 weeks, but I still have a little residual effects from it. It’s getting a lot better, but I still get rather tired easily, and sometimes an afternoon nap is a must. But all in all, I’m very fortunate, and it gets better day by day and week by week.


All the dogs are doing great. Our little Brody, now 7-months old, weighs 25 pounds! Can you believe it? He was a little 8-pounder when we picked him up at around 8 weeks of age. Now, he’s tripppled in size and weight. My little baby isn’t so little anymore although we still sometimes call him “Little Guy.” But he’s so smart and is blossoming in his development. Everyone gets on well, and all of them are very much used to each other.

Now, I suppose I should move on to what’s going on with my stories and playing Sims, in general. Well, I had a couple of major setbacks, I’m sorry to say. All was going well, and I was playing a personal game (one I haven’t showed on my YouTube channel or used in a story thus far) where I made a lot of progress with this Sim I was playing. I upped a bunch of her skills, she was making a killing at making and selling Plumbots, and she was at Level 9 of the Commedian (a custom career I downloaded) career. All went fine until my updated anti-virus wanted me to add a component of extra security which I did, thinking it was a good thing. Boy howdy, was I wrong! It started throwing files into Quarantine that didn’t need to go. My computer began to act completely wonky, and that beautiful save I’d been playing just would not open. I fiddled and fenagled, finally having to take it back to an earlier restore point before all the damage happened. Well, in general, the computer worked after that, but there was no salvaging my save I’d been playing. Heck, it didn’t even show up in the main menu although I had only it and one other save in my Saves folder at the time. I tried the backup I had, and still no go. Unfortunately, I’ve had to put that on the back burner and will try to rebuild my progress with it when I’m not so friggin’ disgusted. Thank goodness for Master Controller.

Then, I ended up downloading some more Mods and soon realized I had some conflicts and outdated stuff. By that time, I’d totally redone my Mods folder and, thankfully, had the new ones in a test folder. My game got super messed up, and it took me a good two weeks to figure out what was causing the issue. Those of you who play Sims 3 and have Mods, you know how long it can take for the game to load. I kept sliding Mods in and out, loading, exiting, sliding more Mods in and out, reloading, exiting…again, and again. Well, you get the picture and have an idea of how time consuming that can be. Come to find out, it was a Mod I totally overlooked, thinking it wasn’t the culprit. Boy, did I feel dumb!

My CAS was also loading super, super slow, and I couldn’t stand it. I ended up redoing my CC folders and remerging some content and taking some out. Hell, I couldn’t even make a Sim without the game crashing, so something had to be done. Yet, another time consuming activity. Anyway, once I got everything working properly again, I needed a total break (my brain was utterly fried) and engaged in some other hobbies until I felt the urge to play Sims and write again.

So, this brings me to present day where I’m getting back on the proverbial horse. I’ve been working on some chapter pieces and scenes, mainly for Forever in Time and should have Chapter 40 released tomorrow hopefully. I do have a busy day due to RL tomorrow, so it’ll depend on how quickly I can get into game, set things up, and get screenshots. I’m planning and hoping that further chapters will come much, much more rapidly and the story can move along. After all, poor Lenora has been in a very bad way for a long, long time (in real time), and we need to get things improved for her. However, there is still a lot more drama, twists, and turns to come. That said, I do hope I still have readers who’ve stuck with me.

I don’t want to make this post dreadfully long so I will end here for the time being. Please continue to hang in with me and look for a new chapter in the very, very near future. As always, I thank you for your patience, support, and perseverance.

With love always,

SweetNightingale  🙂

Nise Dreamweaver
Nise Dreamweaverhttps://sweetnightingale.com/
Dedicated Simmer but late to the party. :) I started playing Sims in 2011, having learned with Sims 3. I've come to love other Sims games but TS3 is my go-to game. I started out as a Sims Let's Player on YouTube, then focused my attention toward SimLit. I like reading and writing a variety of genres. I primarily write romances and think I'm pretty good at pulling on the heartstrings. :) I tend to beat up my characters a bit but am not always mean. I tend to go toward Supernatural storylines but can and will write more "normal" scenarios if need be.


  1. My goodness, you have had a time of it haven’t you! I’m so very glad you managed covid fairly well and thankful you were vaxed and boosted for it as well with your asthma.

    Mind telling us which mod it was in the end there? The one you said you overlooked.

    Oh and CUTE PUPPY! Beagles are the cutest with those eyes.

    • Sorry it took me a couple days to get back to you. It got a little crazier here than expected, so I’m a little late answering comments.

      Oh, I know! I’m grateful we didn’t get Covid before the vaccines were available to us. Otherwise, I think I’d have been one of those unfortunate people who got very, very sick with it. Things like viruses and such don’t hit me often but when they do, they pack quite a punch. Yes, with my asthma, this stuff is nothing to play around with.

      I forget the exact name of the Mod but it was something like Create Any Lot Size. You know how when you go into Edit Town and you want to place a lot, but there are only select sizes by default to choose from. This Mod allowed you to make any lot size you want so you can put down those oddly sized houses/venues that would look wonky on a default sized lot. I used that Mod for years but then had to take it out eventually because it was outdated and messed up my game. I decided to try it again, as it seemed to be updated a little further, but it turned out to be a disaster. When I’d load a game, I found that it messed up the map layout, putting in a bunch of weird small empty lots and making the rabbitholes disappear. So unfortunately, out it had to come. Too bad because it sure was useful when it worked.

      Awww, thanks. 🙂 Yeah, he is pretty adorable. Beagles are great – second only to Golden Retrievers. 😀 The hubs had two Beagles, the second one having turned into my couch buddy when we got together. We missed her like crazy when she had to go to the Bridge, and we always wanted another one. Brody would totally steal your heart. 🙂

  2. It’s sooooooooooo good to see you, chickie! I’ve been a bit MIA myself because a close family member has been in the hospital for several weeks now.

    I hope you continue to improve in your health and I can’t wait to read your new chapter!!

    Muah! xoxoxo

    • Sorry it took me a little bit to respond to your comment. For whatever reason, your comments have been going into my spam folder, which is odd since they’ve always made it before. Strange, but I think I got the problem licked. 🙂

      It’s hard when RL gives you a monkey wrench to deal with. 🙁 I hope whoever was in the hospital is better and that life is settling down for you. I know 2021, for me, was an awful, awful year that I was so happy to see the backside of. This year started out with a bang due to Covid and that set me back, but things are definitely looking up. 🙂 For my sanity, I certainly need that.

      My next chapter will be out very soon, and the story will be moving along at a good clip. I won’t go into details, but Tyrone is going to get a visitor who will give him some disturbing cryptic advice but offer him a glimmer of hope. Things are about to get very heated and intense very quickly. 😀

      Much love. Muah baxk!

    • Hey there! 🙂 Long time, no see/talk. Hope all is well with you. Thank you so much. 🙂 It’s nice to be on the mend. It took a while and I’m still not quite fully there, but I’m plugging away. 🙂

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This is where it all began. Meet Lenora Landgraab, the star of this blog. She's our main character in "Forever in 'Time" as well as its suppliments. She started out as a Sim I created in 2013, and the rest is history. She took on a life of her own. Without her, this blog would not exist. She has so much of a story to tell so if you're new here, I suggest reading her backstory first before diving into the story proper. I hope ou love reading about her as much as I love telling her story.

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