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Update for October 12, 2018

Howdy-dowdy Diddle-um-Day, my fellow Simmers and readers, 🙂

Yes, it’s been a little over a month since an update occurred so I thought I’d post an update as to what’s been happening. Let’s get down to it, shall we?

This time of year seems to always be super busy, starting just after Labor Day. The choral group I’m a part of started up again so I’ve had a fair amount of new music I’m learning as we speak. Not to mention, we’ve been crazy busy with Lions Club stuff. We went out of town t Columbus, OH for the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, which was a lot of fun. Sadly, the food sucked acorns though; I’d say it was the worst fare of any of the forums we’ve been to – and I’ve been to a good chunk of them. Even so, lots of fun stuff and of course, the people there are awesome.

I was home for a little over a week and then took a mini-trip to Michigan with another group of Lions. Our Lions Foundation arranges a trip to Leader Dogs for the Blind so folks can go and see what guide dogs are all about. Alex and I always like to tag along for the ride when we can, so we ditched hubby and Old Man Caleb (my retired guide dog) for a couple of days. It was a great trip, we had a lot of laughs, and I think some folks learned a lot. But…well, let’s just say the ride up there wasn’t exactly smooth. Our charter bus had a near collision with a vehicle in front of us when our driver stopped suddenly when the car in front of us did a quick stop. I mean, it was sudden! I thought we were going to crash into it for sure. Anyway, the force of it sent me sprawling to the floor (I was all the way in back so you know bumpy the back of a bus is) and racked up my right knee and shoulder quite nicely. Ohhh, was I sore! The gal across the aisle from me did a–a-hem–beautiful faceplant in back of the seat in front of her and scratched her glasses. Some others got some scrapes and bruises but thankfully, nobody was hurt seriously. Me, I went to immediate care after getting home where they told me my shoulder was rather badly strained. So, I got some lovely muscle relaxers and prescription Motrin (yay, drugs LOL!). Sadly, my back issues also flared up, which didn’t help matters. Needless to say, sitting in my comfy computer chair wasn’t so comfy for a while.

I’m feeling human again, but my problems weren’t over. My Sims 3 game decided to take a dive, so it came down to me having to rebuild my entire Sims 3 folder from scratch. It took me about a day and half the night to get it done. Thankfully, I didn’t lose anything because I always back up my stuff (lesson learned the hard way a few years ago). I didn’t have to reinstall the game and packs themselves, but of course, I had to put back my Mods and reinstall all my store content. Yesterday, I was playing and discovered that some of my stuff was missing (I thought I had all my store stuff backed up but I was missing some), so i had to redownload and install a chunk of store stuff I apparently didn’t have in my backup folder. I’m now happy to report that I’m good to go and everything appears to be there now. Plus, I’m even happier that I was able to take it back to Patch 1.67 rather than the 1.69 that everyone hated. Now, it runs like a top (well, as much as Sims 3 can with all the crap I have in there), so I can now get back to playing, making some videos, and getting some updates out. Yay!

So, onto some plans I’ve got in the mix. All my stories will be continuing as usual but I’m going to be adding a new series. The chapters will be stand-alone chapters, as they’ll be featuring different Sims/families I’m playing. I have MANY saves aside from the ones for my stories and of course, I love creating backstories for all my Sims. So, what I’ve decided to do is make a sort of getting to know you series where the Sim writes a sort of diary/journal entry that tells us who they are and what happens in their daily life. We might see Sims from my other stories when I just need to play their save file to get them to a certain point, so they may make an entry. Think of it as a Current Household (you see folks like me making videos to show the current household they’re playing) but in blog/written format. Please note that it won’t be a legacy or an ongoing story. However, if you like a particular Sim/household, i’d be more than happy to make other entries for them.

I’ve been toying with this sort of thing for a while but got really inspired while reading Kymber’s story about her Noble family. I love the idea of Sims writing journal entries to tell a story, as I feel it’s a great way to get to know them intimately. This is also a great way for me to write different personalities and to give my characters their own voice. Anyway, I hope you guys like the idea and will enjoy reading the entries.

Wishing you all a SimTastic weekend.



  1. Thank you so much for the shout out! I can’t wait to see what you do. 🙂 Sounds like you had quite a bus ride there. Yikes! I’m glad it wasn’t any worse, but it sounds like no minor thing there. I hope you’re in tiptop shape soon. <3

    • Thank you so much! You’re so welcome for the shout out. I highly enjoy our story. 🙂 I think this project will be loads of fun, and I can’t wait to see where this goes. First post is up now, actually. 🙂 Oh man, yeah, what a ride! It was quite scary there for a minute and I was like, “What the…?” when I went sprawling. I feel much better, and thank goodness we didn’t crash. We were very fortunate.

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This is where it all began. Meet Lenora Landgraab, the star of this blog. She's our main character in "Forever in 'Time" as well as its suppliments. She started out as a Sim I created in 2013, and the rest is history. She took on a life of her own. Without her, this blog would not exist. She has so much of a story to tell so if you're new here, I suggest reading her backstory first before diving into the story proper. I hope ou love reading about her as much as I love telling her story.

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