HomeForever in TimeForever in Time: Chapter 68, Her Father's Heart, Part 1

Forever in Time: Chapter 68, Her Father’s Heart, Part 1

***Content Warning! Mild Swearing and Hankie Alert***


As if in a dream, Luna heard soft voices around her while she lay upon the softest cloud imaginable. “She’ll be all right. It’s just a faint.”


“Perhaps I said too much, Erica, love. That, along with her emotional state–ah, I’m afraid it was too much information too quickly.” A large, heavy hand was on her forehead, yet it was so gentle, so kind. Strong, capable fingers brushed the hair away from Luna’s brow, but they felt safe and right. Did they belong to the man who’d just spoken?

“It’s best to have it all out in the open, sweetheart.” A female voice spoke now, and Luna felt smaller and lighter fingers squeezing her hand.


Luna felt her other hand being lifted, now cradled in the same warm, steady hand that had so tenderly lain upon her brow. “Yes, but look what it has done to her. If there had been another way–” The man sounded so worried. Luna felt him bring the back of her hand to his lips to kiss it, then rest it against his cheek. Who was he? He felt so familiar to her somehow. Had her father come to her at last? Was this how it felt to have a father who loved her? //Father?// She tried to form the word, to utter it aloud, but she couldn’t. Firm yet gentle pressure surrounded her hand. Comforting pressure…pressure containing such love.

“She’ll be all right. She’s strong. I sense that in her.”


“As do I, Erica, my love. She is strong and brave. My daughter! I can scarcely believe it. Oh, she’s so beautiful, Erica.” OMG, the man was her father. He’d plainly said it…and he called her beautiful. Again, Luna willed her lips to form words, but all she managed was a soft, little sigh. She tried to shift so she could face him, needing him to understand she heard him. //Father,// she tried again, succeeding to speak aloud in the dream but only in her mind in reality. Even so, the man seemed to sense her. Could he read her mind somehow? Luna felt the soft cloud shift slightly as the man leaned closer to her. “Oh, my beautiful baby girl…my brave, beautiful baby girl. You just rest a little while longer if you need to. You’re safe, and I’m not going anywhere.”

“I knew you would find her one day,” the female voice said softly. “I know what this means to you, darling, and you know I’m behind you all the way.”

“I know, my love, but sometimes I wonder if I deserve such understanding. I was a very different man before you came.”

“That’s all in the past, Deus. No regrets, my darling. What matters is what we do now and where we go from here.” Soft, floral scented feminine hands stroked Luna’s hair before she felt a cool cloth being applied to her forehead. “We’ll have to tell the family, but before that, we need to find out how Luna feels and where we stand with her.”


“I hate the thought of losing her right when I found her. Do I dare hope she can forgive me? I want her in my life…our lives, Erica, her and Grace.” Again, the man’s fingers curled snugly over Luna’s. She sensed him kiss the back of her hand again. Was her father an angel? Dear Calista, his voice sounded like an angel. He was holding her hand so lovingly…and he said…he said…

“Of course, you do,” the woman…Erica…said matter-of-factly. “You wouldn’t be the man I love if you didn’t.”

“I love you, Erica.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart, and Luna will come to love you just as much as our other children do. Just you wait and see.”

//Love you? I already do! Father?// Luna needed to tell him, to make him believe her so he wouldn’t leave her. But he just said he wanted her…and Grace. It had taken so long to find her. Why had it taken so long? He was here now though, holding her hand and being so gentle. This had to be a dream, a dream she hadn’t had for such a very long time.

In the dream, Luna was crying openly. In reality, a single tear escaped from under her closed eyes and drifted slowly down her cheek. She heard the man…her father…inhale sharply, felt his fingers glide over her cheek in a tender caress. Then, Erica spoke. “Is she all right? It seems she’s hearing everything we’re saying.”


Her father’s hand was on her forehead again, soothing her. If only this were real. This was always how she imagined her father: strong, brave, unbeatable, but also gentle and loving…oh, so very loving. She wanted to hold him here, to make the dream stay forever. If she woke up, he would be gone, just a figment of her imagination.

“She’s surfacing,” he whispered. “I sense she’ll wake any minute now.”

“Be gentle with her, darling. She’s had a hell of a shock, and she’s going to be confused and groggy,” Erica warned. “She may be frightened to see you hovering over her.”

“Yes, I understand,” her father replied.


The voices grew more distinct as awareness dissipated Luna’s dreamlike, floating state. Her eyes fluttered open to see a beautiful blond couple leaning over her, both looking concerned. She moaned softly and shook her head in bewilderment.


“Hey, baby girl. There you are.” Deus’s hand engulfed Luna’s tiny fingers.

“Well now, look who’s up,” Erica said, grinning down at her. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

Luna blinked owlishly, then, her eyes widened. “Oh!” She tried to shrink into the bed but realized there was nowhere to go.

“Shhh, Luna, you’re all right. You’re safe, I promise. No one will hurt you. You’re all right, baby girl. All will be well,” Deus said in low, soothing tones while stroking the back of her hand.

His calm voice and loving touch slowly penetrated the groggy disorientation. Along with her returning awareness, Luna’s memories came. Her gaze traveled from his face to Erica’s, then back to his. “Father? You’re my father,” she whispered, her eyes never leaving his face. She drank him in, and there was no mistaking the love and concern etched there.

“That’s right,” Deus whispered, his other hand moving to stroke her hair. “I’m your father, sweetheart. This is Erica. Do you remember?” he asked gently, indicating his wife with a slight nod in her direction.


Luna furrowed her brow and nodded. Her voice catching on a sob and tears leaking from her eyes, she whispered, “I came to see you–about the house. I needed to tell you who I was in hopes you would be more inclined to help us because—because–”

“Here now,” Deus whispered, wiping her tears with the unmistakable touch of an experienced father who’d done this so many times before. “Of course I’ll help you, sweet girl. Don’t you worry about that. You and Grace will want for nothing, I promise you. We can talk about that later though, all right? I think there are other things that need to be said. Do you agree?”

Luna just stared at him, wide-eyed. It finally dawned on her she was horizontal. When the final memory of the woozy feeling flooded back, she groaned. “Well, shit. I’ve gone and done it this time, haven’t I?” Her cheeks flamed, and she wished for a sinkhole to swallow her whole.

Despite the situation, Erica and Deus stole a glance at each other before creasing in soft laughter. “I think I’d have fainted, too. It’s very understandable,” Erica said, patting Luna’s shoulder.


“I’m afraid I gave you quite the shock, sweetheart. I’m so sorry. I just didn’t know any other way to say it without dancing around it,” Deus said, squeezing her hand.

“Don’t apologize. I’m glad you told me. I just…I never expected you knew…and I don’t want you to think I came here to get one up on you or to be a mooch. You see, I’ve always taken care of Grace and myself. We always found a way, no matter what. I’m not used to asking for help or admitting I’m in over my head,” Luna said, casting her eyes away from his face. “I pay my way and make good on my commitments.”

“Sweetheart, look at me,” Deus said, gently taking Luna’s face between his hands so she had to look into his eyes. “I never thought any such thing, and I can see how hard this is for you. You are a strong, independent woman who loves her girl fiercely. That is something to be so very proud of, Luna.” When she nodded and smiled, Deus continued. “The way I see it, you’re family, and I take that very much to heart. We love and support each other, and we help each other, especially during dark times. No matter what, I’m your father, and what I do for you is exactly what I’d do for any of my other children.”


“But you don’t know me, and I don’t want to mess things up with your family. What are they going to say if they know about Grace and me? They may not be so welcoming.” Luna locked her earnest gaze with his intense one. “They make bad movies about this kind of thing.”

When Deus chuckled, the corners of Luna’s mouth curled up in a slight grin. “Indeed they do, but you know how Hollywood handles any kind of situation. It’s always so over the top, extra as Aurora and Andrea are prone to say.” Deus grinned when a soft peel of laughter erupted from Luna. Then, his expression grew serious, and he looked intently into her face. “Luna, honey, I want to get to know you if you’ll have me. I want you in my life, both you and Grace. I want more than anything to be a father to you and a grandfather to Grace. I realize this is long overdue and we have a lot to talk about, but please tell me it’s not too late for us to begin a relationship.”

More tears leaked from Luna’s eyes, but she was smiling now. “When I was a little girl, I dreamed about what it would be like for my father to come to me, to hold my hand as you’re doing now, to hold me. Time after time, I pictured what he would look like, how his voice would sound. No matter how many storylines I came up with, there was always one that stuck in my head. I’d been asleep but would wake just before dawn after maybe having a nightmare or being thirsty but too lazy to get our of bed.” She grinned sheepishly as another tear squeezed from the corner of her left eye. Then, she smiled softly when Deus tenderly wiped it away. “When I awoke, a handsome man would be sitting on the bed beside me, smiling and holding my hand…just like now. He’d tell me he was my father and was looking for me for a long, long time. He’d say I was beautiful and he loved me. He’d smile at me and open his arms to me, and…well, you get the picture. Little girls and their fantasies, you know? But I grew up and put the dream aside. After all, I had my mother and later, Grace, so there was so much for me to be thankful for.”


At her last statement, Luna saw Deus’s expression turn to one of abject sorrow, his eyes growing moist. Feeling her heart squeeze, she was quick to squeeze his hand. “You misunderstand. I put the dream aside, but there was always a glimmer of hope in the back of my mind. I never gave up the wish to find you. Even if you couldn’t accept me as your daughter, at least I’d know who you were. And then…today…while I was out of it, I dreamed, or I think I did. You were telling Erica you wanted Grace and me in your life, that you hoped I could forgive you. You called me brave and beautiful. I felt you holding my hand, stroking my hair. Your voice…it sounded like an angel. I didn’t want the dram to end because I figured you’d be gone. Then, I woke up and there you were…and are…just like in my dream. If that isn’t a sign, I don’t know what is. The selfish part of me wants to throw myself into your arms and beg you not to leave me, but Deus…Mr. Landgraab…I’m not a naïve little girl anymore, and I know something like this can tear a family apart. I don’t want to be the cause of that, and my Grace has been through hell enough to be the object of animosity and hatred.” Realizing she was still in a horizontal position, she moved to sit up. This wasn’t the type of conversation to have while flat on her back. To Luna’s surprise, Deus was right there to assist her, sliding his arms under her back and lifting her easily. Great Goddess Calista, he was so kind and attentive. How blessed his children must feel to have such wonderful parents like Deus and Erica. It was clear they had so much love to give, and that love was doled out in spades.


Deus kept a firm arm around Luna to be sure she could sit without feeling dizzy. It took great effort for Luna to keep from melting against him and letting her head fall to his shoulder. However, he seemed to sense where her thoughts were going. “Luna, I think you need to put your head here,” Deus whispered, pointing to his shoulder. When she moved her lips to protest, he put a gentle finger to them. “Don’t argue.” At seeing the earnest look in his eyes and discerning it in his aura, Luna complied, unable to resist.

Luna sneaked a glance at Erica, who was smiling beatifically at them. “Thank you, Erica, for not hating me for bringing this into your life.” She heaved a sigh and closed her eyes briefly. “Boy howdy! More wine sounds heavenly right about now.”

To her amazement, Deus and Erica burst out laughing. Deus squeezed her close and placed a fatherly kiss atop her dark hair. “Luna, my love, you don’t yet know it, but let me assure you that you fit right in with the crazy lot of us.” When the short interlude of mirth faded away, Deus spoke softly but with immense resolution in every word. “I’m going to tell you something here and now, and I want you to listen very closely, all right? Then, we’ll go back downstairs for more wine where we can talk some more.”

“All right,” Luna whispered.

“The rest of the family is not going to hate or ostracize you. Far from it, in fact. Erica has known from the beginning that I have a daughter from a previous relationship. When the kids were old enough to understand, I told them as well. Keeping such secrets never bodes well in the end, so Erica and I felt it best to be honest and upfront with them. At first, they were shocked, but they came around when they realized their mother and I were in total agreement about wanting to find you and have you be a part of our family. After the shock wore off, their curiosity got the better of them. They’re on board with finding and getting to know their sister.” When Luna gaped, slack-jawed, at him, he slowly nodded and smiled. “They don’t know who you are just yet, but I can assure you, you’ll be a bright spot for them, especially Tyrone, during these current dark times.”


Luna finally recovered the ability of speech, her watery eyes meeting the intense ones of her father. “His wife. I’m a huge fan of her books. I was so saddened by her death, and Grace and I talked a lot about it when she became friends with their daughters and Avery. That poor man! I cannot fathom how he even survived. From what I know of imprinting, losing their mate is the worst, most horribly painful thing a wolf can live through if they even survive.”

“Yes, indeed,” Deus said grimly. “There’s a lot more to the story than what the general public knows, and I’ll bring you up to speed in a bit. Just know that us finding you and Grace will be a beacon. Another thing. Tyrone has an absolute soft spot for Grace. He has mentioned it to us several times and says she’s such a dear little thing. In his heart and sixth sense, he recognizes Grace as one of his although two and two haven’t come together just yet. Also, consider how quickly Grace formed a bond with her best friends. There is a reason for that.”

Luna nodded but looked flummoxed. “The first day Grace went to school, she told me it was like magic. I witnessed it myself when Andrea came to show us around. I was so thankful and relieved it had gone so well but never really thought about how or why it all just clicked into place the way it did.”

“You and Grace are Pack, plain and simple,” Erica said as though it were a no brainer.

“I don’t know what to say,” Luna whispered, moved nearly to tears once again.

“Just answer two questions for me before we go any farther,” Deus replied.

“Sure, if I can,” said Luna.

“Is it too late for you to want me…all of us…in your life, Luna? I have so much I want and need to say to you. Would you be willing to stay for dinner?”

Luna mustered a wobbly smile, squeezing his fingers when his warm, sure hands gloved hers. Eyes swimming, Luna inclined her head in ascent. “It’s not too late. If you really want Grace and me…it’s not too late, and I’d love to stay for dinner. Just let me text Grace so she knows I won’t be home until later.”


Author’s Note: Poses used in this chapter are from two different sets. The first one is by Mypalsim and can be found here. You’ll have to scroll quite a ways to find the set, Sick in Bed, but it’s worth it. If you’re looking for older pose packs, there are some great ones.

The second set I used is by BlamsArt and can be found here. Again, lots of excellent pose packs for Sims 3 on there.

Nise Dreamweaver
Nise Dreamweaverhttps://sweetnightingale.com/
Dedicated Simmer but late to the party. :) I started playing Sims in 2011, having learned with Sims 3. I've come to love other Sims games but TS3 is my go-to game. I started out as a Sims Let's Player on YouTube, then focused my attention toward SimLit. I like reading and writing a variety of genres. I primarily write romances and think I'm pretty good at pulling on the heartstrings. :) I tend to beat up my characters a bit but am not always mean. I tend to go toward Supernatural storylines but can and will write more "normal" scenarios if need be.


  1. I really liked the description of the tear that escaped and drifted down Luna’s cheek.

    That sentence where Luna wants to be swallowed by a sink hole is hilarious. I could really see Luna saying that. haha

    Things are really coming together for the family/pack as we get ready to rescue Lenora. I’m so glad Luna and Grace will be a part of the family and that all her fears about meeting her father can rest now.

    I like how the story is shaping up, Nise. This is good writing. 🙂 xo

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 I’m glad you liked the part about the tear. I figured with her being in this sort of dreamlike state where she’s hearing everything they’re saying and sensing what’s going on, even if it’s hazy, Luna might “spring a leak.” She’s had to deal with a lot lately and was so unsure about how this meeting would go.

      LOLOLOL!!!! I’m glad you got a good laugh over the sinkhole sentence. 😀 Oh yes, that is so Luna. Right now, she’s been rather emotionally overwrought and for good reason, but you’ll see a goofy side to her emerge very soon. 😀

      Oh yes, for sure. A lot of things are falling into place and coming together very well for the family/pack, especially now that we’re gearing up to get Lenora back. It’s that unity, that Pack mentality of coming together and taking care of each other. Gosh, me, too! I’m so tickled pink that Grace and Luna get to be right in the fold. It’ll be good for both of them, and I think it’ll really help Grace blossom and grow after the hell she’s been through. It’s so needed for both of them, and the fears about meeting her father can definitely rest now. The hard part is over, although the next chapter will have a lot of backstory material. As a little prep detail, make sure you got plenty of tissues or hankies because there’s gonna be another Hankie Alert. 😀 😀

      Thank you so much, my dear friend. 🙂 <3 I'm so glad you are liking how everything is shaping up and you find the writing good. :) That means so much.. Often, I end up worrying if 'I've conveyed what I'm trying to achieve. This chapter, as will the next, has a lot of character building and development. We get to see what Luna has been through and witness her legitimate fear about meeting her father and the possible fallout from that. She loves Grace more than anything in the world and is always in the mindset of protecting her and putting her first. That makes Luna an excellent mother. Deus (Erica, too) was so sweet to her and was right there to take care of her when she needed him. I think it's also nice to see this softer, nurturing part of Deus. Now, we see where Tyrone gets it from. :)

      • I know what you mean. I wonder the same things all the time about how it all comes off or will it come off the way I want it to? Maybe all writers wonder that now and again. That’s one reason why I enjoy writing on my blog as you get reader reactions right away. I’m always looking for ways to improve my writing, so that feedback is so important.

        I can tell you, work hard on your prose and it shows in a very positive way. xoxo

        • Oh, I totally agree. I know I’m my own worst critic and am always questioning myself. I want readers to be invested in the characters and care about what happens tothem along with providing entertaining storylines. I know when I want something to be intense, for example, I always wonder if I carried it off rather than having it look weak a elementary school-esque. Same thing when it’s meant to be very emotionally charged/a tear jerker. Did I actually pul lit off or did it seem just cobbled together? I hear you on reader reactions right away. I always crave those comments and love it when people actually enjoy the content/prose. I’ve never had anyone tell me I totally suck as a writer, so that’s something to be grateful for. 😀 I can only hope I don’t suck and the story is something people actually look forward to reading.

          I’m always looking for ways to improve my writing as well and hate when I feel like I go stagnant.

          Awwww thank you so much, my friend. Yes, I do work hard and I’m so glad it shows. In fact, I had another version of this chapter but ended up not liking it while doing the editing process so ended up scrapping pretty much the whole thing and rewriting. That happens to me from tme to time, but I’m usually much happier with the rewrite. One thing I never want to do is put something together that’s just half-assed.

          • IMO, what it really comes down to is, are you enjoying the writing process? That’s what matters. But I’m the same way, always wondering if I’ve done enough to convey what my characters are feeling or doing.

            I’ve scrapped so many chapters, too. LOL You gotta do what you gotta do. 😀

          • Exactly! But like you said, you wonder sometimes. I think every writer goes through that, as you said earlier, and I totally agree.

            Very true. It’s frustrating to have to scrap an entire chapter, but it’s best to discover you don’t like it before you publish it so you can fix it. I would rather scrap something than to have published it, and not be happy. 😋

          • Yes, same here. I’m still working on the next chapter of Old Stone. I know what I want it to be about and what needs to happen in order to advance the story, but I want it to feel right when it’s done and it’s just not there yet.

          • I totally feel your pain. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been stuck because I just couldn’t get it to work out the way I wanted. Sometimes I’ve had to let some things sit for a while, and then it just clicks into place when I come back to it. You will get it though, and it will be great. I definitely look forward to reading it. By the way, my next chapter is up in case you haven’t seen it yet. 😋

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This is where it all began. Meet Lenora Landgraab, the star of this blog. She's our main character in "Forever in 'Time" as well as its suppliments. She started out as a Sim I created in 2013, and the rest is history. She took on a life of her own. Without her, this blog would not exist. She has so much of a story to tell so if you're new here, I suggest reading her backstory first before diving into the story proper. I hope ou love reading about her as much as I love telling her story.

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