Monthly Archives: February, 2017

The Pen Pal Project: Lenora to Meadow 3

WARNING: This contains spoilers to my story, "Forever in Time." Events from that story are discussed in Lenora's letter. To read "Forever in Time,"...

The Pen Pal Project: Gentian’s Profile

Name: Gentian Moore Select your age bracket: 30-50 Desired age of pen pal: Any Vocation: Such a simple question ought to have a simple answer but alas,...

The Pen Pal Project: Tara’s Profile

Name: Tara McBeth Select your age bracket: 10-15 Desired age of pen pal: Any Vocation: Well, seeing as child labor seems to be frowned upon, that question...

The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Jasper 3

Greetings, Jasper, Your letter could not have come at a more perfect time. Reading your words was like a soothing balm to my heart, which is...

The Pen Pal Project: Liam to Emily 3

Dear Emily, As always, it was such a pleasure to receive your letter. No worries about scaring me off. I've lived too long a life to...

The Pen Pal Project: Mathilda to Giuliana

Dear Tersues, First of all, you've picked a very cool moniker to go by. Tazer packs a great punch but Terseus is clever! I like...

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